Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristoranti in Molise

1033 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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Al Ghiottone

21/04/2024: Place closed and for sale!! Update because it no longer exists





A ' Sartagn

16/07/2024: La mia prima volta da asporto dallo chef Amedeo. Avevo una bottiglia di buon bianco da battezzare, dono del mio preside, cosa abbinarci? Cous cous di mare e frittura eccelsa che si scioglieva in bocca. Solo per veri intenditori! P.S. Stavolta non ho fatto in tempo a fare le foto
03/07/2024: This is an amazing little gem for eating yummy fish in Termoli- away from the tourist traps and traffic near the old town! There are few tables but we prefer to do takeaway and enjoy well prepared fish dishes in the comfort of our house. Ever time we visit this place we are always pleasantly surprised by this restaurant’s fresh fish offerings and the ability of the owner/chef to adjust his dishes to different needs (No garlic, no hot peppers, you name it!). From appetizers to entrees, there is something for every palate. You must call and order many hours in advance-via WhatsApp. Ask the owner what is in season and let him surprise you!!


Osteria del Paradiso

25/05/2024: Semplicemente fantastico! Disponibilità massima e pronti ad accogliere ogni esigenza per soddisfare il cliente. Prezzi più che modici!!!
29/03/2024: Questa osteria ti fa sentire a casa tua: la gentilezza, la simpatia e la bontà del cibo semplice e genuino rendono questo luogo un'ottima sosta ad Isernia. Consigliatissimo!

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