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I migliori ristoranti di cucina italiana in Frosinone

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Ristorante Pizzeria da Gennaro

06/08/2024: Senza lode e senza infamia , il proprietario gentilissimo ed anche i camerieri. Le pietanze discrete . La carne ottima il pesce promosso con la sufficienza . Non prendete l’ antipasto crudità : ostriche fresca mentre gamberi con cattivo odore
26/06/2024: Ristorante pizzeria con un bellissimo locale , personale gentilissimo proprietario attento e sempre disponibile ottimi antipasti di pesce e i primi e poi la pizza sempre ottima con un impasto buonissimo anche col tartufo fresco su richiesta


Al grottino

05/09/2023: for the service I would even give 0 stars! Nothing to say about the quality of the pizza but you are very slow! An hour and a half to have two very simple pizzas (one boscaiola and one white with speck) The table next to us ordered at the same time and it arrived immediately and only after I asked a waiter did the pizza arrive and there weren't even that many people, imagine if it was full! I would invite the owner to put more staff!
19/08/2023: The pizza is delicious but you are very slow!!!! Half an hour to get the drinks and an hour spent for two very simple pizzas! And there were few tables... how will you organize yourself with a full house? I don't want to discredit you also because I'm from Frosinone, I just want to encourage you to become better organised! Force!


Trattoria "La Torre" Da Peppe Olè Se Magna

Campoli appennino
27/08/2024: È la miglior trattoria della zona, ci andiamo ogni anno verso fino Agosto/Settembre è il nostro momento in famiglia. È bellissimo mangiare dei cibi così buoni e genuini in un posto che ti fa sentire a casa, super consigliato
26/08/2024: Carne alla brace tutta secca e dura, non esiste la carta del menù, abbiamo aspettato parecchio nonostante la sala non fosse piena, il conto scritto a penna su un foglietto di carta. Pessima esperienza.



02/07/2024: Fantastic venue with highly qualified staff. Excellent atmosphere combined with equally rapid and precise service. Highly recommended.
09/06/2024: In 2024, can you prepare an aperitif with a packet of chips and peanuts placed like this on the table? I find it inconceivable. Not a small bowl, a container, you have to take them from the package. I'm speechless. I won't go back.


Hostaria La Cantinella

01/07/2024: If you like a place from the 70s that has never been renovated but has never been renovated, then this is the right place. Open kitchen and homemade dishes with delicious handmade pasta. Quality meat second courses and alternatively excellent wood-fired pizza. On the downside, there is no soundproofing, you leave feeling dazed but satisfied.
29/05/2024: Classic Ciociaria trattoria. A little out of the way but at least not crowded even on Sunday. The place is very large with simple but carefully aligned and arranged tables, a large fireplace and a smaller room facing the street. Parking without problems. The owner in the utmost simplicity was very prompt and professional in describing the dishes available. The menu is not extensive but for me it's better this way, few dishes but done well. Four of us had 2 appetizers, one fettuccine with porcini mushrooms and three fettuccine with asparagus and walnuts. I'm a porcini fan but I have to admit the others were better. For the second course, stewed bufalita with excellent sauce attracts loaf of bread and a little chicory. Water, two quarters of red and white and finally liquorice bitters, fantastic black cherry red wine (I took a bottle) and gentian. Three bottles left available without skimping. Account in May 2024 do €. 80 To repeat


Bar Tucci

22/06/2024: Gentilezza, professionalità, accoglienza, non un bar, ma un locale accogliente, dove poter assaporare dei fantastici aperitivi.
06/05/2024: Worst place in Frosinone (stay away) the owner doesn't charge with the POS (card) and tries to cheat the customer with prices that are out of the market.


Ristorante da Silvana

Trevi nel lazio
03/08/2024: We stopped by chance, but returned as soon as we had the chance. The former are of excellent quality. The second courses are also excellent. Delicious french fries. Some negative reviews are incomprehensible.
31/07/2024: Excellent food, all the staff extremely kind.... We will definitely return


Trattoria La Galleria

19/08/2024: Homemade service, super honest price, quality food, recommended
18/08/2024: I come down from Campo Staffi after a terrible experience with the restaurant "La Genziana" (see review), but not before making sure if there was availability in this restaurant in Filettino: a lady replies: "there's room, I'll set you up". We arrive and find 4 appetizers on the table, ready but not requested, non-existent menu. We then order 4 first courses (2 fettuccine with ragù, a parmigiana and a ricotta and spinach ravioli), to drink very fresh and good tap water... but from the tap; generous portions and good flavors. I go to pay the gentleman who says: €100!!! I smile, I thought he was joking. Instead he was very serious. I tell him: "Excuse me, €100 is definitely too much!". He says: "Give me €90, but that's not correct", and gives me the rest. Me: "Keep the €10, it's the tip." The restaurateur's daughter with false condolences: "Well, the raw materials have increased." Obviously I asked for the RECEIPT because he had no intention of doing so, in fact it was not issued to the 8 people at the next table (from whom he took €270). Family-run restaurant, run by an elderly, provincial gentleman with a typically Ciociaria "culture" who in a period of lean times thought of making the cut and "de provacce" with tourists. I'm from Rome, I don't need to come to Filettino, it was a forced move, when I want to go on holiday in the mountains I go to the Dolomites. Did you need €30? Here, I gave them to you. Trade is a serious matter dear sir. Ad maiora.


Pizzeria Ristorante La Taverna Del Buongustaio

01/09/2024: Horrible treatment arrived at 8pm to avoid the congestion on Saturday evening with my table plus one for 4 and one for 2 x trying to eat an appetizer and a pizza (which we gave up on) it took us a good 1 hour and 40 minutes abandoned by the staff in the oblivion of the passage of time I made complaints to which the alleged owner (I assume he didn't qualify) replied that it's like this at his house so I presume that his is not a restaurant but a house that this gentleman makes available to paying guests. I'm not used to being treated like this by anyone so I preferred to give up these probably good pizzas and I paid. Naturally, being a paying guest of a house, there's not even a receipt. Logically I'll evaluate what to do because I'm not going out to dinner. let me be insulted but rather to spend a pleasant evening.
18/08/2024: 45 minutes for a time I'll pick it from the lawn 🌼


La Stella

12/01/2024: 4 qualità-prezzo scarso. Chiesta carne ben cotta...portata al sangue. Riportata indietro e dopo 10 minuti ritorna bruciata. Prezzi altissimi rispetto alla qualita'. I prezzi non si possono vedere in precedenza perche' non c'e' un menu scritto. Tutto a voce. Servizio molto lento. Sicuramente non ci torneremo.
12/01/2024: 4 value for money. Ordered well cooked meat...brought rare. Brought back by the waitress and after 10 minutes it came back burnt. Very high prices compared to the quality. Prices cannot be seen in advance because there is no written menu. All verbally. Very slow service. The nice reviews are in most cases from local people... check. We will definitely never go back again.


Agriturismo La Polledrara

21/12/2023: Quando professionalità ed eleganza si incontrano creano un fantastico connubio di colori e dolci atmosfere. Dall'antipasto al dolce tutto perfetto, il tutto accompagnato dal calore del camino e la bravura di tutto il personale
10/12/2023: Un posto magnifico , abbiamo soggiornato camere pulite confortevoli e calde! Il ristorante divino la signora Donatella una forza della natura gentile cordiale punto di forza del ristorante il sig. Ennio e Luca preparatissimi gentili e davvero competenti . Lo chef non lo abbiamo visto di persona ma i suoi piatti parlavano della sua professionalità abbiamo mangiato poche volte così divinamente. Una location perfetta cena davanti al camino insomma da provare . Grazie di cuore per averci fatto passare un ponte dell immacolata che ricorderemo per sempre !


Ristorante Margherita

19/08/2024: We went on August 15th, very good food, due to the huge turnout, the service wasn't the best.
22/07/2024: I am a person who usually adapts a lot, but this time I decided to leave my review because the owners were unfair... initially you are offered the dishes of the day verbally without a written menu and when you get the bill you find the surprise , you are asked the question before the bill how you want to pay and if you don't pay in cash you will find the surcharge, we took three different first courses and they all had the same price 15 euros each, a veal steak 15 euros, a small plate of salad full of vinegar 5 euros.... a tip if you are in those parts ask for the prices first.


Ristorante Del Pescatore

14/07/2024: Posto molto bello.Servizio eccellente,personale gentilissimo e veloce,cibo ottimo sia carne che pesce e un prezzo giusto.Esperienza positiva che rifarò
13/07/2024: serata in un luogo tranquillo e ventilato in queste serate estive abbiamo ordinato la pizza e sono rimasto deluso e lasciata completamente nel piatto sconsiglio vivamente in quanto poco cotta e senza lievitazione e pomodoro acido ... inoltre senza una luce all'esterno è da paura ...spero prossima volta con menu di carne alla brace di rimanere soddisfatto ...


Ristorante Pizzeria 377 Da Teresa

16/05/2024: Ci siamo arrivati perché indirizzati da hotel vicino. Ambiente elegante e proprietaria segue gli ospiti con consigli su menu’. Speciale l’antipasto, i bucatini all’amatriciana e il coccio di pesce. Ottimo rapporto qualità /prezzo. Da provare e ci torneremo!!
06/05/2024: Nin possiamo raccontare del cibo e della sua qualità perché non ci e’ stato dato il modo di provarlo. I fatti la sera del 4 maggio ore 22 abbiamo provato a entrare per mangiare una pizza. Il locale era regolarmente aperto , non in fase di chiusura, con un certo numero di clienti al tavolo che stavano cenando e molti tavoli liberi. Alla ns richiesta al personale di sala se erano disponibili 4 posti ( tutti adulti) per cenare ; ci e’ stato chiesto se avessimo prenotato! Alla nostra risposta “ no”! Ci e’ stato negata la cena. Poco male 100 mt avanti abbiamo trovato un’ ottima pizzeria che ci ha accolti.


Ristorante La Pineta

Monte san giovanni campano
30/04/2024: I was invited to a graduation party at the place in question and I could see the rudeness and carelessness of the waiter towards us. He removed the plates without asking and brought the next courses in a great hurry as if we were a burden. At a certain point he kicked out the cake and disappeared, we had to go on a treasure hunt to find him and have the cake cut. Terrible service
30/04/2024: As soon as we arrived the lights were off and the door was closed even though I had booked to celebrate an event. Owner annoyed with every request, rudeness at the highest levels. When I told him all this the response was "that's how it is" with a presumptuous air. Never again.

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