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I migliori ristoranti di cucina italiana in Imperia

796 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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Dick Turpin

22/08/2024: 4 pancakes, 4 sodas, 2 ice creams and 1 coffee for a total of €99. It's expensive for 4 hours
22/08/2024: Very good pizza, friendly and helpful staff


Ristorante Pizzeria Vesuvio

28/11/2023: A great restaurant, very good Italian quality. Quality service ! I recommend !
23/10/2023: Sono andata con i miei amici per pranzo, devo dire molto buono, servizio e dipendenti gentili e professionali, raccomando.


Aromi e Sapori - Bar Ristorante

06/08/2024: Restaurant peu fréquenté, avons été accueillis avec un sourire, on nous a donné la carte tout de suite et, avec instance pour commander au bout de trois minutes, sans nous expliquer les plats du jour ou les formules de repas. Dommage ! Au cours du repas, une très forte altercation entre les employés qui a mis mal à l’aise l’intégralité des quatre tables présentes. Pas d’excuse et disparition de notre serveur. Note finale salée : 3 assiettes de fritures, une demi tomate coupée en six, deux feuilles de salade au centre, deux bières, deux bouteilles d’eau gazeuses remplies à la soda stream et un coca : 71€ Pas de mercis, ni de « arrivederci »
24/07/2024: Probably the best food in Imperia. Orders are taken by a very nice older gentleman who doesn't speak much English, but that's what makes for a nice atmosphere. We ate here several times. Fresh, delicious food every time. We will miss the set of the day. The only mistake was the ravioli with shrimps, it was fresh but poorly seasoned, which made it bland.


La Piazzetta

15/08/2024: Top 3 des pizzas que j’ai pu goûter jusque maintenant, raviolis à la sauge excellente, vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermé, je recommande
13/08/2024: Bell'ambiente,pizza per me eccellente,gestori gentili e simpatici.Eccellente presentazione del sorbetto.Consigliata.Broglia Aruro


da Vittorio

21/10/2023: An experience that I will never repeat again in my life, they make fun of you by saying that they are about to deliver and they show up after more than an hour, they don't even know how to keep their commitment and above all after the time has been agreed and paid, they put you on the waiting list as lastly, not even to say that we don't know how to guarantee maximum disorganized service, only to end up with who knows what pseudo pizza. Highly not recommended for anyone who wants to eat a pizza in peace
02/09/2023: Waiting time: 1h30min Very greasy, raw and inedible pizza. I WILL NEVER GO BACK AGAIN!


Pizzeria Porta Nizza

18/08/2024: A place that in the past was one of my favorites but which has worsened dramatically with the latest change of management in recent years. The location is still in an excellent position at the entrance to upper Ventimiglia, but the food and the courtesy of the owners are not up to par. Raw and skimpy grilled fish, medium beer that only had the cost of medium, baby pizza priced like a maxi and inedible carbonara. All with prices that are anything but in line with the low service and level. Strongly not recommended!
17/08/2024: Good place for dinner. Good quality/price ratio.


Ristorante Serafino

25/02/2024: Um es voraus zu schicken: wir hatten in einem anderen Restaurant einen Tisch zum Sonntagmittagessen reserviert und gingen fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass wir im Serafino reserviert hatten. Wir bestellten Wasser, zwei Gläser Wein, zwei Vorspeisen und zwei Hauptgänge. Die eine Vorspeise bestand aus ein paar Scheiben rohem Fisch, von der Menge her etwa wie die Faust eines Säuglings. Wenn diese Miniportion angemacht war, dann vielleicht mit einer Spur Limone, aber es war mehr oder weniger simpler roher Fisch. Bei einem Materialeinsatz von maximal 2 Euro für einen solchen Teller 20 Euro zu verlangen, ist völlig unverhältnismäßig, denn geschmacklich hat die Küche bei diesem Gericht nichts geleistet. Zum Hauptgang gab es danach frittierte frutti die mare, die auf einem Teller in einer Papiertüte gereicht wurden, ähnlich einer Tüte fish and chips. Es waren überwiegend Calamari, dazu ein paar Garnelen, die man mühsam pellen musste; nicht einmal der Darm war ausgenommen. Auch hier: geringer Materialwert und eine Küchenleistung, die in der Bedienung einer Fritteuse besteht. Dazu ein Tropfen Mayonnaise aus der Tube und das für über 20 Euro. Die zweite Vorspeise waren Linguine mit ein paar Muscheln. Dieses Gericht war in Ordnung, aber nicht mehr. Es fehlte irgendein pfiffiger Geschmack. Für den zweiten Hauptgang wurde ein kleines Fischfilet gereicht, dazu etwas Gemüse. Auch in Ordnung, aber wiederum: diese beiden Gerichte für etwa 45 Euro, das ist Nepp. Wenn es wenigstens ein paar originelle Geschmacksnoten gegeben hätte oder eine optische Präsentation mit ein paar Hinguckern, aber Fehlanzeige. Bei einer Rechnung von über 100 Euros ist die Gegenleistung völlig inakzeptabel. Da gibt es in der Region überzeugende Alternativen. Es war ein enttäuschendes Essen. Obwohl wir Küchenlaien sind, trauen wir uns zu, jedes einzelne Gericht geschmackvoller anzurichten, als es uns hier für einen nicht nachvollziehbaren hohen Preis angeboten wurde.
31/01/2024: Mangiare in terrazza il 28 di Gennaio non è da tutti, ma noi siamo riusciti a farlo proprio quì, accarezzati da un leggero venticello e con una giornata di sole spettacolare. Il ristorante è molto carino, sia dentro che nella terrazza fuori (piccina). Pesce fresco, buon porzioni, carta dei vini varia, prezzo medio/ si sà qualità si paga. Vista sul mare TOP!!! Siamo stati molto bene, ve lo consigliamo


Ex Roma Ristorante Kitchen Emotion

Diano marina
03/09/2024: Really good food and amazing meringue. Very kind service, everyone was good.
03/09/2024: Embarrassing. We ordered a coffee, a bottle of sparkling water with a glass of ice and a fruit juice. Apart from the €8 bill and the incorrect water that I could check before opening... The ice tasted like an old fridge and ruined my water. Furthermore, having paid my son and not having been given the receipt, while we were still seated, I went to ask for it... To understand in detail how we had arrived at €8!! Eh, nothing... The cashier (I don't know if he's the owner) started pretending to search through crumpled receipts... The reality is that he really didn't print it.... If you want to steal, do it in a slightly smarter! Like the butcher a few meters ahead of whom I will also give her well-deserved review, shame on Diano Marina, we wanted to stop for dinner but given the criminal behavior of its traders we returned home.


Pizzeria 4 amici

11/08/2024: Great place.... familiar and professional...
07/08/2024: The waitress was so unpleasant that she made us leave before we had a chance to order our food. I don't recommend it...


My Dream - Ristorante & Pizzeria

27/07/2024: Mi sento in dovere di alzare i tre pallini e mezzo 😬. Ci siamo stati ieri sera per una pizza , ottima e davvero economica , tanto che abbiamo prenotato anche per stasera . Avevamo infatti addocchiato un gustoso fritto misto di pesce e e verdure che abbiamo ordinato oggi con due spritz, con grande soddisfazione . Prezzi davvero convenienti. Ragazzi dello staff davvero gentili e premurosi . Per me super consigliato !
23/06/2024: Eravamo in 6 amici di cui, un celiaco, abbiamo mangiato pizze di ottima qualità fatte con un pasta gustosa. Se passeremo da quelle parti ci ritorneremo sicuramente


Ristorante Pizzeria Il Vesuvio

Ventimiglia, 45-60€
21/08/2024: 3 Pizze ben condite con una pasta molto leggera e digeribile, Un risotto ai frutti di mare gustoso e un tonno in crosta di sesamo ottimo. Possiamo confermare le 4 stelle anche x la gentilezza per i tempi di realizzazione.
20/08/2024: Excellente pizza, très légère. La crème à la pistache maison est également très bonne. Rien à.dire sur le service. Juste la propreté des toilettes à améliorer.


La Trattoria dei Pani

29/12/2023: Real Italian trattoria Everything is fresh and tasty We had the menu which is a bargain Very busy on market days Desserts also very goof
10/12/2023: Mangiato molto bene . Brandacujun, frittelle di baccalà, tagliatelle etc.. Tutto ottimo. Complimenti!


Gelateria Oplà

24/07/2024: Excellent ice cream and super prices
12/07/2024: The ice cream is good, the service is bad.. very slow girl almost annoyed and then I don't understand this thing about the free cream (they barely dirty the cone) if someone wants the cream, put it in... Rather paid. In fact, for 2 flavors (from 3 euros) we went to 4. 4 euros... to have the same quantity of cream that other ice cream shops offer but at 0.50. Boooo


Big Ben

09/08/2024: Overpriced tourist trap. 5€ for half pressure! €7 per diabolo! The aperitif plate is supposedly free but largely paid for by consumption.
21/07/2024: I ordered whiskey. The glass was almost empty. The service is not good at all and they are not friendly. They brought hot redbull , they didn't replace it with cold, even though we wanted to. In a word, a disgrace


Pit Stop - Ristoro la Vesca

29/08/2024: Non l ho provato per cena, ma solo per aperitivo. Vista fantastica al tramonto sul golfo di Sanremo grazie ad un ampio giardino sul mare. Bella atmosfera, cibo dell'aperitivo e drink di qualità e quantità sufficiente ma merita anche solo per la vista.
22/07/2024: Sono diversi anni che vengo a fare aperitivo in questo posto magnifico per vedere tramonto e bere qualcosa. Ma ultimamente a parte che è aumentato il prezzo, ma quello non è un problema i stuzzichini che erano sempre molto buoni, che offrivano con l'aperitivo sono diventati davvero di scarsa qualità. Con foglie di insalata appassite e pizzette di qualità scadente frittatine che sono vecchie e tramezzini con un gusto acido. Io suggerisco che se non ci state dentro con i prezzi date patatine, popcorn e noccioline, almeno sono cose facili da offrire a basso costo.

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