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I migliori ristoranti in Ravenna

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Ristorante Pizzeria la Corte

15/07/2024: Embarassing!!! We go for dinner and we choose it because it does a bit of everything. Reading the menu we are won over by the varied and inviting pizzas just from the description and we choose to take one with vegetables and one with cheeses, mushrooms, nuts and honey. The pizzas arrive with no vegetables, cherry tomatoes and rocket were expected and those put in were embarrassing, 1 cherry tomato in the center and a sprig of rocket which would have been better thrown away, to which I ask them to add them, the peppers that didn't arrive, a courgette and an aubergine ...only the menu description is rich. The second pizza without nuts… um??? We point it out and no comment other than that they had few vegetables. The bill paid as indicated on the menu!!! I recommend avoiding proposing certain things or at least warning customers!!!!!!!
07/07/2024: Da fuori non apprezzi la splendida corte interna, davvero suggestiva. Ma, location bella a parte, quello che spicca è la bontà della pizza. Io l'ho presa spianata ed era così leggera e gustosa, che me ne sarei mangiata un'altra.


La Mucca Viola - Fantastici Panini Colorati

30/03/2024: Il posto è molto carino e accogliente,gli hamburger ottimi, il pane artigianale veramente speciale e i consiglio i churros con cioccolato. Tutto perfetto,insomma andateci.
24/03/2024: Localino carino, pulito e accogliente. Tutto squisito!!! Il parcheggio è molto vicino ma bisogna fare un giro un po’ strano per trovarlo. Abbiamo provato vari hamburger, uno più buono dell’altro.


Pizzeria Da Dadò Junior

28/05/2024: Very good pizzeria restaurant near Faenza. Excellent pizza, welcoming place. Advised
21/01/2024: Really good pizza, a must try, very punctual delivery and super nice and friendly staff. 🍕😍


La Ciurma

10/08/2024: The pizza is very tasty, thank you
31/07/2024: You get really tasty pizza there. The prices are completely ok.


Moog slow bar

18/10/2023: Nice but informal place, excellent for an aperitif or an after-evening. Very friendly staff. They also organize concerts or other initiatives. Place to sit both inside and in the outdoor garden
17/10/2023: All very nice, shame about the waiter who keeps babbling about being """"the last great poet"""". This loser doesn't even know how to rhyme. Beautiful environment, cool and slow style, delicious drinks (buy the fanta). The bartenders are a feast for the eyes of the college girls.



26/08/2024: Quality, courtesy, friendliness... these days it's not easy to find everything together!!!
21/08/2024: Place in Lugo where we stopped for dinner.....nice exterior....interior with slightly dated furnishings...good pizza, but certainly not Neapolitan-style......ordered one excellent pinsa......the service was good.....should we return? Maybe yes......


Enoteca Astorre

18/06/2024: Very glamorous and super service like everything
13/04/2024: Ritornato dopo parecchio tempo - non ci sono praticamente mai a Faenza - e sono stati tutti davvero molto gentili e disponibili. Tavolo direttamente sulla piazza del Duomo di Faenza. Ottimi prodotti, dall’antipasto Romagnolo al filetto di maiale. Ovviamente ottima scelta di vini e anche i cocktail sono buoni. Adatto anche ai bambini. Mio figlio ha particolarmente apprezzato (3 cestini) la focaccia


Ca' Erbosa

20/07/2024: Abbiamo cenato il 19 luglio , non c'eravamo mai stati ma certamente ritorneremo. Carne alla brace ottima, ben cotta e porzioni abbondanti. Personale cordiale e simpatico e prezzo onesto. È il tipo di ristorante che più mi piace
29/06/2024: Non so da dove iniziare. Elencare i lati positivi di questo ristorante, richiede la stessa fatica che ho impiegato per mangiare tutta la grigliata di carne da solo! Partiamo: Facilmente raggiungibile. Ampio parcheggio. Location perfetta nel suo stile rustico. Titolare e staff di serie A ( gentilezza e simpatia sono di casa ). Il cibo? Abbiamo mangiato solo carne, quindi mi attengo a quella: Tanto per iniziare porzioni grandi, a partire dal tagliere di salumi, ideale come antipasto. Abbondante, squisito e poco poco salato ( il che la dice lunga sulla qualità dei salumi ) Grigliata di maiale stratosferica e che mi ha portato inevitabilmente ad una riflessione. Prima di ieri praticamente non avevo mai mangiato carne di maiale!!!! Si, perché quella che mi viene spacciata per tale in macelleria non è nemmeno lontanamente paragonabile a quella servita da Ca Erbosa. La Picanha è da leccarsi i baffi, quasi da bestemmia da quanto è buona! Esperienza da ripetere assolutamente. Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti gli amanti del buon cibo e a coloro i quali ( proprio come me ) non vogliono avere a che fare con personale esaurito e scontroso. P.s. Ho letto recensioni di gente che si è lamentata per l'attesa. Credetemi, se c'è da aspettare un po' pazienza, verrete ripagati dalla bontà del cibo. P.p.s Prezzo più che onesto, soprattutto se rapportato all'abbondanza delle porzioni. Voto 10. Alla prossima!


Bagno Deris

12/08/2024: We stayed there a few times in July. Family-run bathroom, and it's precisely that they make you feel like family. The top children's games, nothing else to add
10/08/2024: Good first courses but fried food is excessively expensive for what it offers! (38 euros two portions of vegetables and fried fish) I would have given 4 stars because despite the price for the fried food consisting of a large quantity of vegetables and fish in small quantities it was still well prepared and fried as it should be but the owner's service for my standards needs to be reviewed, we found ourselves practically taking all the same first because she arrived after a few minutes to take the order and when we asked for a few more minutes she stood in front of the table waiting... If I were you I would review this practice because it risks being experienced as an excess of presence. The first courses are as good as is easy to find in seaside areas but the real plus is the fresh pasta which I really appreciated! For the rest, a nice well-kept bathroom with the possibility of parking.


Bar Sport

01/08/2024: If Tania is not there to serve it is very very poor both in terms of service and quality.
30/07/2024: A cool place on sultry days, where you can have an aperitif and relax. Good price, and welcoming girls.


Piada Beach

02/04/2024: Excellent piadina: quality ingredients, possibility to choose spelled and cereal doughs in addition to the classic, very varied menu. Fast service considering the hungry crowd that was besieging the kiosk. Heavy red "Cascioni", in a good way, lots of mozzarella and tomato
25/02/2024: Piadina davvero buona piaciuta a tutta la famiglia, anche alla bimba piccola che l’ha mangiata tutta di gusto! Servizio veloce, condimento abbondante e le ragazze del chiosco sono state davvero disponibili e simpatiche. Ho passato davvero un bel pranzo, Cercherò di tornarci presto! Lo consiglio vivamente!



15/08/2024: The food is always good, but there are several problems. Today for example they hadn't turned on the air conditioning in one sector, the proof was a paltry fan with which they thought they would fool us. After the complaints, the lies about the fact that it was on , denying us a change of table in a cooler sector, the miracle happens: mysteriously it starts to work.... shame that we were already leaving by now. Since I don't like being taken for a ride, I know how to work with the public and how do you treat customers and above all I don't go to a place to leave nervous and pissed off, next time I'll have to choose another place, luckily I'm spoiled for choice...HELLO
14/08/2024: Good Sushi, it's better elsewhere but it's worth trying anyway. The little robot that repeatedly banged into my table was very nice, it created more fun than trouble so that's fine.


Locanda dei Gagliardi

05/08/2024: Structure used for the hospitalization of a family member, clean room, varied breakfast, the only flaw was that the wifi in the room received a low signal. Restaurant not used as Thursday is the day of rest.
12/06/2024: New management, absolutely worth trying


Bocon Divino

28/07/2024: Noisy environment. I wasn't thrilled.
24/07/2024: Wedding party. The director gave us great help in organizing. Excellent food, perfect location.


Mascalzone Latino Beach

17/08/2024: Very simple place with good pizza
17/08/2024: Good place to eat, recommended. Excellent service.

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