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I migliori ristoranti in Piemonte

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Ristorante Giapponese Mirai Hana

03/08/2024: Mancavano da questo ristorante da un anno e mezzo circa. Tutto cambiato ( in peggio ) locale non climatizzato, sul terrazzino è stato sistemato un ventilatore per fare fronte alla elevata temperatura ,nonostante sia coperta da una grande tenda, bagno fatiscente,bevande calde, cibo non in linea con i nostri ricordi. Peccato abbiano fatto 50 km per restare completamente insoddisfatti.
26/06/2024: Very small menu and the quality of the food is at least reviewable.


Bar Atlantic

Vigliano biellese
12/07/2024: It's a great bar, very comfortable, but there's one thing that bothers me: hygiene. I have noticed some employees sneezing and coughing into their hands, and then picking up, arranging, or serving plates and glasses without washing their hands, sometimes even coughing into the machine and onto the glasses as they are being filled with the drink. I think hygiene is important in any place that serves food and should be taken very seriously.
02/07/2024: Bar inside the CC in via Lamarmora, fast but not hasty, good coffee for €1, I find other prices unacceptable, and the croissants are also good. Equipped in the current situation of social containment with separate entrance and exit and with sanitizing product possibly available.


Nido dell'Orso

11/08/2024: Locale senza fronzoli con menù vario (pizza,crêpes o piatti tipici piemontesi). Buona la polenta concia e le crêpes salate. Dolci non male in particolare la tarte tatin. Prezzo nella media
03/06/2024: Preso 2 antipasti buoni, molto scarso il menù formaggi, fettine trasparenti. 9 euro sul menù verificato scontrino 10 euro, chiesto il rimborso di un euro. Ordinato gnocchi, aspetta e spera, non arrivano, arriva la cameriera e mi chiede, vuole gli gnocchi? Che domanda inutile, se li ho ordinati dico io, che domanda è? Risposta non sono pronti sono da fare, lasci perdere dico io, ci alziamo e ci avviciniamo alla cassa un po' delusi, la cameriera molto arrogante, si è visto subito appena entrati, ci dice che se non siamo soddisfatti di non andare più, grazie dico io non c'era bisogno di dirlo...


Eccellenze del Piemonte

09/06/2024: I agree with other reviews. We queue to order. They tell us to sit down. We sit down and serve others first. And at the end again queue to pay. A thousand thanks.
31/05/2024: My daughter and I. I want a coffee and she wants an ice cream cone. I sit at an outdoor table, the place was empty. Well my daughter had to take the cone only when I got up because the cone cannot be consumed at the table! I asked the waitress, who was not very polite, if at least while I drank the coffee my daughter could sit: the answer was no. Sugar packets were thrown onto my table. Never again! Rude staff and senseless rules.


Borgo Paglierino - Griglieria Ristorante

01/05/2024: Good friendly place, good food and good, friendly people. I would happily go again
18/04/2024: ottima cucina Sarda, pulito accogliente. nonostante alcune critiche lette nelle recensioni , come criticare l'eta' del personale , quando si lavora nn c'è limiti di eta'- Servizio nella norma ottimo vino ..


Ristorante Pizzeria Dell'Olmo

07/08/2024: Eravamo di passaggio e abbiamo avuto la pessima idea di fermarci a pranzare in questo ristorante/pizzeria.......avremmo fatto molto meglio a tirare dritti!!!! Ingredienti di bassa qualità, sulla pizza al posto della mozzarella usano quel panetto di formaggio (pessimo) che della mozzarella non ha nemmeno l'ombra....!!!! Anche tutti gli altri ingredienti proprio di bassa qualità!!! Rapporto qualita-prezzo PESSIMO!!! SCONSIGLIATISSIMO!!!!!
05/07/2024: Ci siamo trovati per caso: abbiamo letto "trattoria e pinseria" e ci siamo fermati. Il locale sarebbe da modernizzare un pochino ma in compenso abbiamo mangiato una pinsa alla carbonara e una pizza fantastica! Anche gli altri piatti di cucina sembravano soddisfare i palati degli altri ospiti. Ci torneremo senz' altro!


Il Fornaio Caffè e Bakery

25/08/2024: What comes with the aperitif is surprising; being a bakery you can imagine the variety and quality: excellent. Prices OK
25/08/2024: We had an aperitif by taking 2 slices of pizza, a rosetta with salami and two spritzes. The pizza was clearly old. Going to pay, I get a rosette on the receipt with salami €5.50 + two slices of pizza (simple) €12 + two spritzes €9 for a total of €26.50. When I asked for explanations for a (small) rosette with salami costing 5 euros and 50 cents, I was also told that they were also magnanimous because they usually beat it at 6 euros. NEVER AGAIN!


Fulwer Design Café Con Sabor

13/02/2024: Rude and irritating, both of them. Several times it happened to enter and say hello, receive no response and be served in a very rude manner. Many other copy shops deserve more. Terrible venue. I add, satisfying customer requests, rather than needs, is your job. Praise for something like this is a symptom of smallness. If you want respect, learn to give it, especially when a customer comes in and is welcomed only and exclusively with a greeting, you don't stay to chat about your business with the other customers. Good luck, you'll need it.
10/01/2024: Staff not friendly & not supportive. They have lost my BRT parcel that I had ordered from Funky Trunks. The staff was extremely rude in dealing with the matter & not at all cooperative. Not even willing in borrowing a scotchtape patch.


Casa Angelesi by Farinella

Settimo torinese
15/08/2024: Never again. Prosecco marsalato, unthinkable service. Conclusion a little smoke and no roast. I do not recommend 100%
04/08/2024: Staff not at all friendly and very pissed off, Jessica and Alessia snorted at the request for three spritzes (€36). If you don't feel like working on August 4th I understand, but look for something else that at least doesn't ruin the afternoon for other people. Denis tried to save the situation but it wasn't enough on the scales. dirty place, too. miserable cutting board, 3 cold cuts and one type of cheese, tasteless. 4 bruschettas and 3 slices of bread. €36, madness. There is little of "home", perhaps just the name.


Del Balon I Due Scalini

26/07/2024: In the heart of the Dora village: a dive into other times. Friendly staff.
09/06/2024: Horrible.... after warning the owner that I had a beer from another place she still told me to sit down. I get a biscuit for my daughter and shortly after I give her some water from the bottle brought from home, the owner comes out shouting at me that she doesn't accept these things, shortly after her husband arrives who is worse than her... and shouts to leave, saying that I occupied a table (15 minutes) for a biscuit and with water not bought by them. I point out that I brought the bottle from home and that they were very rude and then I left... terrible, I am of the opinion that some people shouldn't open bars if they don't know what WELCOME AND COURTESY is. ..


Bar Moleto

27/06/2024: One star only because the navigator finds it. Poor cleanliness. Disastrous service. Absurd food. Crazy cost. They came from China by van and hope to return by plane. Because they can always fool us with their smiles and... I don't understand... We had a culture of hospitality and good food but for a suitcase of money we are selling out our country to people like this! Absolutely a place to avoid even if you feel like it... No soap or towels or anything else.
20/05/2024: Thieves.... I have no words, an empty sandwich, 5 euros...


Sali & Pistacchi

20/08/2024: Locale completamente vegano in pieno centro a Domodossola, la posizione è super nella bella piazza principale, ma il cibo così così, molto basico e con porzioni risicate per il prezzo. Non lo consiglierei nonostante ami questo genere di posti.
18/08/2024: Mezzogiorno, aperitivo,classico spritz, peccato che era molto slavato.Manco due patatine ne stuzzichini....pessimo....l'unica cosa bella è dove è situato..piazza mercato Domodossola caratteristica.. cameriera gentile ed educata.



17/08/2024: It's one of my favorite bars but this morning just after 10 my wife and I had two coffees at the counter. I asked for a small glass of water with my short drink but the gentleman at the counter denied it: "I can't bring myself to serve small glasses". I pointed this out to the lady at the checkout who replied angrily: "since it's a free gift, we reserve the right to deny it". I am speechless. I think it is the most famous bar near the main train station of the city. Is this how we welcome visitors?
11/08/2024: Two SMALL beers: €12. They had also tried to ask for 14 but "fatally" they were wrong. When asked if they were serious, the answer is that there is service, that is, taking it from the counter to the table.


Trattoria Fum Diss

Alagna valsesia
15/08/2024: Agriturismo gestito da una famiglia molto ospitale, solare e gentile. La cucina è fatta di alimenti coltivati e allevati esclusivamente dalla loro fattoria. Non esiste un menú alla carta, ma ciò che ti propongono è davvero una garanzia. Antipasto composto da salumi, giardiniera, torta di Alagna, insalata di fagioli e ricotta con pomodorini. Fantastica polenta concia (super cremosa) oppure polenta con varie carni (salsiccia - tapulone - spezzatino) e per finire dolci semplici, ma autentici. Consiglio la panna cotta con i mirtilli o la crostata al rabarbaro. Che dire.. semplicità e genuinità in uno scenario da togliere il fiato.
05/08/2024: Mi hanno consigliato questo agriturismo, decantandolo per location e cucina, nulla da dire sulla vista panoramica sopra Alagna; al contrario la cucina lascia un po' a desiderare: premesso che non c'è un menù con i prezzi.....antipasto adeguato come gusto e quantità, secondi scarsi nella scelta ( polenta concia, polenta con salsiccia o cinghiale o spezzatino) e soprattutto poco gustosi, privi di qualsiasi sapore. Un uteriore nota di demerito: il pranzo è stato accompagnato da un vivaio di mosche, che non permettevano nemmeno di mangiare con tranquillità... sarà forse perchè i bidoni della spazzatura sono ubicati sotto le finestre della sala da pranzo???? Il prezzo al contrario della cucina molto saporito: tre antipasti, tre secondi, tre dolci, un'acqua e mezzo di vino della casa per un totale di 105,00 euro e poichè pagati in contanti incassati senza rilasciare lo scontrino fiscale.


88 Ristorante Pizzeria Gnoccheria

Rivalta di torino
14/12/2023: €13 for a plate of gnocchi (normal) and 1 0.5 bottle of water seems really too much for a quick work lunch. I understand that they cooked just for me since I was alone in the restaurant, but that's not a good excuse.
02/12/2023: We went today because we were passing through. At the time we thought it was closed and we were undecided whether to stop, but in the end we were more than happy. Excellent food, more than fair portions, extremely helpful and friendly staff. I highly recommend! Emanuele and Federica

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