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I migliori ristoranti di cucina mediterranea in Roma

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VINO e FOCACCIA - Cocktail & Wine Bar

31/08/2024: My sex trip to Rome, I have been scammed a couple of times, but this one won the award for the biggest Roman scammer, a thief, 2 normal nafa burgers out of the ordinary and 2 mini cokes, €60. €10 table service, €7 each mini coke, the hamburgers €18, and on the menu they were listed at €14, the price of the coke or the measure is not listed, nor is table service, when I complained the items disappeared. menu and one appeared with the prices charged. Don't go there. They eat better and cheaper in the best restaurants in Rome, even in Plaza Dil Pololo. Don't even go on the sidewalk. Because they feel cheated. Eye
30/08/2024: A legal scam for tourist. They charge for things you didn't order and have 20% mandatory tip, since they write it in tiny letters at the end of the menu. They have Special menús for tourists to charge them more money and when you confront them their answer is "that's how it is in Italy". The food was super bad and the service was terrible.


Trattoria Della Torre Argentina

17/07/2024: I would really like to hear from this establishment! If anyone can tell me I would appreciate it!
07/07/2024: This place has changed ownership, don't trust the reviews. The place is now called Appetito.


Agrippa al Pantheon

24/08/2024: Some rude people. They pressured us at all times to order quickly, order more, and asked us for a tip amidst constant laughter and jokes among the waiters in their language.
24/08/2024: They are very annoying and laugh at the customers


Sfizzo - il Caffè Gourmet

06/08/2024: I went to try the pizza from this place which was described to me as very good, but I must say that they did not meet my expectations, low quality ingredients, very normal pizza and medium high costs, a pizza by the slice like many others
18/07/2024: The pizza was terrible and the service was even worse. The staff was rude and they overcharged me. Don't go there even if it's close to the stadium, you'll end up with a stomach ache. There are better places closer!


Kosher Bistrot

09/07/2024: Se cercate un posto per sedervi, prendere una cosa da bere e fare due chiacchiere, lasciate perdere. Quando vado al centro ho sempre paura di incappare in qualche fregatura per turisti e purtroppo ci siamo cascati in pieno. La nostra colpa? Non aver controllato minuziosamente il menù, ma cappuccino e succo di frutta in genere ce l'hanno tutti i bar, e non aver protestato subito in cassa perché oltretutto hanno segnato un cappuccino da 7 euro invece che normale da 4,( che cmq non è poco, ma quando stai seduto al centro di Roma un po' te lo aspetti, purtroppo) e il dolcetto pure 7 euro invece di 5. Era tutto perfetto e buono almeno? Ma de che, il cappuccino era rovente, imbevibile e con una schiumetta triste, il dolce era probabilmente appena uscito da microonde perché bollente e moscio. Neanche un tovagliolo sul tavolo. Da un posto che fa pagare un cappuccino 4 euro mi aspetto la perfezione e invece l'importante è incassare il più possibile, poi se servi prodotti scadenti e batti gli scontrini a casaccio pazienza.
08/07/2024: Molta apparenza ma nulla di che , spritz mediocre , servizio lento (nonostante non fosse pieno) però veloce a batter cassa .... 2 spritz con una manciata di arachidi 19 € Si può fare molto meglio


Caffe Domiziano

07/08/2024: They are going to scam customers, they brought me the wrong change and it was clear that it was on purpose. Heist-tourist
05/08/2024: Crazy expensive! Don’t eat in Piazza Navona. Especially don’t eat here! This place served us warm wine, in 33° weather. Then argued when we told him it was warm.


Gran Caffe Maggiore

10/08/2024: I do not recommend this site at all. They are scammers. They told us some prices, they would be 16.50 and they charged us 28. They said that to serve us at a table 5 euros and an extra cost for each drink and appetizer. But before, when we had asked inside about the prices and went to get the drinks in the refrigerator, they did not tell us anything about those surcharges, they only told us to sit down and they would serve us outside. What I said: shameless scammers.
02/08/2024: The food was fine, however I wouldn't recommend this place as waiters are a bit short and it's very overpriced. They included a 6 euro tip on a 20 euro meal, cola is 5 euro for a small can.


Dolce Vita

28/06/2024: We had looked at multiple menus on the piazza Navona square and this one spoke to us a bit more than the others and the steak was priced at €7 so we decided to eat here. The food was actually very nice! And despite previous reviews, we had quick and prompt service, no delays etc. The thing that we were shocked at was the bill! It came to €71 as the steak was showing €30 on the bill?! I didn’t question because the steak was absolutely HUGE so I wonder if it was €7 per 100g (400g-500g steak) but this was not mentioned anywhere on the menu which I think is really wrong. When ordering he mentioned the steak is big but did not mention the price. Probably just a language barrier… My partner had a burger and fries and I also had a salad. The salad was slightly warm but not off putting! Overall it was an ok experience and one of the best dinners we’ve had in Rome and we’ve tried multiple places!
26/06/2024: This is one of many sidewalk cafes/restaurants in a very touristy area and the prices reflect that. It was not very busy last night (I think because all the other cafes were showing the Eurocup games on big screen TVs) We decided to pay for the view of the piazza and the experience. The service was friendly and the mushroom pasta was very fresh. We also had a caprese salad that was tasty. Probably not the very best food in Rome, but it was overall a lovely experience. A perfect stop on our walking tour of Rome. Restrooms were clean.


Azienda Agricola Fratelli Di Cola

12/08/2024: Abbiamo scoperto questa spettacolare azienda tramite la pubblicità sulla radio e devo dire che ci ha sorpreso il fatto che non ci sia stata una sola pietanza dagli antipasti alla carne tenerissima, come i contorni ed infine i dolci tutti rigorosamente della casa che non ci abbia convinto. Tutto semplicemente buonissimo! Finalmente un posto dove ci siamo trovati tutti d'accordo! I camerieri gentili ed esaustivi nello spiegare il piatto. Bravi ragazzi torneremo per assaggiare anche i primi.
09/08/2024: Sono venuta invitata dai miei genitori, devo dire cibo, servizio e vino ottimi. Torneremo sicuramente. Consigliatissimo


Ristorante Panzirone

03/09/2024: Restaurant to escape! Tourist Trap Me and my partner were terribly disappointed by the nonchalance of the waiters. The tables were very wobbly due to the pavement so I asked them to change tables for us, this one was worse especially when it came to cutting your pizza. 30€ for two Diavola 6.50 per Coke ET 5.50 for an Italian espresso To top it off, the waiter didn't want to give me change, so I had to insist a lot. To my greatest regret I did not look at the Google reviews, given that we were in a relatively prestigious Place. Major lack of professionalism
02/09/2024: Restaurant without anything else... Take advantage of the position to display prices it doesn't deserve! 12 euros for a glass of Lambrusco, 12€50 for a Spritz... Not great service with obviously a person who is not Italian??? Never there again it's a shame!


Ricci Salumiere in Roma

26/03/2024: Non mi piace scrivere recensioni negative, ma questo ristorante ne merita una. Molto carina la cornice del ristorante su Piazza Adricato. Al piano terra c'è un attraente bar/caffetteria. Il livello del tetto offre un ottimo ambiente che si affaccia sulla piazza da un recinto riscaldato. Il design del luogo è di buon gusto e piacevole. Ora la brutta notizia. Siamo arrivati in una notte tranquilla con molti tavoli vuoti e ne abbiamo scelto uno con vista sulla piazza e altri clienti. Dopo essere rimasti seduti per cinque minuti, il cameriere ci ha suggerito un tavolo più grande e noi abbiamo gentilmente detto più volte che preferivamo dove eravamo. Ha proceduto ad apparecchiare il nostro tavolo ma ci ha detto di non lamentarci se avessimo deciso che non ci piaceva la posizione! (Errore 1). Dopo aver ordinato le nostre bevande e il cibo, ci è voluto un po' di tempo prima che arrivasse il nostro primo piatto. Ho trovato la pasta alla carbonara troppo ricca. Abbiamo poi scoperto che non avevamo i tovaglioli. Ho dovuto alzarmi per avvisare il server. (Errore 2). Finalmente sono arrivati due degli ordini per il nostro secondo piatto. Il terzo no. Abbiamo aspettato pazientemente e finalmente abbiamo attirato l'attenzione del cameriere. Ci ha informato che l'ordine particolare non era disponibile. (Errore 3). Gli ho ricordato che c'era anche un altro piatto che apparentemente aveva dimenticato. (Errore 4) Quando l'ho informato che il mio piatto era freddo e doveva essere riscaldato, mi ha rimproverato per aver aspettato troppo a lungo per mangiare e poi a malincuore è andato a riscaldarlo. (Errore 5). Quando finalmente ho assaggiato i polpettini, mi sembravano fatti di segatura, secchi e privi di sapore. (Errore 6). Anche se il ristorante non era affollato, il cameriere non è venuto nemmeno una volta a chiederci come stavamo. (Errore 7) Tutto ciò dimostra quanto sia importante il ruolo del cameriere in un ristorante. La sua mancanza di concentrazione e compassione per il cliente getta un'ombra oscura su quella che avrebbe potuto essere un'esperienza piacevole. Per il prezzo del cibo, suggerisco che ci siano molti altri bei posti in cui andare in piazza. Meglio divertirsi altrove. English I do not like to write bad reviews, but this restaurant deserves one. The setting of the restaurant on Piazza Adricato is quite nice. On the ground level there is an attractive cafe/bar. The roof level offers a great setting that overlooks the piazza from a heated enclosure. The design of the place is tasteful and pleasant. Now the bad news. We arrived on a quiet night with many empty tables and chose one with view of the piazza and other clients. After being seated for five minutes, the waiter suggested a larger table and we kindly said several times we preferred where we were. He proceeded to set our table but told us not to complain if we decided we did not like the location! (Mistake 1). After we ordered our drinks and food, it took a while for our first course to arrive. I found the pasta alla carbonara much too rich. We then discovered that we did not have napkins. I had to get up to let the server know. (Mistake 2). Two of the orders for our second course finally arrived. The third one did not. We waited patiently and finally got the waiter’s attention. He informed us that the particular order was not available. (Mistake 3). I reminded him that there was also another dish that he apparently forgot. (Mistake 4) When I informed him that my dish was cold and needed to be reheated, he scolded me for waiting too long to eat and then begrudgingly went to reheat it. (Mistake 5). When I finally sampled the polpettini, it seemed as if they were made from sawdust, dry and lacking any flavor. (Mistake 6). Although the restaurant was not crowded, not once did the waiter come to ask how we were doing. (Mistake 7) All of this shows how important the role of the waiter is to a restaurant. His lack of focus and compassion for the client casts a dark shadow over what could have been a pleasant experience. For the price of the food, I suggest that there are several other fine places to go to in the piazza. Best to enjoy yourselves elsewhere
24/03/2024: Il locale è sicuramente piacevole, il personale elegante e cordiale nei modi, il piano rialzato è perfetto per fare quattro chiacchere in compagnia Devo però osservare che il prezzo pagato di complessivi 44 euro per due schweppes toniche, 4 assaggini di formaggi (scelti a loro gusto) e sei rettangolini di pizza bianca è veramente eccessivo



05/08/2024: The food was good, although the texture was not the most appealing. Bread on the menu was listed as 2 euros but was brought to us without ordering and they ended up charging 20 dollars for it. Service was good other than. They spoke English as well.
03/08/2024: The coffee is very good, but the service leaves much to be desired. Even though I informed about my desire to order coffee (before entering), I was treated unpleasantly, I was immediately given the bill without a word and waited until I left.


Dami Cafe

22/07/2024: La comida un asco, pedimos tres sándwiches de pollo( ninguno tenía pollo) los mozos hablaban en nuestro idioma y se hacían los que no entendían para no aceptar nuestro reclamo. Lugar sucio, baños sin traba ni papel higiénico. La verdad una vergüenza. El peor restaurante que comí en mi vida, comería mejor sacando comida de la basura. Saludos, recomiendo nunca sentarse en sus vidas!
27/04/2024: Dinlenmek , küçük bir mola vermek için oturduğum şirin bir kafe. Fiyatları biraz ortalama üstü. Sandviç ve atıştırmalık tatlılar, kekleri vardı. plum kek denedim. Oldukça lezzetli ve tazeydi. Garsonları ilgiliydi, seçim yapmamda yardımcı oldu.



05/08/2024: So nice service and people, with really good pastas and pizza for not so much ! Real good appetizer brought with the wine for free .
23/07/2024: Ci siamo fermati per una pausa pranzo in questo ristorante attratti dai tavolini posti all esterno. Non abbiamo trovato ciò che da giorni andavamo cercando e cioè gustare dei bei piatti tipici romani.


Ristorante Vacanze Romane Piazza Navona

29/07/2024: €8 for an egg and €9 for a juice, everything is too expensive
20/07/2024: The waiters were very rude and the cocktail (mojito and Caipirinha) were terrible.

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