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I migliori ristoranti in Piemonte

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Piazza Duomo

Alba, 45-60€
23/06/2024: Sono stato al Duomo per la seconda volta, la prima era per onorare una scommessa persa,purtroppo, con l’amico Matteo. Abbiamo optato per un menù ridotto,4 portate invece delle canoniche 8-11 di un menu normale. Devo dire che le innumerevoli amuse bouche che vengono offerte valgono praticamente un pasto. L’insieme del tutto può solo definirsi un tripudio per il gusto e la vista anche se chiaramente non tutti i piatti danno le stesse soddisfazioni. Chiaramente, parlando di un 3 stelle non si può pensare che sia economico, personalmente però penso che ne valga la pena. Unica critica: è un peccato che il menù “ridotto” ci sia solo a pranzo nei giorni feriali; non tutti possono sopportare un menù di 8/11 portate.
13/06/2024: Pranzo al ristorante tristellato piazza duomo di Alba, si entra da un vicolo della piazza e si sale in un locale al primo piano; abbiamo pranzato nella sala rosa che francamente non mi è piaciuta molto. Preso il menu discover da 170 euro disponibile solo a pranzo di 4 portate. Piatti eseguiti e impiattati alla perfezione, in particolare molto buono l’antipasto merluzzo e zafferano elegante e delicato e a seguire i ravioli alla nduja molto saporiti ancorché in quantità molto limitata. Nella media il secondo costolette di agnello con taccole, deludente il dessert tipico piemontese il bonet servito su un piatto senza nessun accompagnamento a parte un te aromatizzato da bere insieme, si poteva sicuramente fare di meglio. Prima del pranzo tantissimi piccoli assaggi alcuni buoni altri meno ma comunque graditi e la piccola pasticceria con il caffè. Carta vini esageratamente costosa abbiamo preso due calici a 36 euro ciascuno ed era il meno caro, francamente fuori mercato. Servizio cortese e veloce, gradito il menu regalato a fine pasto anche se il costo totale con acqua caffè e vino è decisamente alto in rapporto a quanto consumato. Mi aspettavo di più…


Ristorante Hotel Villa Crespi

Orta san giulio
26/06/2024: A magnificent experience to say the least. We were welcomed at the entrance and Villa Crespi is truly a delight for the eyes, with attention to detail. Having arrived early they made us sit in the bar room, where we chose to have a small aperitif, prepared by their bartender, the best Negroni ever drunk, accompanied by olives, taralli (made by hand) and blanched almonds, all of course of excellent quality. While we waited, we were lucky enough to meet Chef Cannavacciuolo, who introduced himself, and I must say that I expected him to be like this, as you see him on television, nice and very friendly (he proposed for a photo and also gave one of his pats on my husband). They then accompanied us to the table for lunch... 100 lines wouldn't be enough to describe it... it was a culinary experience of excellence. A trip to traditional Italy but with something that made it an explosion of taste and flavour. The dishes are very elaborate and described in detail, from the first courses to the dessert, pictures to the eye. In addition to the chosen menu, we asked if it was possible to add vealed tuna (which was served to us with vitello tonnato, a fantastic choice to taste the two different shades of flavours) and pigeon (I never thought I would taste such sensational meat) . We also chose to combine the wines, all chosen with care and in perfect taste. I close by saying that at the end of lunch we bought a teddy bear for our girls and the Chef came specifically to sign it. Our girls were very happy to read the dedication. Thank you so much for the experience
26/06/2024: A fairytale experience... something that stays in your memory... The only thing... to have the full experience you have to stay there, to experience it 360 degrees! (Which we'll do next time) Thank you very much to everyone who works in this magical place... I admit that as soon as we arrived we didn't know how to move, partly out of embarrassment and partly because of this fairy-tale place, however, thanks to you we felt like we were in the right place. Thank you for piquing our curiosity by going from the dishes to the wines, all told like a splendid story. Thank you Villa Crespi for all the emotions you give!


L'Osto 'Dna Volta

10/07/2024: I've been going to this wonderful restaurant for years! The attention, elegance and care in every dish and towards the customer goes beyond. An activity that also finds innovation in tradition. You will experience fantasy, love, passion that can be enjoyed through the food, the atmosphere and the courtesy of the owners! From corporate dinners to special occasions Splendid cuisine! Thank you Erika
10/07/2024: Thank you Enlightening experience


I Due Buoi

16/06/2024: location incantevole,personale professionale e gentile,cibo superlativo!!!
16/06/2024: i piatti: sono, a parere mio, inutilmente complessi con un risultato, sempre a parer mio,opinabile


Pasticceria Cioccolateria Fagiolo Piero

14/03/2024: Congratulations indeed, your desserts are delicious, especially the kisses!!! I will be back very soon ☺️
13/03/2024: Nothing to add about the renowned quality of the products. Congratulations also for the speed and precision in shipping the online order. :)


Dolce Stil Novo alla Reggia - Alfredo Russo

Venaria reale
20/07/2024: At Dolce Stil Novo alla Reggia you don't go just to dine but to share an experience of harmony. Not only is the Chef's skill remarkable but also the sense of care that arises thanks to so many details and the relationship created with each diner starting from the order. You are immersed in beauty and art and can dialogue. The staff is kind and professional, attentive. The constraints of the "gluten free" diet are perfectly managed. Rita Spada
17/07/2024: I'm on my sixth experience and it's always pleasant and tasty. High quality and refined dishes, both in taste and presentation: a pleasure for the palate and the eyes. Impeccable room service. Compliments! Deserves second star. Raffaele Grieco


Ristorante La Credenza

San maurizio canavese, 45-60€
02/07/2024: An experience undoubtedly worth repeating, excellent quality dinner with impeccable service
25/06/2024: Ritengo che sia molto difficile trovare di meglio. Eccellente cucina e servizio, assolutamente da provare almeno una volta, e non è così distante da Torino


Guido Ristorante

Serralunga d'alba, 20-30€
16/06/2024: I went to a wedding in Serralunga, about 1 month ago.... Even though my celiac disease had been reported, I asked several times for the starters and I'm still waiting for my dish today. The first course was inedible.. chewy and vegan (it wasn't gluten free). For desserts, a banal plate with meringues... nothing exceptional. When the dishes were delivered, the waiters shouted among themselves saying: he's the gluten-free one, in front of everyone. In short, rudeness for a starred restaurant. Having said that, everything else was perfect.
10/06/2024: Probably one of the best Restaurants in Italy. An amazing experience from A to Z. Looking forward to our next visit. Bravissimi!


Il Negozio-ArcioliVini

22/07/2024: VALE IL VIAGGIO !!!!!!!! Prenotato letteralmente a caso, in quanto di passaggio per una notte a Varzo. Wauuu vi garantisco che passeremo di nuovo e partiremo appositamente da Varese per rituffarci in questa avventura per le papille gustative. Ottimo il Crem Caramel al formaggio di capra. Come tutto il resto. Ottimo vino, personale a dir poco strepitoso. Provare per credere!!!
08/05/2024: Charming place, furnished with great taste and with welcoming and friendly staff. Delicious food, with lots of options for vegetarians. Too bad I live far away otherwise I would be a regular customer. I hope to come back soon!


Marsam Locanda

Bene vagienna
17/06/2024: I had dinner with my wife, very nice place, excellent dishes made with quality raw materials, fast and courteous service. Average price.
26/05/2024: Nice place, excellent quality food, staff and owner always present, quality/price right enough to return, very good cuts and tagliolini with meat and sausage to eat with gusto. Well done.


Taverna San Martino

20/07/2024: Personnel accueillant et à l'écoute. -Décris les plats -Endroit propre -Plats raffiné -Produit locaux ( Vin ) -Pana cotta excellent !
22/06/2024: appena pranzato in due cibo molto molto buono e presentato benissimo servizio impeccabile prezzo fin troppo onesto per la qualità


L'Om 'd Fer

Sant'ambrogio di torino
22/07/2024: A truly beautiful location surrounded by alpine nature. An eye-catching venue created by good architects. A good menu... shame about the cold service, devoid of any empathy. At the moment I wouldn't want to go back.
18/07/2024: Fantastic place to say the least!! Splendid location, excellent food and super staff!! Definitely one of the restaurants I've ever tried!


Il Portale

05/07/2024: Here you can feel that the restaurant has been put through its heart and soul: from the kitchen to the ambience to the service. The dishes are well thought out, everything is homemade (including bread and pasta, for example). The service was also friendly and highly trained. Our requests for vegetarian variations of the dishes were kindly accommodated. It was a special evening for which we would like to thank you for one.
04/07/2024: What a delicious meal, super refined and really quality, excellent service from co-owner Annaliesa. These young entrepreneurs deserve a visit.


Ristorante Caciucco

12/06/2024: Finally a location worthy of this restaurant. Staff always friendly and fantastic. Food always of excellent quality although always in very modest quantities. Except for the caciucco which is always super satisfying.
05/06/2024: What to say .after the renovation you can eat and it's beautiful to look at with a price even below the quality.. magnificent..great Ivan


La Maison Delfino

Moncalieri, 45-60€
30/06/2024: Tried it last night, a magnificent discovery Beautiful location with the possibility of private dinners High quality food expertly cooked while maintaining the delicacy and flavor of the raw material, nothing to envy In fact, in my opinion, many starred chefs deserve a star. The friendliness of the owners and their staff makes you feel pampered. Not only will I return, it will definitely be my point of reference for the evenings when I want to eat quality fish
30/06/2024: Wonderful experience Excellent quality food Professional and friendly staff Aesthetically very attractive and clean place Recommended with full marks

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