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I migliori ristoranti in Firenze

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Ristorante Rosticceria da Paolo E Alba

11/08/2024: Excellent porcini tortelli!!! Excellent value for money
11/07/2024: We eat homely, I would even say well. Nothing special but well cooked, cheap business menu and à la carte menu as well. Wine (sin) in bulk. Friendly and personal owner as well.


Ristorante A Casa Tua

26/08/2024: Visita a casa Boccaccio ed a Certaldo alta, viene ora di pranzo e ci fermiamo in questo locale un pò bistrot un pò taverna, con tavoli esterni adossati al muro che costeggia la via principale e che fornisce una piacevole ombra. L'offerta è toscana, a pranzo non ho visto paitti strutturati, offerti a cena, ma piuttosto una serie di antipasti tipici toscni e quindi taglieri con salumi e formaggi, crostini e bruschette. Noi prediamo i crostini con il patè di fegato, servito caldino e devo dire tutto sommato paicevole anche se io lo preferisco un pochino più "strong", questo risultava molto cremoso e forse un pizzico troppo corretto di aromi o spezie, ripeto comunque paicevole. Prediamo le bruschette con il pomodoro, tipiche bruschette con il pomodoro e un tagliere di salumi buoni in linea con l'offertta della zona; degno di nota il salame con la cipolla di Certaldo. Non prendiamo il dolce e paghiamo un conto in linea con quello che abbiamo mangiato. Un locale onesto che offre una cucina di tradizione in linea con l'offerta della zona, in una location sicuramente che vale il viaggio. Provatelo.
18/08/2024: I give it one star even though I would like to not give it any. Disastrous service and the owner very arrogant and rude. There were six of us and we ordered a drink each and a plate of chips. The potatoes were frozen and of very poor quality, fried with bad oil. To make matters worse, we asked for ONE sachet of ketchup and they charged us two euros. We feel cheated and we will definitely not return.


Il Vecchio e il Mare

04/08/2024: Pleasant atmosphere and particularly good pizza at normal prices. The service is a bit sloppy
03/08/2024: On a hot Florentine summer, we wanted to transport ourselves to the sea, and this place made our fantasies come true. The location is large and very beautiful, creating a perfect atmosphere for a summer evening. We shared appetizers and a very good first course. The only flaw was the polenta, which unfortunately was a bit dry and disappointed us. However, everything else was pleasant and satisfying. In conclusion, a place that gave us a moment of escape and excellent food, with only a few small improvements to be made.


The B - Urban Garden Bistrot

28/05/2024: A quiet garden bistro with an easy chill vibe, great for after dinner drinks. Ask for Holly, and she will fill you in on how to get the best out of Florence.



San casciano in val di pesa
24/06/2024: Per quanto provi a sforzarmi di valutare in primis la cucina proposta, proprio non posso iniziare senza elogiare il personale.. il vero valore aggiunto! Affabile, disponibile e di una cordialità tale da farti sentire come a casa pur essendo la tua prima volta; il caposala in particolare è stato sempre attento e pronto a "coccolare" i clienti con due chiacchiere e bazzecole scherzose. L'ambiente è caldo eppure molto curato, contribuisce senza dubbio ad accrescere il senso di familiarità pur conferendo una certa raffinatezza rusticana. Quanto ai primi, questi sono stati una vera danza di piacere e delizia, semplicemente incredibili: cottura perfetta e carne di livello, pasta realmente fresca e fatta in casa, menù molto singolare e interessante. La frittura è di una leggerezza che, con ogni condimento al punto giusto, fa gridare al piatto l'alta qualità della materia prima. Piccola nota dolente è stata un'incomprensione con l'oste che ha fatto sì che ci venissero serviti due porzioni di fritto dell'aia quando in realtà ne abbiamo ordinato soltanto una, specificando che fosse da dividere. Dispiace perché questo non ci ha permesso di prendere il dolce poiché troppi pieni a fine serata, ma poco male perché il fritto era buonissimo e abbiamo preferito mangiarlo con piacere piuttosto che far rientrare (e probabilmente buttare) una portata. Chiacchierando con il caposala è emerso l'equivoco che ha prontamente cercato di rimediare offrendo a spese loro il dolce o altro. L'esperienza resta, ad ogni modo, assolutamente piacevole e soddisfacente al massimo grado.. anzi ci ha lasciato un motivo in più per ritornare e assaggiare i dolci!
22/05/2024: Bel locale arredato con gusto. Proprietaria (e cameriera) gentile e prodiga di spiegazioni. Ottimi i cibi. Non giudicabili i dolci (non ce la facevamo). Prezzi in linea. Da tornare


Bar Citta' di Fiesole

27/07/2024: A week ago I arrived in Fiesole, well in advance of the B&B check-in; the heat doesn't allow us to stay outside, lunch time has passed... the bags, the tiredness of the journey, I shyly approach the tobacconist, aware that bivouacking there for 90 minutes to eat a stuffed focaccia + coffee is really very 'Genoese' ! Yet the welcome was as polite and helpful as with the -obvious- regulars: this is the Italy that I always hope to encounter when I travel, whether for work or on holiday; these are the little episodes that make you hope for the shreds of human empathy that here and there still resist.
20/05/2024: Small but very welcoming bar. The owner Riccardo and his collaborator are good and helpful. Very tasty sandwiches and better prices than others in the same area. For me it is an unmissable event.


Caffè Neri

Sesto fiorentino
01/08/2024: Over time it has gotten a little worse, before the desserts were better and it was less expensive.
30/07/2024: I was a customer when his name was David, I was a customer when his name was Neri. I was a customer until last week. After 24 years of serving myself in that bar, a sort of employee, when I asked for 2 glasses of water, told me "water costs money". For the record, I had already paid €0.50 per glass for them, and I had the receipt in hand. Rude like few others, he didn't even apologize. If I were the owner of the business I would put him to clean the kitchen and bathroom, certainly not at the counter where you have to be polite and kind to customers. Even the guy who had just made me 2 lattes was upset. Since I am a good Christian I don't give just 1 star. To never again.


La Carabaccia

Greve in chianti
17/06/2024: Pure, delicious pizza for lunch and more.
30/04/2024: Very kind, fast, excellent and digestible pizza from a wood-fired oven at a very affordable price


Birrificio Demonia

17/07/2024: Number one for craft beers. Absolutely worth trying.
14/07/2024: Questa birra é veramente ottima la consiglio a tutti non é facile bere delle birre artigianali buona come questa complimenti al mastro birraio


Caffetteria in piazza Frescobaldi

12/08/2024: Fresh products at fair prices, which is difficult to find in Florence. Excellent cappuccino and very friendly owners who try to be attentive and available. We were in Florence for 4 days and went there every day. I highly recommend it.
10/08/2024: Ate here almost every morning during my 3 week stay in Florence. Excellent cappuccino, and best Croissants in the area, super friendly and quick in and out.


Ristorante Pizzeria da i'Dolio

Greve in chianti
17/08/2024: Very friendly staff; excellent burgers and Schiacciata (Made with pizza dough)
15/08/2024: Friendly and friendly staff, top “Burger Hell” hamburger! Delicious with fine meat from the village butcher. Very good pizzas. The staff are helpful, joking and friendly. Go there!


Trattoria di strada La Sgranata

Sesto fiorentino
19/07/2024: A bit of a sad atmosphere... Smiles prohibited, water bottles, let's not even talk about it - I was told not to use the water bottle I had brought with me at all to avoid consuming more useless plastic. 20 minutes to order a piadina, price €7.5, so not even low. "Table service" in the sense that, when the piadina was ready, the chef brought it to me directly, in a rather abrupt manner - better to avoid it directly perhaps?! They make good offal, but I think their luck is that there aren't many restaurant businesses around, not even other sandwich shops, otherwise it's hard to explain how people are willing to go there.
21/04/2024: Lunch break with excellently cooked Tuscan specialities. Must try and come back often!



05/07/2024: Yummy peach salad, tasty iced lattes, fast service and air conditioning inside. Nice cafe.
05/07/2024: A shame. We ate today, July 5, 2024. My son ordered spaghetti with truffle for 32 euros. Don't go. A complete sabbath


Chiosco Del Galluzzo

13/07/2024: Ho provato a mangiarci un panino alle ore 18 di un giovedì. Senza alcun accenno di simpatia, la signorina mi ha detto che avevano finito tutto, e che stavano chiudendo. Me ne sono andato ma sono rimasto lì in zona, e la signorina è stata lì, col chiosco aperto, per altre due ore, a scherzare con tipici clienti local da bar. Ovviamente senza fare panini, né a me, né ad altri. Non classificabile .
09/06/2024: Excellent meat quality! I'm Mexican and lampredotto is a religion here, you have to say it was truly spectacular! Next time in Florence it will definitely be a fixed stop!!! Greetings from Milan!


L'Orto del Cigno

29/08/2024: Pizza is pizza the world over, some is inspired and some is meh. This falls somewhere in between. Nothing memorable enough to make a return visit. Setting is wonderful, a thunderstorm was moving in while we were there so it added to the ambiance. Service was so far below par it could barely be called “service.” From the moment we entered we felt like we were an intrusion rather than paying guests. Everything we asked for seemed to be a huge burden for the staff, from a bottle of olive oil to the bill. The restaurant wasn’t full, but our waiter disappeared never to be seen again and no one seemed to know what to do with us. Recommend for the setting, decent pizza, but I’d skip if not a local.
28/08/2024: Pizzone is legendary for 2 Exquisite and kind staff Excellent service

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