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I migliori ristoranti di cucina messicana

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05/08/2024: The space is small and the staff forgot my pizza, and I had to dine after everyone, but the pizza was good 🙄😡
18/07/2024: I returned to this place after years and remembered it like this. We ate pizza of various flavors and calzones and I must say that we liked them, excellent dough. I personally really liked the baked calzone. Environment needs improvement a bit but I recommend it.



29/07/2024: We ate quite well but unfortunately at 35 degrees and not even a fan we were dying! We tried 2 types of beer, both poor
24/06/2024: Highly recommended!!! Spectacular high quality food combined with the kindness of the owner... a place to return to!!! SUPER


Los Chicos Mexican Grill

27/08/2024: The service is very friendly and scores points especially with that, but the food is good too. In the evening it is advisable to have a drink or two there.
27/08/2024: Cute little Mexican place in the middle of Florence! Nice for a change of the same food in Italy. I stumbled upon this place actually heading to a Dom Sum place.(I have been here over a month, I need a little diversity) Good cocktails, nice friendly gal who spoke English. During my time I noticed that she was very honest with a man from America who was nervous to order food because he had nut allergies.


Calavera Restaurant

12/08/2024: Really poor quality, slow service, complicated menu formula, truly disproportionate prices, ugly and sloppy, impersonal place. It is not a fast food restaurant or even a bar, much less a restaurant. But it offers prices of a great quality venue. First and last time.
04/08/2024: We asked for a place in the shade and even though it was 100% empty, they still made us sit with the sun on our faces. Negative as an experience, I wouldn't set foot there again.



19/06/2024: Prima volta al messicano e devo dire che l'esperienza è stata molto piacevole. Locale carino e pulito, personale gentile e preparato, il cibo molto buono. Buona distanza fra i tavoli , anche se il locale era praticamente pieno c'era la giusta privacy.
27/02/2024: Era un po’ di tempo che non ci andavo, ma devo dire che questo posto è sempre stato una garanzia e confermo che lo è tuttora! Personale gentile, locale spazioso, piatti molto buoni! Ero con il mio compagno, la nostra neonata e un amico. La proprietaria ci ha fornito un comodo seggiolone per la bimba. Grazie!


Escamotage Messicano

03/03/2024: If I could give 0 stars I would have. We waited 1 hour and a half to get the pizzas (which also arrived 10 minutes apart) which turned out to be almost inedible. More than anything they looked like poorly made piadinas... we get the bill and to top it off we aren't even given a receipt. We had to explicitly request it. The one and only positive note is the location, for the rest.. A DISASTER!
02/03/2024: Cucina messicana inesistente, perfino disgustosa. Uno squallido tentativo di appioppare l'etichetta "messico" a pietanze assemblate alla bell'e meglio, inguardabili e rivoltanti. I "nachos con carne" sono dei banalissimi nachos da busta sottomarca, cosparsi di carne macinata e inondati di formaggio (probabilmente cheddar). Il tutto si compatta e si trasforma in un unico blocco gommoso e freddo. Risultato: quello che potresti cucinare tu stesso a casa se fossi un tossico e avessi solo patatine, carne e formaggio a casa. Tristissimo. I "burritos" sono dei fagottini di pasta da calzone (nulla a che fare con la piadina messicana) con dentro pomodoro, carne e quella che crediamo fosse mozzarella: praticamente un calzone salentino che di messicano non ha niente, accompagnato ta un risottino con i pisellini (spacciato per "riso messicano, quando è palesemente riso parboiled). Darei zero stelle se fosse possibile.


Il Pappamondo

13/05/2024: The smell is good but with a lot of edge and few condiments although it is too thin in the center
11/04/2024: I don't recommend it on a Saturday, unfortunately I wasn't happy. I book a table outside, we arrive on time... after 30 minutes they take the lead... to drink after another 15 minutes... a single waiter who manages the (full) mediocre fried joint outside... mediocre pizzas, poor food and portions. From 9pm we got up to around 11.30pm the only thing that was on average fast was the bill which in my opinion was a little high. I don't know if I will return but certainly not on a Saturday. It's a shame, the place is nice but it couldn't manage... I can't imagine the delivery.


Calavera Restaurant

Serravalle scrivia
19/08/2024: Terrible service. Let's start by saying that we are regular customers and have been going to the restaurant for longer than the employees who currently work there. The other evening we were served by (I presume) a truly rude and rude new waitress. We order after which they begin to bring the first courses including a portion of jalapeno (ordered by us) shortly afterwards she returns with another portion of the same to which we point out that it had already been served to us, the annoyed waitress leaves, comes back with other dishes ordered and tells us that in any case the jalapeno dish had not yet been served (absurdly I know what I just ate and she should know too since the first dish is always served by the tall waitress). However the evening continues until only one plate of tacos that we had ordered was missing, we point this out to the waitress who gives us a summary of everything we had eaten but this plate of tacos had not yet been served to us but according to their devices it was . The "dining room manager" arrives and makes us understand that they thought we had already eaten that dish and that we were trying to get another one brought to us without wanting to pay for it. They probably made a bit of a mess with the orders and so we were accused of trying to steal a €12 dish on a €95 bill. Absurd we are very sorry because we like the place and the food, but sometimes that's not all. If the staff is not able to do their job perhaps it is better to train them or even choose them a little better before hiring them. Having said that, since the staff here changes about every 6 months, we will wait for time to take its course before returning (maybe) For the moment I advise against going and I recommend waiting for the change of staff, so as not to be accused because someone doesn't know how to do their job. I sincerely hope that they fire especially the waitress who made us have a terrible dinner..
18/08/2024: I returned for lunch after years and I must say much improved, we had a good lunch at a modest price, recommended for kindness and quality


El Pueblo

20/07/2024: Traditional food, typically Mexican atmosphere, very good service, perfect value for money for the dishes chosen.
23/06/2024: Small but very welcoming place. Pasquale, the owner, clearly has a passion for this job and knows how to recommend and present different dishes. The idea of ​​making all small appetizers is wonderful so that you can taste as much variety as possible. Really good and tasty tacos, burritos and chili, special mention for the Margarita! Highly recommended


Fly Over Bridge

28/06/2024: Great beer and great sandwiches.
16/04/2024: The cuisine is really poor, the pizzas are made of wood. We ate hamburger sandwiches, which were delicious, except that the next day we spent most of the time in the bathroom


Nuovo Bar Mexico 70

27/07/2024: Delicious hazelnut cream. Wide choice of local wines at moderate prices
29/04/2024: Highly recommended. Excellent coffee! Luigi alias Giggino is a master at it!!!!



06/07/2024: Really nice place, excellent sandwiches, many specialties from all over the world, chips and every specialty typical of a pub that has a lot to offer and that manages to keep everyone happy, the beers are special, you can find everything, artisanal, more or less alcoholic, dark, a choice that truly gives satisfaction, but if you want a special cocktail prepared with skill, just ask and trust them you won't regret it, great expertise indeed. The friendliness and professionalism of all the staff pleased me, they manage to serve everyone quickly, ranging from families with children to young people who want to spend a nice and cheerful evening. You can eat both inside and outside, obviously in the summer it is a spectacle to be outside. Very cheerful place, to try and try again.
30/06/2024: We found it closed when it said it was open


Ristorante Mexico

15/08/2024: Bar located on the road leading to Oderzo with fountains, good coffee and excellent croissants at a fair price. Clean and tidy environment.


El Sangrero

Giugliano in campania
21/08/2024: Average quality food, outdoor tables with cats harassing you for something to eat... cracks on the plates and then the price is too expensive, 50.00 for three people... I really don't recommend it!
31/05/2024: My review is intended only to give advice, the staff is a bit unfriendly or distracted, I think there is not good communication between them and the kitchen, I usually go to them at 7.30/8pm when it's not very busy. crowded and yet these guys are already tired. But I always go back because the food is good, the place is clean and nice


La Cantina Dell'Ape Tito

29/11/2023: Delicious pizza.. welcoming place... to recommend to relatives and friends!!!
19/11/2023: The place is welcoming and clean, the staff is friendly and the pizzas are good even if they could be richer. We had a good time and will certainly return, the only sore point being the desserts which were a little disappointing. They make pizza for celiacs.

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