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I migliori ristorantinella città Modica della Ragusa

286 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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Solemare Corallo

17/01/2024: Staff busy with themselves. We placed the order twice because they forgot that it had already been accepted. the ordered mineral water did not reach the table but was added to the bill. We had to ask for napkins. The baked squid was tasty and that's the only good thing I can say about this restaurant
12/01/2024: Materia prima di livello, pesce freschissimo. Menù variegato, piatti della tradizione e rivisitazioni top. Personale gentile e professionale. Chef WOW


Alla Trinità

19/04/2024: The ortolana pizza had radicchio placed at the end so it was raw and even the artichokes were not very tasty and cooked well
03/03/2024: Excellent pizza 🍕, excellent service, waiters Kind, excellent environment, nice organisation. I highly recommend it.


Bar Lucafè

06/11/2023: I was in this bar for the first time, I had heard about it, but for me it was disappointing. I took a Nutella brioche, well it wasn't Nutella, but simple hazelnut cream, of poor quality. If you don't use real Nutella, tell me, I would have changed the taste, this cream was really poor, excessively sweet and ruined the brioche, which was good. Then a poor cappuccino, evidently whoever made it isn't capable. Breakfast at the bar is a pleasure, if it's not good then I have it at home
24/09/2023: Buon caffè e spuntini anche all’aria aperta


Creperia Panineria del Corso

11/10/2023: Ho comprato un panino con la carne di cavallo, faceva altamente schifo, carne dal sapore orrendo, panino nemmeno passato in piastra o forse un minuto massimo e patatine zuppe di olio il tutto pagato 8 euro e buttato però nel secchio della spazzatura, a me non piace fare recensioni ma dopo un panino del genere dovevo per forza
08/10/2023: Good food, friendly staff and super fast service


Caveau Ristorante

21/11/2023: Delusa, a parte la bellissima location pizza pessima, prezzi altissimi, pochissime pizze in menù. Prezzi talmente alti che in molti tavoli arrivavano pizze divise in due. Mi dispiace ma non si può pagare 100 euro x quattro pizze e una bottiglia di acqua… che poi almeno ne fosse valsa la pena!
03/09/2023: Bellissima location, è vivamente consigliato prenotare ( mandavano quelli senza). Pizza molto buona. Tavoli un po’ troppo bui (chiedete e vi porteranno una lampada). Tre pizze e una bottiglia d’acqua 64 euro


Gli Orti di San Giorgio

06/09/2023: Great place for an apéro or evening with friends.
05/09/2023: Slightly trashy, very overrated . Staff will lie to you to tell you it’s open even though it’s not. View is decent I suppose but you can get that anywhere and at a restaurant that’s probably much tastier.


Le Alghe

01/06/2024: Good bar, the granitas and ice creams are recommended, in terms of brioches we are not there, nothing comparable to the classic brioche of Mugnieco/Bar Fuchsia/Adamo, acceptable service, top location, nothing more beautiful in Marina di Modica for having breakfast facing the sea on the veranda or at the outdoor tables. Advised.
07/05/2024: always the best in Marina di Modica


Ciok Cafe'

25/12/2023: Christmas Day! What a big surprise! We went in, ordered 2 capucchinos and they cost us a whopping €4.40! Nowhere else in Sicily have we been charged such an inflated price for 2 capucchinos! So, all you visitors, be on your guard and stay away from this place! I will be informing all my friends and everyone I meet going to Sicily (as my husband and I are frequent visitors) not to go to this place. There are definitely more other moderate places to go to.
25/12/2023: for 2 cappuccinos I paid €4.40cents today xmas day ,rip off.I will tell my maltese friends about this highly inflated prices only for foreigners.Shane Ciicafe


Latteria - Caffè Storico

23/08/2023: Andiamo spesso in questa storica gelateria. Le granite, così come le cremolate, sono gustosissime e non si finirebbe mai di mangiarle. Unico neo...da un annetto sono più piccoline, prima venivano servite in bicchieri più grandi. Lo consigliamo
21/08/2023: Abbiamo ordinato le cremolate ai fichi e alla ricotta. Una vera goduria con prezzi contenuti e servizio eccellente. Ritorneremo di sicuro.


Villa Real



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