Trattoria della Fortuna In Monterotondo


Basado en 339 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



Di 144
in Monterotondo
Di 55
di cucina Italiana in Monterotondo

I clienti commentano i loro piatti di...

semplice pasta caffe spaghetti dolci signora

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Google 268 8.4
Recensioni Nota
TripAdvisor 76 8
Questo locale va frequentato tutte le volte che si puo' perche' si sta bene in sala grazie ad un servizio attento, veloce e professionale, perche' si mangia bene e di qualita' , non una volta, ma sempre e perche' ,se non ci fosse, non avremmo piu' la scelta tra cucina italiana di qualita' e il resto... Certo non appartiene ad una multinazionale e quindi la gestione non e' facile, senza fare compromessi sulla qualita', trovando l'equilibro tra prezzi e quantita' di clienti, in un contesto di costi crescenti e clienti in diminuzione. Immaginate pero', un Italia sul modello delle citta' anglosassoni con catene , sempre le stesse, con menu, sempre uguale, fatto con materie prime economiche (un pericolo per la nostra salute) e servite da robot...e venite a mangiare qui!
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10 Agosto 2024
Excellent food, very nice place and family atmosphere.
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07 Luglio 2024
E' incredibile rimanere sempre sorpresi dopo diverse volte esserci stato. La verita' e' che la base di ogni attivita' di successo come questa e' la cultura del lavoro, del sacrificio, del dettaglio, del fare non tanto per fare o per i soldi ma per puntare alla eccellenza prima per se stessi e poi per lasciare un ricordo indelebile nel cliente : questa qualita' rara e' riscontrabile nei gestori e in tutto lo staff! Poi competenza, professionalita', talento fanno parte del dna di questa famiglia da quasi cento anni e pure questo e' un fatto oggettivo. l clienti ringraziano, sono riconoscenti e fedeli negli anni : un plauso lungo, continuo,meritato!
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14 Giugno 2024
Pleasant welcome in a lovely garden. The dishes on the menu are excellent, combining imagination and tradition. Note of merit for the service: each course is presented on the beautiful plates of the "good service" of the past. Good quality/price ratio.
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24 Maggio 2024
Everything I ate was exceptional!!
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09 Maggio 2024
Classic place that maintains its traditions with elegance and humility, beautiful outdoor garden on Sundays accept reservations for lunch until late, fabulous food that varies from simple to elaborate dishes but without exaggerating. I advise
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05 Maggio 2024
Excellent discovery. Special menu with dishes from various cuisines and styles. Not just Rome and Lazio. The level is definitely higher, but much higher than average. It's not a trattoria at all but a restaurant that doesn't hold back. The wine list is humble but sincere. The location can be deceiving but it feels good inside. Outside it is bucolic. Sweet top. Well done.
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30 Aprile 2024
I can only highly recommend this place for many reasons. Exceptional quality of excellent raw materials, worked with skill by a true chef, and you can feel it. Nothing is banal, everything is refined: from the setting of the tables, or ancient finger paintings on the walls, to the combinations of ingredients that demonstrate mastery of our cuisine and others, because the world is one. Praise for the creamed cod, but no less the cacio e pepe, the "Italian" spring roll, the vitiello with tuna sauce, the tongue with the three sauces, the nun's head. The wines are also excellent, next time we will try the house one, to reduce the price a little and taste something else. We will definitely be back. Friendly and prompt staff. Excellent coffee. And thanks for the final initial gift, this is how customers are pampered, well done!
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15 Aprile 2024
I had heard about it and as soon as the opportunity arose to find me near Monterotondo for work we popped in for a quick lunch. We are between road and railway, but internally a nice little porch, with well-spaced tables, creates a nice situation for lunch. The place inside is measured and even a little rustic, but the interesting and particular menu is absolutely not rustic. Greetings from the house with a well-breaded olive filled with nduia and buffalo ricotta... the consistency of the breading was good, but the flavors contained within were lost. Very interesting and refined appetizers: we order a selection of cheeses produced by bunkers in Brunico and a taste of raw ham that warm up our expectations. A little white frascati from the house accompanies ours. work chatter and the short wait for the arrival of a "Scarpariello" with Felicetti spaghettone and Piennolo tomato, ordered so as not to forget the flavors of Campania and my loved ones. Very good dishes and, a nice surprise, finding them on the menu in Monterotondo. We finish with two slightly burnt Sicilian cannoli (not up to par with the rest) and two coffees sweetened by two samples of very good chocolate salami (my grandmother made it). Then a super positive experience to be repeated to taste the entire menu. Prices appropriate to the proposals and praise for the service, with a kind, attentive and professional girl. I would therefore say that I am lucky to have found... this restaurant.. Another Sunday lunch visit which confirms the quality of the products and creativity. I would say perhaps greater attention to waiting times: we sit at the table at 2pm and get up at 4.30pm.
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25 Febbraio 2024

Ristoranti simili a Roma


Ristorante La Marina

14/08/2024: Welcoming place, friendly and professional staff, excellent quality variety of fish and shellfish, well-assorted wine list, excellent value for money. Well done guys. Highly recommended.
13/08/2024: Good, fresh and original. Really good.

Marziali 1922

01/09/2024: We met him by chance and we returned for a couple more days, the food was great, good wines and the friendly staff, they treated us wonderfully and we didn't have any problems with the language, special mention for Savi and another tall dark-skinned boy who were great, thank you! !
30/08/2024: You don't even have time to choose two pieces of toast which peremptorily invite you to go to the cash register. Two coffees served as if they were revealing the Word to you. The takeaway bag is the best. The common denominator with many other places of this type is the inability to make a coffee worthy of the name.

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