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I migliori ristoranti di cucina mediterranea in Roma

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La Sirena del Lago

06/08/2024: Good staff. Terrible service for a restaurant, decent dishes and unjustified prices. They expect tips and cash only: they don't give a receipt. Not recommended It is saved only for the view of Lake Nemi.
05/08/2024: Great food, amazing view, service was good, we didn't wait long, the guys worked hard. We were alone in the restaurant))) the only negative is that you have to pay in cash. We had a large company, we wanted to pay everyone for themselves, but we had to do accounting))) but we liked everything!



27/06/2024: Frequento Vanni spesso e ogni volta esco soddisfatta sia per la qualità del cibo con la sua varietà dall’’antipasto al dolce e per la gentilezza e professionalità del personale tra cui spicca senz’altro Giuseppe per la sua capacità di saper cogliere ogni tua necessità servendoti con professionalità impeccabile ma anche simpatia. Complimenti a tutti Paola
18/06/2024: Per uno spuntino ho acquistato delle olive ascolane. In una di esse era presente il nocciolo. Fateci caso Prodotto buono.


Grill e Wine

19/08/2024: Racist people work here. Bad experience if you look south east asian! The food is okish, not even that good. They wouldn't let you sit inside but force you to sit outside in summers because one of the local waiter kept giving excuses that they serve 15 ppl inside. And won't hesitate to make u feel bad right in front of you when they invite white people inside. Anyway, the other waiter, who was a nice dude from Bangladesh, approached me and apologised because he felt bad and told me that they are racists and they have been instructed that way by the owner and said that they believe that south asians dont spend so much which is so stupid. The waiters didn't follow these instructions, but there was only this one waiter who was doing it . Other customers saw this and were disappointed. One of the owners came up to us with a made-up story and a drawn picture by a kid and said that pakistanis come here as well and we welcome you etc etc. Just to ensure that we wouldn't take any action. I've been in italy for 4 years and have never faced such a stupid level of racism that i wouldn't even bother to take action on such a petty act. I was going to leave, but my wife convinced me to stay. Should have left immediately. Its 2024, but they live in 1524.
17/08/2024: AN ABSOLUTELY HUMILIATING EXPERIENCE It was the middle of August, so it was a very hot day. It was around 5, and we are students here in Rome and just wanted to have a snack. We stopped and asked the waiter to let us sit inside where they had air conditioning. The waiter said it was full inside and seated us outside. While we were looking at the menu, the same waiter kept inviting other people passing by inside, and we saw there were at least 3 tables empty inside, so when another waiter came to take our order we gave the order and asked the waiter that we prefer to sit inside. He said, of course, and as he was taking us inside the waiter from before, blocked the door and said there was no space inside!! We asked why, to which he replied, "It's 50% service, so we can not allow you inside." At that point, we realized he was clearly being racist. He was inviting in the Americans and the touristy people that were passing by. We being brown skinned weren't allowed inside!!! Other than us, there was just one other black guy who was sitting outside. Because we had already placed an order, we thought it would be inappropriate to leave, but we were both furious and wanted to leave. While we were sitting there, that same waiter took in 8 people to sit inside!!! It was an absolutely humiliating and embarrassing feeling!! The other waiter came to us and apologized because he realized what had happened and that we were both pissed and angry!! BUT SERIOUSLY, WHY WOULD YOU TREAT US DIFFERENTLY!? WE WERE THERE TO EAT AND WE WERE PAYING THERE TO EAT!!! JUST LIKE THE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE HE SEATED INSIDE! WE ARE JUST AS HUMAN AS THEM!


Antica Fontana di Trevi Ristorante Pizzeria

16/08/2024: Sad experience!!! Terrible!!! Cacio e pepe inedible!!! carbonara dipped in fried oil!!! We will never go back again!!!
14/08/2024: One of the worst restaurants of my life, tourist traps, no pleasant waiter, they talk to us badly and look down on us. Kitchen closed at 8 p.m. no possibility of having a complete menu. Ingredient not quality not fresh, so fresh since they are frozen and reheat. TO RUN AWAY. Don't go there unless you want to lose your money.


Rossopomodoro Lungotevere Mazzini

30/06/2024: Una delusione, pizza poco cotta, il fior di latte non si era sciolto bene, il cornicione pieno e non alveolato. Il babà asciutto galleggiava in un lago di sciroppo. Nella divisa dei camerieri la scritta " come una giornata a Napoli", direi più... Giornataccia.
26/06/2024: Scarsa pulizia (bagni praticamente inagibili), attese infinite, servizio pessimo, cibo mediocre. Tutti i tavoli intorno a noi si sono lamentati. Sconsigliato



10/08/2024: Locale carino con ampio spazio esterno. Tutto ciò che ho assaggiato è buono, menu abbastanza vario. Ha delle pizze semplici ma sfiziose. Ci torno sempre volentieri!
04/08/2024: Bella e fresca sala esterna sotto gli alberi, solo discreto il mangiare, discreta scelta di vini. Servizio ok Prezzi ok


El Pareo

18/08/2024: Siamo stati ieri sera in 8. Pizza sottile, fritto di calamari, calamaro ripieno con scarola, filetto all'acquapazza tutto buono. La cena è stata purtoppo rovinata da un servizio scarso come tempistiche. Il mio piatto è stato il primo ad arrivare e per mezz'ora non si è visto altro. Poi un altro e le pizze. Poi un altro ancora (spaghetti con vongole) e dopo ancora un bel po' l'ultimo, fritto di calamari, nonostante sia stato fatto notare. Una gestione pessima da questo punto di vista. Peccato rovinare una serata così.
11/08/2024: Ambiente rilassante nonostante fosse sabato. Servizio simpatico e veloce Fritti come antipasti buoni Pinsa molto buona. Torniamo sicuramente



25/06/2024: Metto cinque stelle perché la pasticceria è top, ma le granite sono da dimenticare. Presa oggi quella di caffè, servita in un bicchiere troppo piccolo (non si può inzuppare il tuppo) e la granita era completamente secca. Dettaglio: la panna (buona) messa dalla macchinetta, sulla granita la preferisco dalla spatola. Se hai provato la granita a Messina sai che questa non è una granita (vedi foto)
24/06/2024: Cornetto e caffè alla modica, si fa per dire, cifra di 3 euro. Alla mia richiesta di un bicchiere d'acqua mi si fa presente che mi sarebbe costato altri 50 centesimi. Cornetto dal bel aspetto ma secchissimo. Da evitare.


Ristorante Pizzeria San Marino

17/06/2024: Erano trent’anni che non venivo qui. Eh sì che ci sono passato davanti Dio solo sa quante volte. Ci sono tornato da solo, in una tiepida serata di fine primavera. E’ cambiato poco. Solo i camerieri, che trent’anni fa non erano nati. Stesso menu , stesse pizze. Nessuno svolazzo, nessuna stranezza, tutto molto ordinario: i fritti, le bruschette, le pizze. Va bene così.
01/06/2024: Ordinata d'asporto, la Margherita con salsa semicruda e pizza con la scarola cruda , quindi una pizza con insalata. Che dire..


Ristorante Pizzeria Al Piacere

11/08/2024: We felt cheated while I went to the bathroom the waiter suggested to my wife and my mother-in-law a dish that was not on the menu, they thought according to his instructions that it was white fish and when the dishes arrived he brought us lobster, we knew it would be expensive for be a special dish and apart from this he offered us dishes that were supposedly companions but they were not apart from second courses, all he wanted, just the lobster, was 100 euros and to complete the tip he asked for 20%, horrible total of the bill, €284 for 4 people a robbery
04/08/2024: ATTENTION SCAMMERS! We asked for house wine, but the waiter offered us another one, without the price included in the menu. It turned out that 2 small glasses of medium wine cost us 29€... Unfortunately, at the end of the stay it was an unpleasant experience. Avoid it, because in the area for a few € more you can eat well and drink wine of a similar quality!


Bar Tre Scalini

20/08/2024: Overpriced with terrible coffee, unfortunately sat down before seeing reviews on Google
20/08/2024: Terrible experience! Be careful when making an order. We ordered a simple bruschetta with prosciutto and mozzarella, which was supposed to cost 5 euros. However, they brought us a completely different dish. When we pointed out the mistake and said it wasn’t what we ordered, instead of correcting it, they insisted that we pay for it—25 euros for a dish we never wanted!


Cucina & vista

30/08/2024: Restaurant not good at all 65 euros for 2 drinks and 2 dishes served cold with none a shame to serve its
30/08/2024: I'm putting one star because we can't give 0. The dishes are cold and tasteless, we ended up at McDonald's for our last lunch in Rome.


Trattoria Della Torre Argentina

07/07/2024: We ordered Salmon with Rosemary Potatoes, Lasagne, two hourpour white wine and an espresso. Food was not too bad and the lasgana was delicious. HOWEVER, there was a very cocky waiter who did not respond well when my husband asked for an espresso. It seemed like he was acting too good to even walk over. At the end, we gave cash for the payment and he was shouting at the top of his voice Thanl you Sir and Thank you Ma'am and my husband started wondering if we were going to get out change back. I walked into the restaurant a few minutes later and the waiter was just standing there and when I caught his eye he just asked what by lifting his head. I said my change and then he proceeded to return me my 8 euros. Be clear about tipping and such .
16/06/2024: Bonne surprise, malgré les commentaires, nous avons tenté cette trattoria en famille. Spritz très bien servi en apéro, service très agréable et ensuite le repas a été très correct, aussi bien les pâtes vongole, carbonara que la pizza. Vraie bonne surprise malgré les aprioris.


Il Faraone

03/08/2024: The pizza and pasta that we ate was satisfactory, very long service. The toilets were very very dirty, no more toilet paper, no lock. and finally for payment he asked us for cash, which we refused, his box bank card is hidden in a drawer.
29/07/2024: The food is good depends on what you take and your taste I don't like lasagna but my brother yes, the pasta is good like carbonnara, service still fast and you have a beautiful view of the fountain and a small tree pink (depends on where you are sitting) anyways it does the job, not too expensive either.


Il Ristorante

03/09/2024: Sono stato a pranzo con la mia ragazza in questo bellissimo ristorante oggi per la prima volta. Ci ha colpiti da subito l’accoglienza e la scelta del tavolo, con i ventilatori a migliorare l’aria che comunque era fortunatamente fresca e gradevole. Abbiamo preso due antipasti, due crudi, due primi, una frittura mista ed una Falanghina e ne siamo usciti più che soddisfatti. Gli antipasti buonissimi, la panzanella di polpo ed il tonno fritto con tostatura di caffè una delizia. Tonnarello allo scoglio ottimo ed uno gnocchetto con gamberi e pachino reso ancora più buono dall’olio al peperoncino fatto in casa che il proprietario mi ha gentilmente portato. La frittura gustosa, con i calamari che si scioglievano in bocca a renderla superlativa. A terminare il tutto, due caffè e doppio giro di amari. Prezzi decisamente in linea con la qualità del prodotto. C’erano le opzioni per i menù fissi, con anche sconti per gli aeroportuali (entrambi lo siamo), ma stavamo festeggiando il mio compleanno e quindi ci siamo concessi un qualcosa in più di cui siamo del tutto soddisfatti. Personale top ed il proprietario ci ha trattato davvero benissimo: ci torneremo sicuramente e porteremo anche gli amici! :D
03/09/2024: A pranzo o a cena sempre e comunque una esperienza fantastica. Sia a livello culinario che a livello cura del cliente. Staff disponibile per ogni esigenza. Simpatia del titolare unica e travolgente. In riferimento ad una recenzione "DAL PALLA" Abbiamo cenato li la stessa sera... E quando leggo cibo immangiabile e i piatti rientravano puliti la cosa mi desta sospetti sulla sincerità dei vostri criteri di valutazione. Capisco che siete abituati a ristoranti pluristellati però Masterchef credo vi abbia dato alla testa. Poi la doppia recenzione negativa dallo stesso tavolo è una caduta di stile unica.

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