Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristorantinella città Ponza della Latina

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Cosi com'era

12/08/2024: Location easily accessible by shuttle bus. The location is very beautiful even if unfortunately dinner does not have a view. Very friendly and helpful staff. Delicious dishes, fresh fish and truly perfect value for money. Definitely worth returning.
12/08/2024: Extremely positive experience! The food is really very good but the real strong point is the service: you really feel at home, the waiter knows how to advise very well and is really helpful. Furthermore, what is not to be taken for granted, you can eat well without spending a fortune! Highly recommended!


La Baguetteria del Porto

01/09/2024: Gluten-free and lactose-free products, also made to order!! All very good! Very nice staff
26/08/2024: Gastronomy with lots of variety. Quality. The staff is very kind and guides you in your choices! Advised!


Da Ciro Ristorante Miramare

26/08/2024: Absolutely the best restaurant in the area. Their mixed starter "Ciro's delights", the spaghetti with clams and the mussel sauté are highly recommended.
26/08/2024: Sublime location with a spectacular view of the sea, Palmarola is the backdrop. A good variety of very tasty dishes and very, very well plated. Staff who stand out for their professionalism and courtesy. I was really very satisfied and will definitely return in the future.


Il Porticciolo

24/08/2024: We had dinner at the Porticciolo two evenings ago, I had booked a table for two a few days before and the availability only for 8.00 pm I confess had initially made me fear a little (in Rome often, in these cases, after the dessert they kindly make you understand that it's time to clear the table, perhaps with a generous offering of the house amaro/limoncello). Well... nothing could be further from the experience I had, which I would like to say was truly wonderful and relaxing. The very kind girl who took our orders (and recommended it!), the owner, immediately explained to us the reasons for the availability of the table at such an early time, that is, reconciling the customer's needs for tranquility with the cooking times, dictated by the large number of reservations (a large group was arriving a little later), so as to avoid excessive waiting or, worse, the arrival of the various courses too close to each other. In the end our meal lasted for about 2.5 hours without being the least bit tiring (as the duration might suggest!), in fact we relaxed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the various courses of fresh fish we ordered, until the excellent dessert. In short, a wonderful experience, we had arrived in Ponza only a few hours before and it allowed us to fully enter the "relax & fun" mood that we needed so much, on our next visit to the island we will definitely return to have dinner here.
24/08/2024: I was there for the first evening with my girlfriend, we had such a good time that we decided to return for a second evening too. The restaurant staff is truly impeccable, Mrs. Luigina makes you feel at home, it's really super pleasant to talk to her. Excellent food, unique atmosphere and environment. We will definitely be back.


Ristorante La Pergola

28/08/2024: I went to this restaurant last night, the staff was really friendly! The food was excellent, we had two first courses and we were full because the portions are quite large. Let's say that the location is nice but it overlooks the port, so if you want to stay right on the sea perhaps it's better to look further to the right. However, highly recommended!
21/08/2024: All very good, very fresh fish. Highly recommended



06/08/2024: One of the best restaurants in central Italy! The dishes, the service, the view... there isn't one thing that isn't perfect at EEA
30/07/2024: Super delicious, fantastic view, good service.


Ristorante Il Capriccio

08/06/2024: I just spent a weekend. Excellent place, convenient for its proximity to the port. Outdoor breakfast with delicious cakes made by the owner. Experience to be redone. The little dog Pepe is always on the alert and welcomes you.
01/01/2024: Impeccable service. Thanks, see you next time.


Ristorante Bellavista Ponza

24/08/2024: Beautiful and comfortable rooms.. Impeccable service and friendly staff.. Super top location overlooking the sea, beautiful dining with a breathtaking view
14/08/2024: Hospitality, kindness and friendliness are the basis of this lovely accommodation facility. Strategic position, a stone's throw from the town hall and Corso Pisacane and, at the same time, secluded and with a double view between the Parata and the Bourbon port. Super recommended


Ristorante Dieci Maggio

28/08/2024: Il ristorante, molto carino, si trova nel borgo di Santa Maria a Ponza. Location riservata a pochi passi dal mare. Ho mangiato una serie di antipasti tra cui il polpo ripieno un ottimo tonno scottato così pure delle polpettine di pesce fritte ed ancora delle sarde becca FCO. Poi ho provato del polpo scottato, molto tenero. Molto buona anche le fritte l’line di fiori di zucca e anche la parmigiana di mare melanzane con melanzane. abbiamo provato un ottimo pacchero con la riccio e pomodoro fresco e così pure degli gnocchi fatti in casa vongole e cozze. Personale gentile e premuroso. Non posso non citare la moglie dello chef, nonché gestore del locale.
09/08/2024: Un piatto di patate al forno che accompagnavano una spigola soli 28 euro oltre ai 100 della spigola naturalmente . Può bastare? Trattati come vacanzieri da spennare, purtroppo abbiamo avuto nettamente questa sensazione. Dimenticato ci hanno portato anche una tartare non richiesta dicendoci “ci siamo permessi di portarvi questa tartare, assaggiatela, ne vale la pena” il tutto a soli 50 euro. Totale in 6 persone 566 euro per una carrellata di antipasti e una spigola. Prezzo dei vini onesto. Dopo aver mostrato la nostra perplessità sul conto ci hanno scontato le patate al 50 % a soli 14 euro. Poca trasparenza, poca attenzione al cliente. Locale dozzinale e tavolo vista cucina.


Acqua Pazza

04/08/2024: An experience worth having. Stellar food, environment and service. Advised.
26/07/2024: We were guests on Tuesday 23 July in this splendid reality on the island of Ponza. There were 3 of us and we took the tasting menu, strictly based on fish. It was a great experience. Thank you for your courtesy and hospitality.


La Campanella

07/08/2024: Cibo di ottima qualità, terrazza con vista sul mare di Ponza, personale gentilissimo e qualificato, soprattutto la proprietaria Anna, simpatica e ospitale. Consigliato il cannolo con stracciatella, gamberi e lime.
07/08/2024: Posto pazzesco, raramente ho mangiato così bene sull’isola che frequento da tutta la vita. Personale straordinario. Non credo di esagerare nel dire che è una esperienza intrigante.


Ristorante Punta Bianca

16/08/2024: A restaurant where you eat good, real fish! Not one of the usual restaurants where fish can only be found on the menu and not on the plate. We booked a table for 2, which I think is always a good practice given the very high flow of tourists in Ponza. If you don't book and end up with an empty stomach, it's certainly not the restaurateurs' fault. We ordered a mixed raw fish to split between 2, and 2 tagliatelle with cooked and raw red prawns. All excellent. The fish is of the highest quality and well prepared and presented with truly delicious combinations. The prices are definitely in line with the whole experience, therefore they reflect both the quality of the fish, the tasty dishes and the service. An even more positive note is the service: attentive, precise and extremely kind and courteous. Compliments to the chef for the excellent dishes and to the waiters who made the stay in the restaurant a real pleasure. Absolutely recommended and a must try if you are in Ponza, when we return we will certainly know where to dine.
14/08/2024: We had dinner with a mixture of raw fish and two dishes of tagliatelle with three cherry tomatoes and cooked and raw prawns. The quality of the raw material was certainly very high and you could feel it, however the preparations and some combinations were not the best. Even though we hadn't booked, they immediately found us a seat. However, the service was very lacking: the presentation of what made up the mixture of raw meats would have been appreciated as it was not even specified on the menu; furthermore it had been requested to be divided and upon arrival it arrived with only one dish, leaving the mixed tray to be used as the second course. The bill was €97 including two bottles of water and two place settings: this only reflects the quality of the fish and not that of the dishes. Having said that, for us it was a mediocre experience compared to expectations.


Buco Divino

15/06/2024: Very good, honest price and kind service. Compliments


Ristoro da Gerardo - Cala Frontone

28/07/2024: Abbiamo trovato questo agriturismo per caso durante la discesa a piedi verso la spiaggia del frontone e non potevamo non farci una sosta culinaria al fresco ,la veranda ha una posizione che in pochi posti di ponza ho visto ,appena arrivi puoi visitare un piccolo museo che il gestore Gerardo ti fa da cicerone in modo esemplare e simpatico,abbiamo trovato una gentilezza d'altri tempi che non e' facile trovare nei luoghi di vacanza ,ottimo il pranzo fatto con zuppe locali di cicerchie e lenticchie ma anche ottima orata al forno,buoni i dolci fatti da loro ,altra cosa che va detta offrono a tutti la possibilita' di rilassarsi sulle loro sdraie al fresco dei pini..lo consiglio e' una cosa davvero diversa dal solito..bravo Gerardo,un caro saluto Samuele da Poppi Arezzo.
27/07/2024: Sopra la spiaggia del Frontone troverete questo posto unico dove potete assaggiare piatti tradizionali e sopratutto di loro produzione. Ci sono un po’ di scalini da fare ma la vista è mozzafiato e ne vale veramente la pena. Servizio ottimo!!!


Gamberi & Capperi

14/03/2024: Piatti ottimi con materie prime di alta qualità. Staff sempre gentile e disponibile a tutte le richieste, prezzi onesti in linea con la qualità del locale. Consiglio vivamente, per cene tra amici o in famiglia
14/03/2024: Locale molto bello, atmosfera accogliente anche grazie allo staff gentilissimo. Se fate una vacanza a Ponza non perdetevi una cena qui, specialmente se amate il pesce crudo di alta qualità

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