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I migliori ristoranti in Ravenna

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Bagno Anna Cervia

12/07/2024: Siamo andati di domenica a pranzo, gli scorsi anni avevamo sempre mangiato bene e, avendo ospiti, optiamo per questo posto. Prenotiamo chiedendo qual è l’orario per loro migliore dato che essendo noi in spiaggia non abbiamo preferenze e ci viene detto di andare dopo le 14 e così facciamo. Il pranzo è un completo disastro, a parte che la metà dei piatti scritti sul menu non erano più disponibili, ho mangiato il peggior spaghetto alle vongole della mia vita (e a farlo male ce ne vuole), i due antipasti erano entrambi scadenti e, dulcis in fundo, abbiamo atteso 55 minuti tra la prima portata e il fritto, segnalato il disagio alla cameriera ci è stato risposto “la domenica è normale che sia così”, il fritto peraltro era molto unto e poco buono. È chiaro che è cambiato il cuoco rispetto ad anno scorso, ma di certo non viene fatto nulla per limitare i danni. Figuraccia pessima con i nostri ospiti, non torneremo più
11/05/2024: In una bella giornata di maggio soleggiata r ventilata una passeggiata sul lungomare di Cervia e piacevole, meglio se accompagnata da un piacevole pranzo in riva al mare



17/08/2024: Ristorante molto carico, curato nei minimi dettagli, atmosfera magica , personale molto gentile e attento. I piatti che abbiamo preso …buonissimi…una specialità i “risi al quadrato “ top!!!
03/08/2024: Locale molto bello, curato in stile Formentera e con atmosfera soft , personale molto gentile e hanno cura del cliente con offerte di benvenuto. Il cibo però non ci ha entusiasmato..gli antipasti che abbiamo preso buoni ma niente di eccezionale, la cosa molto deludente é stata la Paella… alcuni tranci di pesce esageratamente salati da renderla quasi immangiabile e in alcuni punti c’era troppo limone che prevaleva come sapore. I prezzi sono sproporzionati e troppo alto rispetto alla qualità dei piatti assaggiati.


Bingo Baccara

26/07/2024: A place to spend time having fun and play bingo and why not even win some money. Excellent small restaurant. The only negative point are the waitresses, terrible.... And that's all I'll say....😑😑😑
21/07/2024: Nice place and normal winnings..


Pasticceria Ferrari Di Savigni Roberta

12/08/2024: Today I had a simple espresso coffee, good. On other occasions I have enjoyed superlative aperitifs. The staff is friendly and helpful Pleasant, relaxing environment
11/08/2024: Inedible caprese sandwich, the mozzarella was old (yellowed on the sides). Good cappuccino. Dark-haired boy at the counter not very kind, gentleman at the checkout instead of good manners


Ristorante Pizzeria Da Luciano

18/08/2024: Good dishes (fried and skewers) and very helpful in changing pasta formats for the girls. The waitress was very helpful and courteous. A big flaw that cracks hot inside.
14/08/2024: Delicious first courses and grilled fish. Kind regards. Kind. Clean bathroom. Good quality/price ratio. Only poorly air conditioned environment. Advised



02/07/2024: Quick and very healthy lunch. Price ok
06/05/2024: Healthy!!! Says it all! A constant, if you want to stay light, but with taste it's the ideal place 😀


Chef Express

01/08/2024: Completely overpriced...the purest highway rip-off. Never again.
01/08/2024: Embarrassing, absurd service, 500 oranges in front of the counter and they don't offer orange juice because they don't have time. I order a sandwich at the self-checkout, I get to the cash register and they tell me they can't prepare it because they don't have time. A person at the breakfast counter on August 1st… Also grumpy and annoyed. If you don't want to work with the public, do something else.


trattoria da luciano

09/07/2024: e' li' da sempre, il locale e' decisamente datato, la cucina propone i capisaldi della tradizione romagnola , con particolare attenzione per la carne, vado con antipasto , un primo ( buoni i tortelli alla erbette di fiume ), vino della casa , ...nella media come prezzo e servizio
10/06/2024: Locale immerso nella campagna romagnola, scelto per caso in una gita domenicale con amici, si è rivelato una piacevole sorpresa. I sapori veri dei prodotti, le ricette tradizionali e le varianti più moderne. L'utilizzo del prodotto a chilometro zero e il suo impiego in ricette originali e deliziose. C'è dell'amore nei vostri piatti e si sente. Avete reso una sosta veloce del nostro viaggio, una splendida esperienza culinaria. Stavolta vi abbiamo scelto per caso, la prossima verremo apposta 😋😋


Heaven Pub

10/06/2024: I went with my wife, intrigued by the negative reviews. We had a great time, the guy was kind and helpful. We didn't eat so I can't say anything about the cuisine, but I would say the drinking was delicious. I add, in addition to knowing how to make excellent cocktails, they give added value to how they are served, original ideas that give that extra touch. We will return and try the cuisine too.
02/06/2024: I honestly didn't want to review this pub, because it wouldn't deserve my time. It would be wasted. But after my friends were there a little while ago and told me about the same experience I went through, I decided to do it. In my opinion, only friends of the owner frequent this pub and other "common and simple" customers never return after visiting it. Customers are treated like beggars and with arrogance. Terrible service and it seems like they are doing you a favor. They know how to make drinks and this must be admitted, but with this approach towards customers you don't enjoy anything. I definitely won't recommend this place to any of my friends and won't go back there again. I prefer to spend in other pubs and rather drive a few more kilometers in the car. PS. I see that you respond to all negative comments with your usual arrogance, without taking customers' opinions into account. In this case you can do without it because I won't waste my time even reading your answer 😝😘 just know that the drinkers in Ravenna are limited in number and people willing to spend even less 🫡


Civico 31

01/08/2024: I would have liked to try this place, but honestly, after reading the answers from the communications officer, I was quite surprised by the rudeness and saccharine. It goes without saying that we will opt for another place in the area.
02/06/2024: Tried it today with friends and we were deeply disappointed. Spritz to forget, they seemed diluted with water. There were 4 of us, we had 2 complete aperitifs and 2 drinks....paid for 4 complete aperitifs...what can I say...nothing other than advising anyone reading this against going to this place. For me you can dedicate yourself to something else but not to catering and even less to relationships with customers. FAILED ......I reply to the hypocrisy... if you don't have five stars there must be a reason, *moreover I see that other customers have also had similar considerations to mine, you can easily find it in the reviews*....a you need a bit of humility to stay open, however I notice that arrogance reigns which we know is not an intelligent way to win over a customer... then I am a person who has tried some places around Italy and not only that but if my opinion was shared by 3 other guys it means that in fact the spritz was not up to par. Then for the rest I will shortly attach the photo of the receipt and the menu and I will also ask friends to post learn to live in the world! Ps....enrich the meager display of aperitifs a little....then you can talk about quality....good luck to you who need it because at this rate I'm finding it tough. NEVER!


L'Angolo del Bio

06/08/2024: Ice cream of questionable quality, not very creamy and rather tasteless. The cremino flavor was bland and the salted caramel flavor practically inedible. It's not the first time I've had this flavor in an ice cream shop and if it's well balanced it's very good, but you have to know how to do it. I'm sorry, but this was a disappointing experience.
19/06/2024: Piccola gelateria all'entrata del centro storico, dall'atmosfera un pò cupa Scelta buona Quantità minime, molto piccole rispetto al prezzo; servizio che richiederebbe qualche sorriso in più



Ristorante Zingaro

31/07/2024: Helaas gesloten, dus niet kunnen uitproberen. Jammer want de website geeft anders aan (en de revieuws spraken ons wel aan
10/05/2024: bel locale nel centro di Faenza, peccato che nelle due sere in cui ci siamo recati l’unica alternativa vegetariana che mi sia stata proposta sia stato un tomino con delle verdure grigliata



05/08/2024: Very suggestive place on the Cervia canal.. professionalism and kindness at the service of the people.. the top
25/07/2024: Nice, good aperol drink a little absent and only ice but they brought us some free shots


Bagno Ruvido

21/08/2024: Thank you to Ruvido for providing a parking space for people with disabilities 👍
15/08/2024: Let me start by saying that I am writing after the 4th time I have eaten in this restaurant in Punta Marina in the province of Ravenna. I ate first courses, fish, pizza and second courses. Abundant dishes, excellent quality/price. At this moment, I have just finished eating a seafood appetizer (really full-bodied), a large fried prawn and calamari and seasonal vegetables, and a pizza (there are 3 of us of course) and eating while looking at the sea is priceless. I congratulate Marco and his wife Zaira, and all the bathroom staff, because it is stupendous.l

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