Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti di cucina mediterranea in Puglia

1272 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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La Locanda del Macellaio

01/09/2024: Very good meat. Kindness and speed in serving and the right bill for what we took and the quality of the products. To be repeated
29/08/2024: Place too hot for a summer dinner despite the presence of air conditioning (off in some parts of the place and replaced by poorly functioning ventilation systems) Steak cooked rare as requested but was not tender.. Excellent ash potatoes. Hands-on service especially at the meat counter where you can choose what to cook.


Villa Bacco

Martina franca
15/07/2024: The restaurant is located a little bit from the big road, but is a discovery. The have authentic delicious Italian dishes. Their limoncello is also great.
15/07/2024: Environment with magical atmosphere


Grotta del Conte

29/08/2024: Delicious fish, elegant atmosphere with a wonderful view.
28/08/2024: Very positive experience, a fixed stop that I do every year on holiday in Puglia. Friendly and very knowledgeable and helpful staff. Suggestive and very pleasant location Quality of food very in line with the prices. Warmly recommended.



28/07/2024: For those traveling to Castel del Monte it is on the road, good food and beautiful surroundings
27/07/2024: We stayed in the evening.. All very good, welcoming and very nice staff.. I will definitely go back


Trattoria Amatulli

21/08/2024: Premessa: è complicato prenotare, ma ne vale la pena. Trattoria tenuta in maniera maniacale, ha una trentina di posti a sedere e quindi il locale si riempie presto, difficile che faccia un secondo turno. Tradotto fa il minimo indispensabile! Ma lo fa in maniera eccellente e si vede che ci mette cuore e passione. Dopo una giornata passata inutilmente a provare a chiamare siam passati alle 19:30 per vedere se il titolare ci facesse accomodare, aveva già tutto prenotato, ma visto che avevamo una bambina con noi ci ha promesso che appena si liberava il primo tavolo ci avrebbe servito. Aspettare ne è valsa la pena. Abbiam preso un tagliere misto ed è stata la prima piacevole scoperta, una composizione buonissima che abbiam divorato in due. Poi abbiam preso un orecchietta al sugo per la bambina, un orecchietta alle rape ed un piatto del giorno (tortelli con ripieno in salsa di funghi e burrata)... spettacolari. Credo che pure i secondi piatti fossero eccezionali, ma eravamo già pieni ed abbiamo optato per un semifreddo al cioccolato con ripieno ai fichi (per chiudere in bellezza). Prezzi modici e sicuramente bassi per la qualità mangiata. Da provare.
18/08/2024: Consiglio davvero, una trattoria che ti fa sentire subito a casa, personale accogliente, cibo davvero ottimo, complimenti tornerò sicuramente.


Agricola Sant'Anna

13/08/2024: Pleasant and characteristic atmosphere. Delicious typical Salento cuisine at decidedly modest prices.
09/08/2024: We went for dinner this evening. Very beautiful location and attention to every detail. Highly recommended! Be careful when eating and don't order too much. With 1 starter and 1 first course, we were already full. (Here in the most popular photos because there was also a child present.) Orecchiette good in every seasoning. I'm giving 4 stars because, as they say, by dotting the i's, when it came to the range of the first ones I was halfway through and my husband had yet to arrive and not much choice for the children and even a little for us adults, but it fits... second the products of the day. Highly recommended


Ristorante Braceria Local Carni

Martina franca
27/07/2024: Absolutely to go there and return! Excellent service, staff always present and very kind, everything delicious from the wine to the appetizers up to the bombette, sausage and strips of capocollo and dessert! Very quiet place to enjoy a relaxing dinner! I can not wait to come back!
21/07/2024: Available, polite and very high quality meat.. highly recommended


Ristorante Pizzeria Da Bruna

San donato di lecce
21/07/2024: Ristorante tipico con cucina casereccia. Tutto molto buono. Peccato non aver ritrovato le fave fritte in apertura di cena. Altro neo: aver eliminato dal menù un “must” come le “ sagne incannulate” e aver introdotto formati di pasta come le trofie che nulla hanno a che fare con le tradizioni locali.
12/05/2024: Restaurant that serves local dishes that represent true excellence both for loyalty to tradition and for the quality of the culinary product. It is possible to taste food from the true Salento tradition, as well as other Italian cuisine. Absolutely recommended for those who love good food


Braceria Del Capriccio

28/08/2024: Ormai è tappa fissa quando siamo in vacanza a Mattinata. Abbiamo ordinato un polpo arrosto su letto di crema di fave, un tagliere di ottimi salumi e formaggi e poi delle squisite pizze. Tutto perfetto
20/08/2024: Locale piccolo ma curato, servizio lento ma gentile. Il cibo molto buono e fresco, il proprietario ti aiuta a scegliere il piatto migliore secondo i gusti del cliente. Prezzo moderato. Posto consigliato


Il Cortiletto

11/08/2024: We had been there two years ago and wanted to return. We did well! Nice and quiet location. Excellent food and reasonable price. Chef and lady very helpful. Attentive and kind waitress. The only flaw is the occasional strong smell of gas that comes from the kitchen and which, although in the open air, disturbs the guests at the table.
28/07/2024: Un très très bon pour ce restaurant situé un peu à l'écart. Le cadre est super (belle cour intérieure en été) et dans l'assiette "Mamma Mia" un régal. Paolo est un chef passionné et passionnant. Une cuisine inventive, généreuse et un poil gastronomique avec des produits de qualité, frais, locaux. Service impeccable. Et tout cela au juste prix du très très bon. Bravo à eux pour leur travail et les traditions qu'ils perpétuent. Nous y reviendrons sans hésiter.


Osteria La Giara

12/08/2024: Sono stato a pranzo con mia moglie abbiamo aderito al menu del giorno e devo dire che è un ottimo qualità prezzo niente male
11/08/2024: Excellent quality food and at the best price! It's a must to eat here if you pass through these areas


Masseria San Biagio

08/05/2024: I highly recommend a visit to this enchanting location: the welcome, service and activities offered are excellent. Keep it up!
18/03/2024: Beautiful location, surrounded by nature, everything taken care of down to the smallest detail, very helpful owners, we organized a child's birthday.



18/12/2023: È il luogo ideale per passare una serata molto piacevole. Un'atmosfera molto raffinata in un contesto originale, buona musica e delle persone squisite e sorridenti che servono dei gustosissimi cocktails e vari aperitivi. Grande giardino in estate attrezzato con poltrone e divani confortevoli e tanto verde. Sono serviti diversi e succulenti menù a cominciare dalle hors-d'œuvre, sushis, sushi-mi, pletanze locali tradizione fino agli ottimi desserts. Buona scelta di vini e digestivi diversi. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Da conoscere assolutamente.
09/12/2023: Il cibo di ottima qualità. Il servizio affabile e disponibile. L' ambiente è sorprendente.


Ristorante La Muraya

25/08/2024: Excellent dinner, traditional dishes with a modern twist, excellent location. The raw appetizer was good and plentiful (presentation could be improved). Prices corrected. I recommend it.
12/08/2024: We came here on the recommendation of a travel blog. The food was very tasty, prices were a little higher than usual in Bari, due to the reputation. The arrogance of the waiter was somewhat unpleasant, as he was visibly annoyed at our refusal to drink wine. Of my 7 mussels, 3 were closed. When I told him this, they were opened, but again in a way that made it clear how impossible he found my request... and then we didn't even have espresso or liqueur for dessert .


Pizzeria del Portico

19/08/2024: Unfortunately, the food didn't come at the same time. We ate as a family, one after the other. The prices on the bill were also incorrect. Please CHECK your Bill. It was a shame to spend that evening at this place.
07/08/2024: Delicious food and desserts served in a very beautiful place. Next to it there is a beautiful square to see.

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