Pasquini 1950 In


Basado en 329 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs


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TripAdvisor 179 7
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Google 223 7.2
Relaxing environment with large outdoor garden, an excellent refuge from the summer heat. We had both pizza and first courses, all good (I recommend the lobster tagliolini and fried anchovies), impeccable service. Spending in line with the dinner and the quality of the raw materials.
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14 Luglio 2024
something exceptional... The negative reviews are not at all reliable. Friendly and friendly staff; we had a bit of everything... pizza (very good, light and crunchy dough), fried anchovies (spectacular), carbonara and spaghetti with meat sauce (very, very good)... we tried the Mastroianni Schiacciata and the fan and the artisanal cream ice cream.... congratulations to everyone, we spent a pleasant and relaxing evening. Highly recommended
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08 Luglio 2024
Very good and traditional food. Very friendly service and very beautiful garden. The only criticism is that the food was a bit cold. But overall very good. Some of the bad reviews are incomprehensible.
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25 Maggio 2024

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Cremeria Corradini

03/07/2024: Strepitoso sia il Gelato che la granita. Gusti speciali ad un prezzo giusto (La qualità e la bontà fa piacere pagarla) sono stato di pomeriggio e non capivo xché ci fosse il numerino, come al supermercato, poi la sera ho capito la gente era in una fila “kilometrica”. E’ difficile oggi trovare la bontà nel gelato, peccato che si trovi ad una ora e mezza dalla mia città. Complimenti sicuramente da consigliare.
23/06/2024: Gelateria che si è sempre contraddistinta per l'ottimo gelato e i gusti tipici toscani. Riprovata dopo diversi anni, continua a essere un gelato buono ma davvero troppo dolce e sinceramente lontano da ogni punta di eccellenza. Gelato da voto 4/5 ma un punto in meno perché, visto anche il costo elevato, trovo inaccettabile che una delle commesse non sia nemmeno in grado di fare un cono decente e, se si ha la sfortuna di essere serviti da lei (guardate mentre aspettate in fila e vi accorgerete subito chi é...) , ci si ritrovi con metà del gelato rispetto alle altre commesse e un cono anche esteticamente inguardabile.

Zion Beach

17/08/2024: A place that didn't inspire anything in me, the menu was poor, few choices, and the portions were very... small! Tested and archived This restaurant did not give me any vibes, plain. The menu does not have any choices, and the portions are not enough. Tried it, done and dusted!
20/07/2024: Seaside restaurant, behind the Torvaianica police station. Unfortunately I had a good memory of this place, broken and erased. The off-menu seafood salad was recommended to us, and it's better to stay the menu! Without comments because it's still edible, but maybe you can find it better at a diner and not for €20! I didn't even bother taking pictures of it! The location is beautiful, especially for the sunset, but we won't be returning.

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