Capitolo Due In Cagliari


Basado en 492 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs


Di 1.125
in Cagliari

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Google 298 9.2
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TripAdvisor 382 9
Excellent food and excellent service, friendly and professional staff. Good value for money
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28 Dicembre 2023
We celebrated my birthday in this beautiful and elegant venue....we ate good and refined dishes...the service was discreet and present at the same time..we will definitely be back...highly recommended😄
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15 Ottobre 2023
Historic and elegant place at the same time where you can enjoy excellent dishes with unique flavors accompanied by soft background music and the kindness of the ever-present staff... we will definitely be back
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12 Ottobre 2023
Bel locale, accogliente, dotato anche di tavoli all' esterno, con personale sorridente (Angelica e Giuseppe sono stati splendidi), cortese e professionale. Ricette originali intrecciate ad altre più tradizionali ma interpretate in modo intelligente. Buona scelta di vini, dolci interessanti. PS bagni puliti e confortevoli ma possiamo eliminare il cestino rotto dal bagno uomini? Non è congruo con la qualità e la cortesia.
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in TripAdvisor
07 Ottobre 2023
Very good and beautiful place! My friends and I went for dinner and we loved it! Good and special pasta dishes and typical dishes! Not to mention the dessert!
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03 Settembre 2023
Excellent dinner and equally impeccable service. There was a small mistake with my partner's order of dish, and while waiting for the right dish to arrive he was offered a starter. But even without this courtesy the experience would have been more than positive: everything was delicious and the service extremely courteous. I absolutely recommend!
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16 Agosto 2023
Very nice restaurant and pleasant waiters. However, the meal is very expensive (€5 for a shrimp) and the rest is served in small quantities… Go your way if you want to eat well!
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16 Agosto 2023
Abbiamo prenotato un tavolo per le 21,00 appena arrivati ci anno fatto accomodare sul Corso, bella atmosfera di un venerdì sera Cagliaritano con il suo allegro passeggio. Il tavolo è riparato da una pianta che ci divide dai passanti. Subito cordiali e affabili abbiamo ordinato chiedendo delucidazioni al maitre, che oltretutto ci ha consigliato un eccellente vino. Il servizio è stato veramente celere, i piatti sono realizzati con stile e sapienza, un bel ristorante assolutamente sopra la media. Si vede che c'è ricercatezza e materia prima eccellente. Tutto buonissimo. Grazie per la bella serata. Il prezzo più che è qui!!!
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in TripAdvisor
14 Agosto 2023
Amazing food, great atmosphere and very nice staff! Especially the tuna was out of this world! The owner of the restaurant gave as a ride to our hotel as we couldn’t find any taxi or bus on Sunday night! Amazing hospitality! Highly recommended ! Thank you very much.
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14 Agosto 2023
We booked a table for 9pm as soon as we arrived and were seated on the Corso, the beautiful atmosphere of a Friday evening in Cagliari with its cheerful strolling. The table is sheltered by a plant that divides us from passers-by. Immediately friendly and affable, we ordered and asked the maitre for clarification, who also recommended an excellent wine. The service was really fast, the dishes were made with style and skill, a nice restaurant absolutely above average. You can see that there is refinement and excellent raw material. All very good. Thanks for the lovely evening.
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in Google
14 Agosto 2023

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