Ristorante Macelleria Motta is an exceptional meat restaurant in the village of Bellinzago Lombardo, a few steps from Martesana.
The restaurant is famous for its typical Northern Italian dishes mainly based on meat.
The entrance is characterized by an immense cell for preserving meat with a large glass to show customers the numerous types of matured and fresh cuts.
The environment is very formal and refined, Michelin-starred restaurant style.
The staff is very friendly, knowledgeable, attentive and professional.
The food is phenomenal. We ordered 2 tasting menus (see attached photos) accompanied by 3 types of wines chosen by the sommelier.
The dishes, in my opinion the best, were the meat tartare and the duck, both served as a starter.
The tortellini, served as the first course, were also excellent.
The 3 cuts of meat chosen by the butcher/chef were really tasty, delicate and cooked to perfection.
But the appetizers remain the best.
Highly recommended 😇
Team*Arrow Pesca Sub
01 Febbraio 2025
Characteristic place just a few minutes from Milan: you enter and you are in a butcher's shop, then you take a few steps and you are in a small and well-kept restaurant, elegant but just right.
Professional waiters, well-executed service.
The cured meats are of exceptional quality, in particular the bresaola and the raw ham aged for 7 years. The meat was equally good, we took a 3.7kg Florentine steak for 5 people, divided into 3 different cuts; the only flaw was that we asked for it rare, while the cuts arrived one rare, one medium and the other well done, and the wines arrived slightly warmer than they should have, but very good.
Special and extremely delicious desserts.
Medium-high bill but commensurate with the great quality of the raw materials.
I will return, also with a view to giving the 5th star.
Very recommended.
Fabio Riserbato
28 Gennaio 2025
I started to get to know the butcher's shop (and the owner, Sergio), which specializes in Piedmontese breed meats, before arriving at the restaurant. Even though it was closing, he let us taste some of his cured meats and long-aged meats: two wonderfully seasoned bresaolas, a 7-year-old ham that melted in your mouth. I took some together with two salamis.
10' later we arrived at the restaurant, where a courtyard allows you to park the car.
From the menu we choose two tastings and ask to replace the first course with further meat tastings.
As appetizers we tried the 4 month dry-aged beef tartare (stupendous) and the roasted artichoke with cheese and pepper sauce (so good that even my son who doesn't eat any ate it...).
The two tasting plates of grilled ox parts (16th century fireplace) arrive and are good...
The wine was good, the dessert without personality (two sorbets) and the bill adequate.
Fabio Giulio Pirrotta
26 Gennaio 2025
I was there as a guest with a tasting menu. Kingdom of the Meat, I found it good but not excellent. Excellent, attentive service. However, I wasn't crazy about the place (for example the floors look like an apartment) and the furnishings (the entrance is more to my taste).
Fa Rossi
26 Gennaio 2025
Excellent fillet cooked as I wanted. If you want rare meat, please specify
Maria Patrizia Calabrese
24 Gennaio 2025
Overall, the place is welcoming but with some flaws. It's not clear whether it wants to convey the idea of a high-level restaurant or something more down-to-earth, a discrepancy between the quality of the food (given the high price) and the quality of the service. The dining room staff were very friendly but the service was too slow even though there were only 6 people in the room including my partner and I. The carpaccio with walnuts ordered as a starter was excellent, hence the high expectations for Fiorentina which unfortunately left something to be desired. You want the cooking, you want the different quality of the meat in this case of Piedmontese beef but it wasn't exceptional. The toilet available to customers was not very clean and tidy, the environment was a bit cold. I'm sorry because I had high expectations and it was recommended to me but I won't be back, the service and quality of the food don't justify the €176 spent for 2 without wine but only 1 beer for the whole dinner. The presentation of the dishes was not very careful and left something to be desired. I would advise you to review the prices of the food or increase the quality of the service and the speed of it, such a discrepancy is a bit jarring for the customer.
12 Gennaio 2025
I felt the taste of excellence when it comes to meat, especially beef. The charcuterie board is perhaps the best I've ever eaten.
The service is very formal (at times, too much) and attentive. The environment is refined, even if the choice of music is decidedly out of place.
I was surprised and disappointed to find a menu that was decidedly different from the one published on the site (which actually says autumn and we are in January). More than anything, you choose the place also based on the prices which however in the menu published online presents first courses at €14/16 whereas today they cost €20/22 (in spite of inflation in 2 months).
In any case, the portions are generous and you leave satisfied, also thanks to the entrees and sweets offered.
Worrying to see 5 tables occupied in such a large space on a Friday evening.
Marco Ronchi
11 Gennaio 2025
Partiamo che non c'è il vino che volevo, in carta, pazienza ne scelgo un altro che non c'entrava niente, eventualmente il cameriere poteva dirmelo
Antipasti ottimi, salumi evidentemente artigianali di qualità, tartare ottima
Mi figlia voleva cambiare gli spaghetti al pomodoro (richiesti via email per precauzione visto che mangia poche cose), ma vuole provare la fiorentina
Cameriere mi fa sentire in obbligo di prendere gli spaghetti al pomodoro perché lo avevano preso apposta per noi
Mah, cambia mestiere, ti sto chiedendo un piatto costoso a fronte del fatto che hai speso un euro per una pasta scotta con un sugo che più pomodoro era cipolla, alla fine mia figlia non mangia niente
Carne assaggio misto non ricordo il nome del piatto, in ogni caso ottimi filetto e controfiletto, da evitare fesa e punta d'anca, gomma
Alla fine con la fiorentina secondo me sarebbe stato tuto perfetto, peccato per il cameriere che va bene a lavorare per la mensa ma non per un locale dove lo scontrino x3 è 200 euro, e andava benissimo spenderne 300 per essere trattati meglio
Maurizio B
22 Dicembre 2024
The carnivore's paradise! The Lombard proposal of what I rappresents for the Tuscany "il Cecchini", which I think is selected and cuisine with that cure I only to who loves the own clientele is reserved. Talk to Sergio of his meat, say I eat the stagiona, work or cook, I accompany him if illuminano gli occhi! If you want to voi piace the meat comes to me and him, this is the post dove the potete assaporare in the migliore way.
A carnivore's paradise! The Lombard re-proposition of what "the Cecchini" represents for Tuscany, here each cut is selected and cooked with the care that only those who love their customers are reserved for. If you talk to Sergio about his meats, how he ages them, processes them or cooks them, you will notice his eyes light up! If you also like meat like him and me, this is the place where you can taste it in the best way.
Рай для stupid! Learn more about this, the «Canadian» snowflake in Cambodia, здесь каждый кусок выбирается и готовится с заботой, которая преназначена только для тех, кто любит своих клиентов. If you want to be able to do this, on the other hand, you will be able to do this, Thanks for the snow, the snow, the snow snow! Если вы любите мясо так же, как он и я, то то место, где вы можете Take a look at the rest of the room.
Ray dlya kishchnikov! The Lombards are located in Togo, the "Chekkini" province of Tuscany, with the name of the province of Tolko in Gotovitsya, where the customers live. Yesli vy pogovorite s Serdzhio he is myase, he is tom, he is vyderzhivayet, he is a workman, he is zametite, he is a glaza zagorayutsya! Yesli vy lyubite myaso tak ze, kak on i ya, eto to mesto, gde vy mozhete poprobovat' yego nailuchshim obrazom.
Thank you for watching! The slightly less expensive screwdriver is also available It's a great way to get away with it. These are the ones that are worth the effort It's a wonderful place to stay and you'll be able to get away with it! Thanks for watching It's a nice snowflake.
I'm going to rakuen the dōbutsu! The `chekkīni' of the tosukāna is the arawasu there where the fukkatsu is lying. Kokode wa, kaku katto ga sentaku sa re, kokyaku o aisuruhito dake ga yoyaku sa rete iru yō ni chūi shite chōri sa rete imasu. Serujio is the best in the world, kare is the best in the world, kare is the best in the world, kare is the best in the world, kare is the best in the world, kare is the best in the world! Kare to watashi to onajiyōni niku ga sukinara, the grandfather of the anata ga sore o saikō no hōhō de ajiwau koto ga dekiru bashodesu.
A Paradise for Flesh Freshers! The Lombard redistribution of this, what "the Cecchini" stands for Tuscany, here each piece is prepared with regret and prepared only for those exclusively reserved for those your customers love. When you talk to Sergio about his flesh, how he changes it, handles it or cooks it, you will notice that his eyes read! Which flesh exactly like him and I, is exactly right here.
Luca Lattarini
06 Dicembre 2024
Torno spesso in questo Ristorante perché circondato da attenzioni da parte del personale di sala. Sono giovani simpatici, molto empatici con chi non si arrocca in atteggiamenti un po' snob. Scelgo di preferenza il lunedì sera per gustare il bollito piemontese. I tagli provengono dalla Macelleria Motta che, con Sergio, ne cura l'allevamento in alcune stalle in Piemonte. Carne di prima scelta e sicura. Infatti è gustosissima e ci si abbandona a più giri degustatori. Simpatica anche la proposizione di taluni tagli di carne tra i tavoli, non certo per propinare il prodotto ma, semplicemente, per mostrare ciò che spesso può sfuggire al cliente e, perché no?, mostrare con orgoglio la propria produzione piemontese.
Bravi! Continuate così, rendendoci piacevoli le serate goderecce.
I prezzi? Signori, quando si mangia e si beve bene, il conto è l'ultimo dei problemi.
Massimo P
07 Novembre 2024