Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti di cucina cucina romagnola

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Trattoria La Rustica

14/07/2024: Despite the name, the place seems quite sophisticated and the service is precise. The dishes tasted turned out to be delicious, inspired by local tradition. The house Sangiovese is excellent. The location is central. The ingredients tested proved to be of the highest level
13/07/2024: I have not had better food in my long stay in Italy. The restaurant was fully booked, but the owner reserved a table for us for an hour. I haven't had a better ragout with tortellini. This is how I imagine the pinnacle of Italian cuisine. I absolutely recommend!


GB Restaurant

21/07/2024: Per un disguido di prenotazione abbiamo conosciuto il Baldinini Hotel un anno fa ,devo dire che sia 2023 che quest'anno 2024 ci siamo trovati benissimo e forse ci abbiamo guadagnato in confort, relax, la struttura è molto elegante. Il personale gentile,disponibile e qualificato il GB ristorante offre piatti buoni, eleganti e raffinati. Il servizio del ristorante è eccellente. Lo cosigliere.
21/07/2024: Juste au top !! Je n’ai pas besoin de beaucoup développer. Cette adresse est sans défauts. Tout est bon, des apéritifs aux desserts. Lieu sûr la plage avec une vue très agréable. Et ce qui est peut être le plus flagrant c’est la gentillesse du personnel dans cet établissement. Des personnes toutes très compétentes et très sympathiques qui participent au standing du lieu mais aussi à vous faire passer un moment agréable. Merci pour tout ! Bonne continuation à vous tous, vous étiez parfaits.


Al Mastin Vecchio

20/05/2024: Excellent restaurant in the splendid village of Verrucchio! We went thanks to Boscolo Gift but we will definitely return. The strozzapreti and veal CBT are recommended, both excellent
06/05/2024: Lovely venue, great service and great food. What can I say, thank you for a wonderful evening!


Chiosco di Bacco

20/07/2024: I was extremely satisfied with the quality of the food and the impeccable service offered. Each dish was prepared with fresh ingredients and beautifully presented, bringing out the flavors in an extraordinary way. The staff was attentive, courteous and professional, making the experience even more pleasant. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for excellent cuisine and high-level service.
13/07/2024: Excellent food, wine list that goes in forever and amazing service. Highly recommend it.


La Sangiovesa

Santarcangelo di romagna
24/07/2024: Su consiglio di mio marito, che ha conosciuto questo noto e storico ristorante di Santarcangelo di Romagna in occasioni conviviali di lavoro, siamo venuti ed abbiamo apprezzato un'ottima cena, il luogo e le sale davvero originali (compresa la ex colombaia sotterranea ... davvero un pezzo di storia). Per non parlare della cortesia nel servizio e dell'ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Ci ritorneremo!
17/07/2024: Enchanting location, full of history and attention to every detail. Superb food, I went with other friends (14 people in total of which I was vegetarian and lactose intolerant and 2 children) and we all ate very well, being able to try more dishes of all types. Special mention for the attention to the customer, we were truly pampered! I can't help but recommend it and promote it with flying colors


Osteria La Campanara

11/07/2024: Che esperienza fantastica! Eravamo passati a pranzo una domenica di tanti anni fa, di ritorno dal casentino verso Modena e ci ricordavamo di questo bellissimo locale. Abbiamo deciso di tornare con un’esperienza completa in B&B. Dopo una faticosa mattinata di trekking a Premilcuore, siamo arrivati verso le 13 e siamo stati fatti accomodare subito nella camera Cecilia, carinissima, in una casetta a bordo piscina. Un martedì pomeriggio in totale relax nella piscina, circondata dal verde e dalle mura in pietra di questa bellissima ed importante corte. Un aperitivo poco distante nella bottega, sempre una struttura diffusa della stessa gestione, con due cocktail rinfrescanti. La cena sotto gli alberi della locanda è stata impagabile. Tagliatelle al ragù fatte alla vecchia, da andarci apposta. Capretto divino. Spesa molto giusta, secondo noi con un occhio di riguardo al fatto che eravamo ospiti. Titolari e personale gentilissimi senza essere minimamente invadenti. Non vediamo l’ora di tornare, curiosi di riprovare magari anche in altre stagioni
10/07/2024: Cura, passione e qualità che fanno la differenza. Una cena improvvisata con amici al termine di un concerto all’Abbazia di Sant’Ellero ci ha fatto scoprire un borgo ed un’osteria davvero pregevole. A partire dall’oste simpaticissimo e molto professionale fino ad arrivare ad un ambiente curato, estremamente piacevole dove abbiamo gustato cibo delizioso da materia prima di qualità, preparato e presentato con grande professionalità. Il tutto in un contesto di un buon rapporto qualità/ prezzo che non guasta. 😉


Agriturismo Il Farneto

Sogliano al rubicone
03/07/2024: Andiamo da svariati anni in questo ristorante e non hanno mai sbagliato un colpo, Jacopo e mamma Rosa ci sanno fare, buoni i primi e ottima la carne porzioni abbondanti e prezzi giusti. Servizio veloce, bravi.!!!!
20/06/2024: Luogo informale, cordiali ed orgogliosi di ciò che portano nei piatti. Prodotti freschi e a km 0. Bellissimo panorama sulle colline romagnole


Trattoria La Sterlina

07/07/2024: Now only a confirmation year after year. very safe landing place in summer and winter...good, plentiful, hospitable care...everything exceptional. now when I find another place in the area it's the comparison: almost sterling/far from sterling/they should learn from the pound 😀
05/07/2024: Very nice place with a nice outdoor veranda. Good first courses and barbecue. Typical Romagna high piadina, excellent fried cream! We will definitely be back


Ristorante Lazaroun

Santarcangelo di romagna
02/07/2024: My fellow diners gave compliments on everything!! Personally I didn't find anything exceptional but also nothing to complain about... yet it left me with nothing... nothing to say I absolutely have to return. The caves are visiting them is worth coming back for
01/07/2024: As for the food, everything was really excellent. Here you can't go wrong whatever you choose. Unquestionably perfect service with very kind staff who explain in detail all the dishes you ordered. The only negative note is the external veranda: really too hot to eat there for lunch on a sunny day. We suffered from the heat so I recommend if you want to have lunch in this excellent restaurant to book a table inside the restaurant which is really lovely. Visit the caves inside the restaurant


L'Ingrata Grill &Cucina

19/06/2024: Nice and definitely worth visiting more often. Excellent food, better wine
03/06/2024: Excellent venue. Excellent wine list. The dishes are very well prepared. Very competent staff.


La Baracca

22/07/2024: Optimal!!!!! Highly recommended ‼️🔝
21/07/2024: Very good, friendly staff, reasonable price Well done


Trattoria del Passatore

Santarcangelo di romagna
18/07/2024: The only positive note is represented by the girl with light hair and black glasses who was very kind, thoughtful and professional. The food, two first courses and one second course, is unclassifiable and offensive both for those who love to eat out and for the people of Romagna. Money wasted on appalling dishes.
25/06/2024: Very nice place, excellent food and friendly and nice staff. To return several times.


La Vera Romagna

Santa sofia
12/07/2024: With desolation I describe my negative experience regarding respect for the customer. Today my husband and I decide to go to this restaurant for lunch, we leave from Ravenna and along the way we call to book a table but no one answers. Don't worry because often no one answers the phone, we continue our journey and looking on the internet the place appears to be open as usual. Once we arrive on site, unfortunately it is closed for holidays. I believe that when a place closes for holidays the minimum is to put a message on the answering machine and update the website on Google and Facebook.
27/06/2024: Fantastic people, very helpful and welcoming! Fantastic zero km food


Osteria del Fabbrolo

18/06/2024: I loved this place, super quiet and the food was exquisite.
16/06/2024: Outdoor dinners with good music and excellent food



Morciano di romagna
08/07/2024: Great food and wonderful service.
06/07/2024: July'24 A real Casalinga Trattoria, traditional dishes with a wide selection of homemade pasta with multiple sauces and typical second courses, we took the passatelli with mushrooms, the salmì guinea fowl and a rabbit hunter that I didn't eat so good since my poor grandmother made it.. The friendliness of the waitresses and the owner provided the backdrop for a mouth-watering lunch. Reservations are recommended even in the early morning otherwise you risk not finding a place or being accommodated as best you can.

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