Excellent inn. Top food and atmosphere.
Highly recommended.
paolo pasquale venturini
19 Febbraio 2025
Dinner with friends. I was expecting slightly lower prices.
Federico Sciarrini
16 Gennaio 2025
La Mulinella es uno de los mejores restaurantes que he encontrado en Italia. Pasta y pan caseros. Este restaurante de propiedad familiar todavía tiene el corazón de la auténtica cocina italiana en el corazón de un hermoso ambiente. No olvides la Panna Cotta y otros postres caseros. Bien vale la pena el viaje de 3 minutos en coche en las afueras de Todi. Me detengo cada vez que visito Italia. Muy recomendable.
Wayne L
13 Gennaio 2025
We ate for lunch in this very small restaurant, the small and crowded room cost around €30 per person and we only had one course each. The quality of the food was decent, but the most absurd thing was that the cover charge alone cost us €18 - €3 per person. I find it really absurd for a piece of bread.
Carla Pa
10 Gennaio 2025
Good food, very generous portions
Daniela Cavestro
02 Gennaio 2025
Buon ristorante con portate tipiche umbre. Per antipasti abbastanza semplici. Ho gradito primi piatti tipici umbri, anche con tartufo, e opzione pasta senza glutine. Per secondo ho ordinato agnello con funghi porcini, ma non ho gradito la qualità della carne e il taglio spezzatino, il sugo copriva il sapore della carne. Per vino ho ordinato alcuni vini rossi umbri molto buoni, in particolare il sagrantino. Per digestivi poca scelta. La location abbastanza isolata e lontana dal centro storico, sala stile molto semplice, forse un po’ datata da rinnovare arredo. Personale cordiale. Prezzi nella media. Nel complesso non l’ho preferito, ma era comunque frequentato da famiglie, la sala era piena.
18 Novembre 2024
Good restaurant with typical Umbrian dishes. For fairly simple appetizers. I enjoyed typical Umbrian first courses, also with truffles, and the gluten-free pasta option. For the second course I ordered lamb with porcini mushrooms, but I didn't like the quality of the meat and the stew cut, the sauce covered the flavor of the meat. For wine I ordered some very good Umbrian red wines, in particular the Sagrantino. For digestives, little choice. The location is quite isolated and far from the historic center, the room is very simple in style, perhaps a little dated in need of refurnishing. Friendly staff. Average prices. Overall I didn't prefer it, but it was still frequented by families, the room was full.
Espedito Barrucci
18 Novembre 2024
If you are in the area I recommend an excellent family environment
Maurizio Picco
09 Novembre 2024
Simple menu but excellent raw materials and preparation. Kind and well-stocked cellar with local wines
Nicola Rossi
06 Novembre 2024
Family restaurant just outside Todi
Genuine cuisine and kindness on the part of the restaurateurs
Try the typical dishes of the area prepared with local ingredients
giuliana ventricelli
19 Ottobre 2024