Das beste Essen, das ich jemals gegessen habe! Es war echt lecker, ging schnell und die Kellner waren sehr freundlich und aufmerksam!
Das Desert schmeckt einfach himmlisch.
Ein absolutes Muss für jeden, der Rom besucht!
01 Febbraio 2025
It's really friendly here! Carbonara has a strong peppery taste. The thickness of the noodles feels like udon? It's unusual, but I enjoyed it. Fried octopus is as delicious as you can imagine. Fried food or something. Be sure to ask for a cocktail recommendation here and ask them to make it for you. It’s unique, delicious, and the price is great! The food wasn't what I expected, but they were so friendly that I was happy.
This a good place too eat but they charge you even for non bottle water and the services is not that good but the food is good
Javier Pérez G
10 Gennaio 2025
Abbiamo cenato in questo locale in tre con nostro figlio adolescente. Il cibo è molto buono, particolarmente le costolette d’angelo. L’ambiente moderno è molto curato ed accogliente. Siamo stati molto bene, consigliato
I went with my friends to share a beer, the place was good, the music was good, the waiter at the bar was a little dry at first, the other waiter was very friendly, one of the curlers who served the lounge, then they both behaved great😁 my farewell in Excellent Rome! I left saying KissMe😅
Karen Beizaga
02 Gennaio 2025
Piazza Navona and its suggestive Christmas atmosphere
Elisabetta Guercio
22 Dicembre 2024
Stopped by and had wonderful pastries, so delicious! Had to order more!
Anna L
12 Dicembre 2024
Great place to eat, friendly and helpful service staff, thoroughly enjoyed the evening! The recommendations from drinks to mains were spot on 👍🏼
Yvonne Teo
09 Dicembre 2024
Stopped in for two beers on the way to the Travis at night. Very cool staff!
Ashlee Ellis
06 Dicembre 2024
Tuve una gran cena con mi compañero. El menú era tradicional y creativo al mismo tiempo y nuestros platos de ricota como antipasti y mi pasta como primi piatti eran increíblemente buenos. También el servicio fue amable y el vino que hay sirvió una buena combinación con la comida.
Karissa K
01 Dicembre 2024