Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti di cucina mediterranea in Umbria

346 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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09/06/2024: A small treat of a local prosciutto was provided to the table upon arrival. We were seating in a dining room adorned with artwork on the walls and ceiling. This restaurant was recommended by our B&B owner, and it did not disappoint! The first courses were regional and made with authentic ingredients.
22/02/2024: Eccellenza Orvietana storica. Materie prime di eccelsa qualità confezionate a Regola d'Arte e con Amore. Merita un fine settimana dedicato.


Trattoria La Mora

31/05/2024: Disappointment, expensive place, small portions
24/05/2024: Beautiful place, excellent dishes never eaten before and kindness. Exceptional beard, excellent ossobuco and snails, a real discovery. Snow peas are also excellent as a side dish. We stumbled upon it by chance, we will definitely be back.


Loft 05

26/12/2023: The professionalism of the owner is reflected in the excellent cocktails and the refined and quality dishes as well as in the friendliness and always kind words. Price slightly below average, everything top.
03/12/2023: Quality, professionalism and courtesy reign supreme...I highly recommend...TOP


Silver Osteria Pizzeria del Mangiar Bene

02/06/2024: Passing through the wonderful Umbrian town on business, I found myself having a quick lunch in this very welcoming restaurant, located in the heart of the historic centre. The quality of the food and the friendliness of the owners are the hallmarks that characterize the place and the things for which I would recommend it. The prices, perhaps, a little above the norm but, overall, considering the pleasant experience, I would say it's worth it! Advised!
25/05/2024: A pleasant experience, everything perfect! Thank you and we hope to return to Spoleto soon to enjoy your excellent dishes and your hospitality.


Degusteria Lu Soccio

25/02/2024: Come sempre sono una garanzia. Si mangia benissimo, dall'antipasto ai primi ai secondi e finire con i dolci. Tutto eccellente, prodotti di prima qualità. Straconsigliato!!! Luisa e famiglia sono di un'ospitalità unica. Grazie grazie grazie!
24/11/2023: Io e il mio compagno ci siamo venuti più volte, ed ogni volta l'esperienza è stata più che positiva! I piatti sono buonissimi, preparati al meglio con i prodotti locali. Il personale è gentilissimo, educato e disponibile ed accoglie qualsiasi richiesta del cliente con educazione e sorrisi ! Ovviamente torneremo qui altre migliaia di volte!


Osteria La Città Vecchia

08/05/2024: This evening a nice pizza with friends, to celebrate two future spouses, the place is very nice, welcoming and elegant, with pleasant jazz notes in the decor. Friendly and attentive staff, fast service. The pizzas were delicious, I personally took the Trevigiana, with radicchio, gorgonzola and other cheeses, perfectly cooked chips, exceptional draft beer. Pleasant evening and ended with my favorite amaro! Highly recommended.
27/02/2024: Abbiamo prenotato una domenica a pranzo insieme alla mia famiglia, una volta giunti sul posto siamo stati accolti da uno staff preparato e disponibile. Abbiamo ordinato le ciriole alla ternana tipiche di Terni a dir poco eccezionali, si sentiva la freschezza della pasta fatta in casa. Il resto delle portate sono state un'esplosione di gusto e una goduria per gli occhi, ci hanno soddisfatto in ogni aspetto. Torneremo sicuramente molto presto.


Storie Perugine

07/06/2024: Asked for a carbonara with tartuffo, where carbonara was basically scrambled eggs with pasta and the tartuffo was soggy and tasteless.
27/05/2024: What can I say, perfect...a unique, beautiful environment with attention to the smallest details, from photos to historical objects...each table is different from the other, each chair is different from the other! The staff is very kind, affable, helpful... the lady (Laura) I apologize if I'm wrong is sweet and sensitive!!! The dishes...what can I say...I asked to eat Umbrian...I ate Umbrian!!! Well done, well done!!!


Osteria da Santu Mangione

11/05/2024: Excellent culinary experience in the center of Assisi. The staff is very kind and the truthfulness of the menu can satisfy all tastes. Excellent wine to accompany the dishes.
09/05/2024: I highly recommend this restaurant, very very nice, great food, good location and above all Paolo the owner is an exceptional person, always very kind and helpful....


Il Convento- Antica Dimora Francescana sec. XIII

30/05/2024: Really pleasant place with proposals for typical dishes of the area but well prepared and well presented...
12/05/2024: Beautiful place. I went to this place because I was invited to a communion lunch so I can't leave a review regarding the prices. The staff was very friendly and despite the occasion the service was quite fast. Nothing to say about the kitchen. The fried food, the first course and also the tender and quality sliced ​​beef with Sagrantino are excellent. For dessert, a trifle as good as homemade. Which is no small little dog was very well accepted. I will definitely go back because I was told that the pizza is also very good. Thank you!


Ristorante Pizzeria I Monaci

27/05/2024: We were there last Saturday evening for dinner very nice place excellent pizza but poor service you can't wait 50 minutes for a pizza the room downstairs there were only 4 people to see
25/05/2024: We were there for lunch. 14 of us showed up at 2pm!!! Very strong. They welcomed us with kindness but in a professional way. They served us almost at the same time (14 of us is not to be taken for granted) and although some of the company was not as happy as I was with my "nettle and saffron tagliatelle", or my wife with her "cheese and pear gnocchi", the result was was unanimously positive. I recommend it without any fear! Well done!


Ristorante Jacopone

03/06/2024: Dined a la carte one night and enjoyed traditional Umbrian dishes. Returned the next night for the three-course seasonal menu with white asparagus as the hero, thoughtfully paired with three local wines. Umbrian new-style! A restaurant working to meet the tastes of both those living in, and visiting, Todi that offers high quality meals at a moderate price. Speak with Marco about what he and his family are doing here
04/05/2024: The quality of the products are typical of the place and are truly genuine and tasty. Great selection of wines. A place to enjoy and chat in complete relaxation. I don't have photos because the dishes were too inviting...


Ristorante Osteria dell'Olmo

22/05/2024: Good food, excellent service but to get the bill we waited more than half an hour and then had to go to pay in a nearby place!! Truly out of this world!!!
17/04/2024: Excellent traditional culinary food


Trattoria del Conte

19/02/2024: Solitamente non torno con questa frequenza nei ristoranti, ma per la Trattoria del Conte ad Orvieto faccio sempre un eccezione. Tutto è troppo buono, dal cibo, la, prezzo al servizio. Perfetto .
21/12/2023: Dopo un po' di tempo sono riuscito a tornare alla Trattoria del Conte ad Orvieto, e devo dire che fortunatamente non è cambiato nulla. Ottima la cucina tradizionale orvietana. Preciso e puntale il servizio. Prezzi assolutamente in linea con la qualità e la quantità del cibo che viene servito. Locale immutato, salvo forse una ritinteggiata alle pareti. Da provare assolutamente .


Il Tartufo

11/03/2024: Posto accogliente e confortevole. siamo stati per una cena fra amici . Ottimo ristorante, personale cortese e cibo buono. Abbiamo magiato bene.
13/02/2024: Entriamo in questo ristorante un po' per caso un po' per necessità, visto che erano le 14.15 di martedì, e in giro non c'era una vasta scelta di locali. Sala piccola, intima e raccolta, eravamo da soli e il proprietario era seduto al tavolo di fianco al nostro con diverse scartoffie davanti. Poca privacy, ma piacevole il sottofondo musicale jazz Prendiamo un antipasto di bruschette al tartufo al modico prezzo di 30 euro, ma ci arriva qualche crostino con unabcrema spalmabile che di tartufo aveva ben poco, inesistente. Tra i primi buono lo gnocco con broccoli e salsiccia, bocciato invece gli strangozzi ai funghi porcini. Decisamente caro rispetto alla qualità dei piatti offerti. Non ci tornerei


Ristorante Scoglio dell'Aquilone

20/02/2024: I stayed in this hotel with the football team in 1986 I think, I was 14 years old with wonderful memories...

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