Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti in Piemonte

17938 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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La Baita Di Piancavallo

19/07/2024: Place to absolutely avoid! The smell as soon as you enter the room already suggests what you are in for. Very high prices and poor quality: all very salty! Not recommended.
16/06/2024: Fantastic experience, the food is really good and moreover very friendly and kind people, I recommend trying their cuisine


Peperino Pizzeria & Cucina Verace

06/06/2024: La migliore pizza mangiata a Torino. Impasto e ingredienti ottimi. Si trova al centro di Torino ed è possibile anche cenare all'aperto. Personale gentilissimo 👍
05/06/2024: We went here for an evening meal really enjoyed it so much .the waiter was great ..service good and food absolutely lovely...went back for lunch the next day...we had an awful experience such a shame..we got there at 2pm not knowing it shut at 3pm...the waitress pressured us to hurry up and order if we asked if they did certain things we were bluntly told no...because we were taking a while she kept glaring at us...we asked the problem and were told they closed in 10 mins...why take our order without pre warning us ? I gave up eating my lunch and felt so uncomfortable!! Such a shame after the lovely evening meal we had and the waiter being so nice...we would not go back again ever ! Very rude waitress


El Pan d’Na Volta

26/06/2024: Too expensive to sell bread and pizza
02/05/2024: Absolutely not, very expensive prices


Pizza E... Dal 1993

14/05/2024: Cold food (despite the owner ensuring that it is freshly made), tasteless and expensive. Even though the pizza was clearly cold, the lady didn't warm it up for me. In short, if you travel 50m you will find better places.
30/01/2024: The best place to eat and enjoy the variety of food in the town, love it 😋🤗🫶👌🔝


Ristorante Pizzeria Monna Laura

06/08/2024: Nothing special. They were quite quick with the pizzas but it was during the week. About the food... I didn't like it. It's a shame because it's central and attracts a lot of people. I don't recommend it
04/08/2024: What attracted us to this pizza restaurant was the smell of pizza passing outside: we didn't have time to stop, so we opted for two takeaway pizzas. While waiting we had the opportunity to observe the dishes and the service: generous portions (even inviting), fast service given that the place outside was full and had a couple of tables occupied inside too, but very efficient. All very polite and helpful. The pizzas we tasted turned out to be perfect: thin, crispy, well seasoned and cooked to perfection. Price more than fair.



28/08/2024: To be in such an important square I expected to find a more refined place, especially externally. Good to have maintained an ancient look. But it should be improved because it appears poorly maintained.
26/08/2024: I went two days in a row for a takeout order (gluten-free), and they left us until last both days. Very bad attention from Miss VALENTINA, which is unprofessional.


Barattolo Cafè

21/08/2024: ... Business lunch on the fly ...
31/07/2024: Lunch, July. No air conditioning. In order not to waste time looking for another place, I sit just outside and proceed to order a second course with cordon bleu, a side of peas and sparkling water. First the HOT sparkling water arrives, then the classic cordon bleu from the medium-low level supermarket 10x10 cm with in the same dish the peas turned directly from the container jar. Ambiguous thing: I ask for a slice of lemon and the poor waitress comes back telling me they've put me back to placing orders... (I'm left speechless, I only eat the cordon bleu, I pay VERY EXPENSIVELY and I leave) ...Never again!!!


Bar Centro Locanda della Buona Notte

Piovà massaia
10/03/2024: I'm sorry but a place that is now almost always closed, when it was run in the past, I used the restaurant
23/01/2024: Quiet and familiar place where you eat everything together as if you were truly a family. Unfortunately, the prices for lunch have increased a bit


Bar Millennio

29/05/2024: Obnoxious, and they don't let you use the bathroom. cold and overpriced food. they treat kids like thugs
29/05/2024: the coffee sucks, and that's a compliment. I often border on throwing up when drinking it. rude bartenders always ready to criticize and offend younger customers. at the tables outside you can only sit after having consumed something, but a small thing like goal scorers is not enough, at least they require the consumption of a coffee, even if you accompany someone who has spent a lot of money. which is very easy to do seeing the prices, and seeing these very luxurious prices, I still wonder how it is possible that they can't make cheap receipts. and I didn't just go in once. and they often get the order wrong, but with these prices I think it's the minimum, or maybe they're just incapable


Osteria di Boccorio

Riva valdobbia
23/06/2024: Il cambio di gestione lascia un vuoto immenso nell’alta Valsesia. Personale totalmente inadeguato al lavoro della ristorazione e qualita’ cibo da mensa militare.
02/06/2024: Il posto crea grandi aspettative. Fuori sembra una bella osteria montana con uno splendido affaccio. Purtroppo il servizio e i piatti non siano affatto all'altezza. Siamo giunti in orario dopo aver prenotato una decina di giorni prima. Abbiamo ordinato un tagliere misto, poi due polenta cervo e funghi e due polenta tomino e funghi. Arriva con molta calma il tagliere, chi serve è piuttosto svogliato. Successivamente aspettiamo oltre 40 minuti senza che nessuno ritiri i piatti e ci porti nulla. Chiediamo, portano via i piatti e dopo un'altra mezz'ora arrivano quattro piatti tristi, uno dei quali senza funghi "perchè sono finiti", una polenta priva di sale e uno spezzatino.... forse di cervo? Mangiucchiamo i piatti e andiamo via, senza dolce nè caffè. Molto delusi. Al conto nessuno chiede scusa per la lunga attesa e gli evidenti piatti raffazzonati. Paghiamo.


Cascina Mombello

17/06/2024: Leggendo alcune recensioni mi chiedo se stiano parlando dello stesso posto in cui sono stata ieri!! Capitati per caso, incuriositi avendolo visto dalla strada e senza aver prenotato, siamo stati accolti hanno servito l'aperitivo e fatto accomodare in una sala bellissima, rustica e accogliente. I ragazzi in sala super preparati, precisi e disponibili. Abbiamo mangiato bene e tanto, menù fisso 32 euro tutto compreso, 4 antipasti, 2 primi, 8 portate di fritto misto (4 salate e 4 dolci), bis di dolci, vino della casa, caffè (con la moka!!!! Adoro!!!!) e digestivo. Ah: tutto con ripasso, cosa praticamente impossibile da trovare al giorno d'oggi. Alla fine abbiamo pagato e ci è stata rilasciato lo scontrino (a differenza da quanto scritto da qualcuno). La cosa che ci è piaciuta di questo posto è la genuinità e la passione che traspare da chi ci lavora. Sembra di essere catapultati in un posto d'altri tempi. E pur essendo piena la sala, si riusciva a chiaccherare tranquillamente. Fuori poi il dolcissimo Yago alla ricerca di coccole , un vero amore di Golden, fa da padrone di casa. Ultima nota positiva il prato con le giostre e le panchine, e la fattoria con gli animali...bello per i bimbi e anche per gli adulti. Abbiamo anche approfittato della zona "mercato" dove abbiamo acquistato ciliegie e zucchine del loro orto. Torneremo sicuramente!!!!
22/05/2024: Cascina molto ben curata, i bambini si sono divertiti a giocare nel parco giochi,cibo eccellente e abbondante, sicuramente ci torneremo lo consiglio


Blu Cafè

20/07/2024: A little out of the way place on the Biella state road near Valdengo. It's a nice place that also offers local products (cured meats, sweets, honey), a sort of bar and micro food. Excellent coffee. Friendly and helpful staff. We liked it.
31/05/2024: Good deli bakery bar with excellent products



02/03/2024: En god lunch, jag kommer gå tillbaka!
17/02/2024: I ordered a hoax.......I received a malformed dough with a pool of tomato and poorly mixed milk.....from a name like Ischia I expect something else...very bad


Da Giannino L'Angolo D' Abruzzo

09/08/2024: Best café in Turin, with friendly service.
08/08/2024: Very beautiful café with period interior decoration which offers beautiful woodwork, gilding, display windows, swinging staircase... it offers a large outdoor terrace on one of the important squares of Turin. The service remains professional and welcoming even for simple drinks. This café offers snacks and catering Very pleasant time. I recommend


Pizze e Delizie

09/08/2024: It's a shame we can't give 0....INADDIBLE pizza completely burnt!'s a shame because I remembered it as a place where the pizza was good
30/07/2024: Friendly and very helpful. I ordered 10 panzerotti to take away, upon delivery they added one as a gift because according to them one had turned out bad. Among other things, very good.

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