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I migliori ristoranti in Piemonte

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Ristorante Corona di Giada

18/08/2023: Fast service, too, a few courses are needed in divided times to avoid the accumulation of dishes on the table
26/07/2023: Friendliness and kindness, spectacular top sushi food.


Ristorante Venus

Montalto dora
09/01/2024: Pranzo, the lunch special was a great value and affordable. The service was perfect, always available to reach for assistance. The atmosphere felt like I was at home. Wine or water as a drink, bread, main dish, second dish with vegetables, and a meat dish, then an espresso at the end. As a vegan, I had plenty of options with pasta, vegetables, wine, and espresso. Would love to come back here again! :)
20/12/2023: Menu of the day for chicks unfortunately....never seen such small portions in a restaurant..



25/07/2024: Had a fantastic meal with my family to close out our trip in Italy. Delicious food with great service and lovely scenery! Loved the glassware and had to ask if i could purchase it. Without Hesitation, Benito reached behind the counter and offered me two glasses as a gift; It was amazing. Highlight of my trip and worth your visit
23/07/2024: Nice lunch with lake view, very good service and good quality of food. Top quality-price, the only "flaw" is the massive presence of insects coming from the lake.


Wiener Haus, Italia

22/08/2024: We eat very well. The waitress Martina is very sweet and competent in her job.
15/08/2024: Wiener Haus on the commercial area of ​​the 45th Parallel.. Nice place, adequate prices, good food.


Bella Napoli Pizz.

Casale monferrato
11/08/2024: Poor food, go there if you REALLY have it and nothing else in the area
07/07/2024: Tonight for dinner I ordered 3 takeaway pizzas including a seafood one, this is what I got, I'm not saying I have to find all the seafood but for €12 I expected much more, in addition to there being no seasoning in the sauce. 'I found acid.


Il Duomo Lounge & Cocktail

11/06/2024: Last night in the company of a colleague we asked for a sparkling wine from Alta Langa... without asking the price... after opening it and tasting it we realized it wasn't good and we informed the barman of the defect.... he did. he immediately resented us by replying that he couldn't do anything about it and that we would have to pay for it... we replied that we are good people and that the observation made was not an excuse for not paying for the bottle (of which we didn't even know the price) but an observation to be addressed to the owner if necessary. In the meantime we ordered another bottle and started drinking it... after a few minutes the barman returned telling us that he had consulted by telephone with a person who knows about wines and who confirmed, unlike what we had reported, that the bottle was good. Overlooking the barman's rudeness and incompetence, we pointed out that perhaps it would have been more professional to give the connoisseur the opportunity to taste it and that in any case it wasn't a problem for us to pay him for this bottle (we had already ordered another one). After a few minutes, a lady with a grumpy and arrogant manner approached our table, telling us that she was the owner of the place and that she had been informed of the situation,,,, contesting our observation on the wine....she told us that other bottles equal they were good and therefore our criticism could not be correct. He also pointed out to us that the boy who had served us is a barman and therefore a wine expert, therefore he invited us to pay for the bottle... (of which we did not yet know the price). We pointed out to her that wines can be ruined, that on our part there was no problem in paying for this blessed bottle but that in any case it would have been more appropriate to have someone qualified judge the contents... after about ten minutes, the Leaving the restaurant, the owner informed us that the bottle we were drinking was on offer while we had to pay for the one we were criticizing because in her opinion it was good. Leaving aside comments on manners and competence, we reiterated that paying for the bottle had never been questioned for us... however we accepted the offer... Price of the defective bottle paid €75... price of the good bottle offered €45. Given that we don't understand the owner's principle that led her to make this choice, if there hadn't been these unprofessional and arrogant behavior, we would have given the bartenders €75 for the defective bottle as a tip. Compliments to the owner and barman of Dom's. When selling bottles at a price of €75 or more, it would be advisable to have more qualified and above all polite staff (the owner first and foremost). We strongly advise against this place.
10/06/2024: Questa sera in compagnia di un collega ci facciamo portare una bollicina Alta Langa...senza chiedere il prezzo... dopo averla aperta e assaggiata ci siamo accorti non era buona e abbiamo fatto presente al barman del difetto.... lui si è subito risentito rispondendoci che non ci poteva fare niente e che avremo dovuto pagarla... abbiamo risposto che siamo persone per bene e l'osservazione fatta non era una scusa per non pagare la bottiglia ( di cui non conoscevamo nemmeno il prezzo) ma un osservazione da rivolgere eventualmente alla proprietaria. Nel mentre abbiamo ordinato un'altra bottiglia e abbiamo iniziato a berla... dopo qualche minuto è tornato il barman dicendoci che si era consultato telefonicamente con una persona che si intende di vini e gli aveva confermato che diversamente da quanto da noi segnalato, la bottiglia era buona. Sorvolando sulla maleducazione e incompetenza del barman, abbiamo fatto presente che forse sarebbe stato più professionale dare modo all'intenditore, di assaggiarla e che comunque per noi non era un problema pagargli questa bottiglia ( ne avevamo ordinata già un'altra). Dopo pochi minuti si avvicinata al nostro tavolo una signora con modi scorbutici e arroganti dicendoci che lei era la proprietaria del locale e che era stata informata della situazione,,,, contestando la nostra ossevazione sul ha detto che altre bottiglie uguali erano buone e pertanto non poteva essere corretta la nostra critica. SOTTOLINEANDO che il ragazzo che ci aveva servito è un barman e pertanto un esperto di vini, ci ha invitato a pagare la bottiglia....( di cui non conoscevamo ancora il prezzo). Gli abbiamo fatto presente che i vini si possono rovinare.. che da larte nostra non c'era alcun problema a pagare questa benedetta bottiglia e che sarebbe comunque stato più opportuno far giudicare il contenuto a qualcono con qualifica... dopo qualche decina di minuti, la proprietaria uscendo ci ha informati che la bottiglia che stavamo bevendo era offerta mentre quella oggetto di critica dovevamo pagarla perchè secondo lei era buona. Sorvolando sui modi e sulla competenza, abbiamo ribadito che per noi non è mai stato messo in discussione il pagamento della bottigliabma comunque abbiamo accettato l'offerta.. valore della bottiglia difettosa pagata 75 €... valore della bottiglia buona offerta 45€. Premesso che non comprendiamo il principio della proprietaria che l'ha portata a fare questa scelta, se non ci fossero stati questi comprtamenti poco professionali e arroganti, avremo dato come macia ai barman i 75 € della bottiglia offerta. Complimenti alla proprietaria e al barman del Dom's.


La Natura

16/08/2024: Lunch on August 15th was a real disappointment and to say that reading the reviews I trusted them, however the homemade starters out of seven people of which there were only two of us managed to eat, not to mention the grilled meat,,,,hard and raw including the sausage , in other words I do not recommend it
17/06/2024: I'm sorry but it was disappointing too quickly she passed then went around the table she came back but didn't let you finish then the sweet sparkling wine was given dry waitresses who were not very friendly and very cold I asked her for a slice of cooked ham she told me it was for the children I I can't eat salami, I don't think I'll go back again for zero


Pizzeria L'Arneis

23/10/2023: Truly delicious Neapolitan pizza The calzone is served with a pesto-type sauce on the side, both excellent
08/09/2023: Delicious and plentiful pizza! I haven't had the chance to try the other dishes yet but they seem very interesting, prices in the local average, excellent service and friendly, helpful and very friendly staff!


Favola Beach Club

13/07/2024: Sono andato in famiglia per fare un aperitivo , ho preso l’aperitivo completo con stuzzichini ecc… DELUSIONE TOTALE!!!! 20 euro , 3 pezzi di focaccia, dell’affettato , olive , 3 pezzi di formaggio e delle cose insipide MAI PIÙ !
02/07/2024: Gestione pessima, personale scortese, richiesta pagamento anticipato per di più con il tentativo di dire una cifra più alta (stessa dinamica anche ai tavoli vicini - un caso? Non credo). 40 euro per due calici scarsi di bianco con un tagliere misero e di poca qualità. Attesa di 45 minuti dall’ordinazione. Si salva solo la vista ma proprio non ne vale la pena! È la prima recensione negativa che faccio ma davvero credo sia bene mettere in guardia tutti dal non farsi prendere in giro.


Hong Sheng

01/07/2024: I waited so long to place my order that unfortunately I had to get up and go look for another place to have dinner.
12/05/2024: Good and cheap restaurant. I am writing the review to warn you that today (Sunday 12/05) it was closed even though Google said it was open. However I recommend.


Bar Dell'angelo

12/08/2024: We order (among other things) 2 cokes, which they bring to us in glasses (filled by the bottle), I ask for cokes in cans, they bring us 2 bottles....already OPEN! (with a tasteless taste, without bubbles, probably also filled from the bottle at the counter)
11/08/2024: It was much better a few years ago.


Caffe Le Risaie

14/02/2024: Not exactly a place where you feel appreciated, minimal service.


Caffe’ San Secondo

31/07/2024: If you want to enjoy a good coffee, this is the right place. There are also good starters and very friendly service. You are also in the city center.
30/07/2024: 6 euro for a small beer, are you joking??


Ristorante da Carletto

Pecetto torinese
05/08/2024: Fantastic place immersed in the greenery of the hill. We chose the €35 land menu for the party. Excellent starters, excellent first courses and second courses too. I chose the appetizers to be served on plates, while the first and second courses were placed on trays for every 4 people, so everyone could choose the quantity of food on their plate. There was live music and we all danced together.. Among us there was a vegan and they made a dish just for her and I publish the photo of the dish to demonstrate their availability and sensitivity towards this person.. Thank you
25/07/2024: I went to this "restaurant" for a wedding. Aperitifs were supposed to be served and we found ourselves a table with canapés?? It wasn't clear what they were, a loaf of bread with mayonnaise and bo??? All the same. At the bar the aperitif is more varied. There were no plates on which to place the "canapés" so the guests had to crowd around the table to eat, taking one piece at a time. This outdoors under the gazebo, Inside the room arranged was in the center of others with loud music mixed with that of our room, I leave it to be understood the mess. You couldn't even talk but you shouted. When asked to turn on the air conditioning, in July, I was told that they kept the doors open and therefore could not turn it on (outside 35 degrees). Guests fanning themselves in the heat. The food was terrible. Apart from the starters. The wedding cake was placed on a table at the back of the room behind a column and no one noticed the cake cutting. They could have put a table in the center of the room (free) at least we would have noticed what was happening. In short, I could recommend this place to anyone who really cares about me....


Caffe Fiorio

29/08/2024: Don't be fooled by vulgar tourist's reviews - the place is excellent. Just an espresso at table number 1 on upholstered chairs outside is in a class of its own.
26/08/2024: I tried the bicerin... I knew it was without cream but instead it was served to me like this...

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