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I migliori ristoranti in Vicenza

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San Bassiano

Bassano del grappa
11/12/2023: The only restaurant in Bassano that had two seats on December 8th.. I won't dwell because I could write a poem. I was humiliated in the middle of the restaurant (with other customers besides us) because I allowed myself to ask for parmesan to put on raw spaghetti and they had never seen fish... Upon my request the waitress tells me that parmesan is not included in the menu (absurd but I would have paid for it separately) Immediately afterwards, the owner/chef comes to the table in a loud and somewhat annoyed tone of voice and tells me that I must not allow myself to ruin his dish with my absurd requests. All this in front of other customers who turned away attracted by his rude manner. Before paying, I pointed out to the "kind" owner that he had mortified me in front of everyone and that these are not the ways to treat people, especially a woman! Not even "I'm sorry" came out of his arrogant mouth, on the contrary he continued in the same way to underline how right he was. When they learn to cook a decent fish first course and above all with fish...maybe someone won't ask for parmesan!! However I recommend first learning education which is priority in this case!!!
09/12/2023: I was out for a walk with my boyfriend. I found myself passing in front of the restaurant. I went in to ask if there was a place for two people and the waitress said yes and then accompanied us to the table with the menu. Excellent place. , excellent food, all fresh, excellent service, and I also give 5 stars to the chef.


Pizzeria Orapizza

12/07/2024: good pizza very kind owners and fast service. thanks Sandra super +
12/07/2024: Very friendly environment...the owners are always kind and helpful...the pizza is really good...with excellent products..


Nuova Gestione Rifugio Forcelletto

Cismon del grappa
13/08/2024: Beautiful place! Recommended for all nature lovers and dream sunsets!
11/08/2024: It's not as visible as on the Grappa peak but a little more empathy wouldn't hurt.


Bar Gelateria Happy Hour

01/12/2023: Hi, I wanted to ask if you are still open? Have you moved? And where? Thanks :)
11/11/2023: Prenotazione fatta con the fork per le ore 20 di sabato sera. Avuto conferma tramite app, nel tardo pomeriggio passeggiando per caso scopro che il locale è chiuso. Se andavo direttamente alle 20.00 ...? Fallimento totale


Caffe' Carraro Bar Casa Del Caffe'

02/06/2024: Sono solita andare in questo bar soprattutto per le bevande di caffè+cioccolata. Solitamente trovo un paio di ragazze molto cortesi e brave. Ieri pomeriggio (sabato 1 giugno 2024) sono arrivata e c’erano un ragazzo e una ragazza mai visti prima. Mi accomodo e ordino un Padovano. Il ragazzo mi dice: cos’è il Padovano? Guarda che lo hanno tolto dal listino. Gli rispondo: no, guarda che sono venuta lunedì (5 giorni prima) e nel listino c’era. Va a controllare e lo prepara. Notare che il caffè costa 3,40€ e mi porta una tazzina minuscola di caffè annacquato con un po’ di panna quando è prevista anche della cioccolata. Solitamente viene portato in un bicchiere grande 3 volte e quindi con il triplo delle quantità. Per non rovinarmi il sabato pomeriggio in relax con il marito senza bambini lascio stare. Consiglio però ai proprietari di formare meglio il personale nuovo visto che devono saper fornire tutto ciò che è presente in listino. Mi era già successo qualche anno fa. Purtroppo credo di non tornare più, 3,40€ ci stanno per un caffè di questo tipo ma se ben fatto. Ciò che ho ricevuto era alquanto imbarazzante.
02/06/2024: I usually go to this bar especially for coffee+chocolate drinks. I usually find a couple of very courteous and good girls. Yesterday afternoon (Saturday 1 June 2024) I arrived and there were a boy and a girl I had never seen before. I sit down and order a Padovano. The boy tells me: what is Padovano? Look, they took it off the list. I answer him: no, look, I came on Monday (5 days before) and it was on the price list. He goes to check and prepares it. Note that the coffee costs €3.40 and I get a tiny cup of watered down coffee with a little cream. It is usually brought in a 3 times large glass and therefore with triple the quantities. To avoid ruining my relaxing Saturday afternoon with my husband without children, I leave it alone. However, I advise the owners to train new staff better since they must be able to provide everything that is on the price list. It already happened to me a few years ago. Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever come back, €3.40 is enough for a coffee of this type but if done well. What I received was quite embarrassing.


Camst - La Ristorazione Italiana

20/06/2024: Nice environment and great food
07/05/2024: Before the new management the food was better. Not bad but there is better in my opinion


Ristorante La Padana

Montebello vicentino
10/08/2024: I didn't like the pasta I ate but otherwise it was good
09/08/2024: TiR parking 20 euros for which you eat dinner ... too expensive 200 grams of meat and a green salad of tomatoes and cucumbers..


Bella Capri

Bassano del grappa
20/07/2024: Mehr als 10 Jahre besuchten wir mehrmals im Jahr Bassano del Grappa, bei jedem Aufenthalt waren wir mindestens zweimal zu Gast im Bella Capri. Die Küche wusste meist zu überzeugen. Das Service war immer, mit einem lichtblick, so lala. Aber bei diesem Besuch wurde leider der Bogen überspannt. Für vier Personen hat man uns einen Tisch für zwei Personen zu verkaufen versucht. Und das mit einem Argument dass dies die Tischgröße für vier Personen im Bella Capri ist. Wir haben dies als Frechheit empfunden, zumal wir ja wirklich Stammgäste sind und noch nie einen so klein Tisch bekommen hatten. Leider ist das Bella Capri so nicht mehr zu empfehlen. Und das hat nichts mit Komfort zu tun, sondern wenn nicht einmal die Getränke für vier Personen genügend Platz finden wo soll man dann das Essen einnehmen. Wenn in einem Restaurant kein Platz mehr ist dann sollte man ehrlich sein und es den Gästen auch mitteilen und nicht die Gäste auf einem viel zu kleinen Tisch platzieren und sie dann noch für dumm verkaufen. Der Tisch wurde reserviert, wenn auch kurzfristig aber dennoch bekamen wir eine Zusage. Somit geht wohl eine lange Treue verloren. Der neuen Generation an Gastronomen die anscheinend das Ruder in diesem Restaurant übernommen haben und anscheinend keinen Wert auf Stammkunden legen und lieber neue Kunden ansprechen wollen, welcher weniger Ansprüche haben wünschen wir von unserer Seize viel Glück. Wir werden uns in Zukunft anderweitig umsehen. Jene Freunde die wir in diesen 10 Jahren mit uns ins Bella Capri genommen haben Fernseher über diese Neuerungen natürlich auch informieren die müssen, zumal wir selbst aus der Gastronomie einen Ruf als Kenner zu verlieren haben. Wir wünschen den Betreibern des Bella Capri für die Zukunft viel Glück neues Konzept auch auf. Wie schon geschrieben die Küche wusste meist zu überzeugen.
10/07/2024: Serata afosa, dehor davanti ad uno storico glicine ventilato, personale sorridente :spaghetti alle vongole al profumo del sud e pizza morbidissima e ricca di mozzarella. ma soprattutto l'affettuosa accoglienza dei due storici titolari da cui vieni accompagnato come fossero tutti vecchi amici


Agriturismo La Casara

08/07/2024: Siamo tornati nuovamente in questo ristorante dopo essere stai qualche mese fa per la prima volta. Abbiamo mangiato divinamente con un ottima zuppa alle ortiche e un secondo piatto con funghi. Personale gentile e sorridente. Abbiamo acquistato anche una soppressa visto la bontà della prima che avevamo acquistato. CONSIGLIATISSIMO
08/06/2024: Abbiamo fatto un bel viaggio per raggiungere l’ Agriturismo La Casara attratti da un buon ricordo di qualche tempo addietro… Oggi siamo rimasti delusi: qualità antipasti ( in discesa ), porzioni fatte con il bilancino, personale in cucina inadatto a presentare i piatti… Faccio un esempio: la tagliata non si presenta come un ammasso di sfilaccini di carne per di più decisamente asciutta. (No, meno male che non abbiamo preso una costata:!!) Non abbiamo ritrovato il servizio sorridente che ricordavamo:”camerieri” un po’ disattenti tranne quando volevano toglierci i piatti “ con il boccone in bocca”..Rapporto qualità/ prezzo? Neanche da commentare. Nel caso di un prossimo viaggio ad Asiago certamente non sentiremo più la sua mancanza


Sotto la Torre

Bassano del grappa
24/07/2024: We were served by a very pleasant lady who spoke excellent English. The bruschetta was fantastic, so were the drinks, and sitting on the square under the tower was a little uncomfortable only because of the rain. Of course, the company is not to blame for that 😉
14/07/2024: Excellent service even if I had to wait a bit, I take a hamburger, ate it, and the taste is almost non-existent, edible? Yes, but for the price I expected it to be at least good (besides, the burger didn't even have potatoes included), I order a hamburger with a horrible taste which on the menu costs 7 euros, but on the receipt they made me pay 8 👀👀, and finally I order a club sandwich, which always tastes horrible. -Nothing much, never again ♥️


La Conchiglia D'oro

12/07/2024: La qualità del cibo è ottima, pesce sempre fresco, porzioni abbondanti il tutto in locali ben arredati, spaziosi, eleganti. Personale preparato, gentile, proprietari strepitosi . Posto adatto per festeggiare ricorrenze, ampio parcheggio e sopra albergo. I dolci Made Campania, la pizzeria strepitosa . Bisogna andarci per apprezzare l’alta qualità.Mariella
20/06/2024: Its just an average restaurant for quick dinner, pasta was just ok, not a lot of flavour in it, atleast portions were really big, waiters are too pushy and constantly rushing you.


Tira Tardi

15/07/2024: The "chef" makes no secret of not liking those who are not from Veneto.
11/06/2024: Crazy prices, 50 euros for 2 with two first courses for lunch and a bottle of water The spaghetti with squid ink was soaked in oil, the other dish was ravioli (4) €4 cover charge each and we had to ask for the bread otherwise he wouldn't even have brought it to us, not recommended Too bad because the place is beautiful


Albergo Ristorante Vicenza

Tonezza del cimone
17/08/2024: Only restaurant... passing through. I recommend. Among many restaurants, this one at least, even if it is a dated hotel, is a guarantee for those like me who are passing through and want to eat as we ate.....
20/06/2024: Good mountain restaurant with typical food... their gnocchi are excellent. Not recommended for those who frequent Cracco or similar, perhaps with a snobbish nose. Good quality, honest price given that we are in a tourist location


Dolci Pensieri

16/06/2024: Historic place in the area with good artisanal products, whether pastries or cakes. Quality coffee. Quiet and spacious, it allows you to always find a place for a good breakfast.
10/06/2024: Tornato dopo anni, l’ultima volta ero rimasto deluso dal modo di fare delle due dietro al banco e dal cappuccino, che secondo me non era fatto a regola d’arte. Beh, confermo che non ci tornerò più, perché vedersi salutare in modo seccato perché attendi che dopo aver pagato ti diano lo scontrino… l’avevano fatto e buttato di fianco al registratore ma dartelo pareva brutto. Complimenti per l’educazione


Trattoria da Oco al Cavallino

01/01/2024: I've been coming here for twenty years, and it's always been my favorite restaurant. My menu is bigoli all'arna and fillet rare. Special is an understatement.
26/11/2023: The place is always very cold, I recommend dressing well, the food is good, especially the meat. The Bigoli all'arna come with lots of livers, good but better to specify. Staff a little cold.

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