Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti di cucina italiana in Verona

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Taverna Fregoso

23/06/2024: We thought we would stop here for some authentic Italian cuisine however, the waiter service was the worst we experienced on our stay (very rude). The people beside us were really unhappy with their pizza and sent it back, but they couldn't care less and didn't refund the customer. Avoid this place!
03/06/2024: Das Essen sah leider besser aus als es wirklich ist. Die Ober könnten netter sein obwohl nicht sehrviel los war. Schade location sieht schön aus.


Caffe Porto Vecchio

06/08/2024: We were able to enjoy ice cream, yogurt cups, strawberry cups and cookie cups here. Super tasty, good service and 5 meters from the lake. We found the price-performance ratio to be reasonable. 10 euros including drink.
30/07/2024: The waiters are just terrible. They swore at the guests from another table in Italian only because they did not understand the language. A shame. The portions are very small, the price does not correspond to the quality



Selva di progno
01/08/2024: Andiamo spesso a mangiare da Zucchi e ogni volta ne usciamo soddisfatti e contenti. Giulia e Milena con tutto lo staff sono molto accoglienti e premurose nonché simpatiche e ci sembra ormai di essere in famiglia anche perché tanti clienti sono abitudinari e lo siamo diventati anche noi. Il menù è vario e tutto ottimo con un buon rapporto qualità/ prezzo. D'inverno è ben riscaldato e d'estate si può mangiare in una terrazza panoramica ben ventilata. Per me n.1 della zona.
18/07/2024: Cena durante la settimana con due bambine di un anno e mezzo Al nostro arrivo (ore19.15) lo staff ci chiede se vogliamo ordinare subito della pasta per far mangiare le bimbe. Noi accettiamo volentieri ma la pasta arriva alle 20.10 (premetto che era pasta in bianco). Noi ordiamo 4 antipasti che arrivano dopo un po’ di attesa Per la seconda portata ordiniamo 2 pasticci e due secondi La cameriera torna dopo 15 min dicendoci che il pasticcio è finito Ordiamo così dei tortelloni e del vitello tonnato. Il vitello tonnato mai arrivato Annullato L ordine perché ormai erano le 21.30 Vino rosso di scarsissima qualità. Dopo aver saputo di un inconveniente allo staff accettiamo le scuse da parte della titolare e comprendiamo l accaduto ma di certo non torneremo per un insoddisfazione generale


Da Ruggerino Beach

17/08/2024: You can drink very well here, but food is completely overpriced
17/08/2024: Man, it's hard to beat the ignorance and unfriendliness. You sit at the table, the staff comes by several times, no greeting, no nothing. The guest as a necessary evil. After a few minutes of ignorance, we went around the corner to the Garden Café and were greeted warmly and served.


Ristorante Pizzeria Italia Da Nikolas

30/06/2024: We visited here for dinner twice during our holiday and really enjoyed our meals. The restaurant has a fantastic location on the port, with lake views, and there is a great choice of seating, both indoors and outdoors. We found the value very reasonable too.
06/06/2024: Nice setting but the supposedly manager/owner is despicable to say the least. Spoke to us in such a loathsome, deplorable way when asked a simple query and the hostile stare was extremely intimidating and chilling. We paid and left at once. We have travelled all over the world and never had such an unnerving experience in a restaurant. I can’t imagine he would like his parents to be spoken to in that way.


Loacker Point Verona

11/08/2024: Perfectly good cafe on the square. I’d give it a 3.5/ 5. Nice pastries, nice coffee, very nice sandwich. The waitress looked a bit stressed (someone was pouring water from a balcony) but the food came out quickly and efficiently
11/08/2024: Nice service, good food, average prices


Cristina e franco

Peschiera del garda
12/08/2024: Cuisine correcte sans plus, service agréable, tarif modéré. Nous avons passé un bon moment. Ceux qui parle de piège à touristes c’est quand même exagéré.
04/08/2024: Hier zojuist gegeten. Veel spijt van. Ten eerste lijkt het een fast food restaurant. Ze willen je zsm weer weg hebben. Het eten was echt niet lekker. Patat veel te vet, vlees heel droog. Groente kwam veel te laat maar was ook overdreven gaar. De courgette was een soort puree geworden. De pasta was ook echt niet lekker. Toen de bon kwam vroeg ik waarom er 8 euro werd berekend voor een vage omschrijving. Dit was voor het bestek.


Midas Stube

Peschiera del garda
20/08/2024: Wij zijn hier rond 14 uur in de middag geweest en het eten was heel lekker. Hadden 2 pizza’s en 1 snitzel met patat en dat was meer als voldoende voor 4 personen. Mooi uitzicht en goede service! Zeker een aanrader
13/08/2024: vista fantastica, cibo ottimo sotto ogni punto di vista e soprattutto molto veloce il servizio. Ci tornerò sicuramente qui!


Trattoria alla Scaletta

27/12/2023: Dopo esser stati mandati via da una trattoria solo perché avevamo 1 piccola cagnolina ,abbiamo voluto provare qua e idem: ci han cacciati perché i cani non erano ben accetti ed il vecchio proprietario ci ha detto che (alle 19.30 ) era tutto prenotato e non c'era posto (seppur al momento abbiamo visto parecchi tavoli vuoti di mercoledì sera!!!) Maleducazione a 1000 e poco amore per queste creature. Dovremmo far cosa noi proprietari??? Abbandonarli in autostrada per far felici i ristoratori???? Pessima Italia - cattivi ristoratori !! Locanda BOCCIATA ! Ci vorrebbe l'onorevole Brambilla a cazziarvi! Abbiamo cenato poi egregiamente in un posto con personale educato e gentile, con la bestiola beata che dormiva sotto al tavolo!!! A mai più!!! TROGLOS !!!
12/12/2023: servizio impeccabile personale preparato e cordiale si mangia BENISSIMO piatti della tradizione veneta al giusto prezzo la carne il top


Bar la Batida

19/08/2024: We went in to get an ice cream and were welcomed by two very kind and friendly ladies, who recommended the flavors available and made us sit at the tables in the outdoor internal part. Great ice cream, excellent service. We took two bottles of water and they also gave us glasses full of crushed ice and this is not a given in an ice cream shop in the center of Verona especially without paying a cover charge. Highly recommended and thank you thank you
18/08/2024: I ordered 2 scoops of ice cream in the cone, when I asked the seller if I could also have the larger waffle cone, he said it was only meant for 3 scoops. Less than 2 minutes later the top ball had come loose and fell down (into my hand) when I went back to him and showed him, he acted as if he could only speak Italian and didn't mind it. I would have at least expected him to replace a bullet for me and apologize. Never again for me!!


La Capannina

13/06/2024: There are a few places to eat at the top of Mount Baldo. Plenty of outdoor seating. We decided on this one. Had drinks & a sandwich to share. Was okay. Nothing that special, but served its purpose.
20/05/2024: Posto meraviglioso, cucina fantastica, personale gentilissimo. I Titolari sono ottime persone che mettono a proprio agio i loro clienti


Ristorante Al Vapor

13/08/2024: We arrived without a reservation in the afternoon after it opened and they quickly tried to find a table for us. Service was excellent, some even spoke German to us. The food was absolutely perfect 👍👍👍
12/08/2024: Food good. But service is misogynistic, they don't even look at you. Very rude and unfriendly when asked. Saying "Forks are not available with fries in Germany" when asked for forks is not okay and unprofessional.



Isola della scala
22/10/2023: In short, the tradition continues but I have not found any innovation or improvement compared to the event 5 years ago. It remains a fair visited by many almost as if it were a must but, in short, I didn't find anything exceptional, apart from the price of the rice dish which continues to grow as if you ate lobster...
11/10/2023: Very good risottos. Perfect organisation, friendly and helpful staff. Very short waiting times. Well done.


Ristorante Pizzeria Bellavista

Peschiera del garda
06/08/2024: À part la vue, TOUT est nul. Nourriture médiocre : mauvaise pizza, salade sans sauce, très simple et minuscule, portions de pâtes très petites. Le service idem : Une partie de notre commande a été oubliée, et les assiettes sont enlevées à l'instant où on finit comme si on voulait qu'on parte vite. Les prix sont vraiment élevés, et à ça il faut encore ajouter le service... Bref, à fuir ne donnez pas un centime à ces escrocs 👍
05/08/2024: Abbiamo deciso di andare in questo ristorante perché da sul lago ma non fatevi ingannare. Abbiamo mangiato veramente malissimo, il pesce era tutto congelato, abbiamo preso una tartar di salmone dove all’interno erano rimaste le squame del pesce… l’insalata di mare era gommosa e insipida. Abbiamo preso poi due primi dove abbiamo aspettato un’ora perché il cuoco aveva perso la comanda e anche lì i piatti non erano buoni… i camerieri non sono stati molto accoglienti e chiacchieravano tutto il tempo tra di loro. Io non lo consiglio per niente questo ristorante. Ripeto, non fatevi ingannare solo perché è davanti al lago.


deCanto - Wine Bar

14/08/2024: Very rude, very unfriendly staff. Didn't even offer glasses for a large bottle of water and cokes. Lots of mess, nothing tidied up. Best avoided.
28/06/2024: Terrible welcome! Told that they were closing and that if we had not finished our meal we would be told to get out of the restaurant! Rude and surly staff

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