Bar Trattoria Santissima In Polcenigo


Basado en 280 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



Di 22
in Polcenigo
Di 18
di cucina Italiana in Polcenigo

I clienti commentano i loro piatti di...

trota gnocchi salame pesce pasta antipasti funghi dolci patate

Gestione recensioni

Recensioni Nota
Google 230 8.4
Recensioni Nota
TripAdvisor 79 8
wonderful place and the food is reasonably good, the desserts delicious
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in Google
14 Luglio 2024
Enchanting place close to the sources of the Livenza.. We eat in a divine way and relax pampered by the kind staff..
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in Google
02 Giugno 2024
Extremely flexible for Italian conditions! A table was set for 12 people at short notice, the orate was even filleted for beginners, friendly and attentive service, and the food was really good!!!! (bln critical!) I'd be happy to come back at any time!!
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in Google
15 Maggio 2024
Local located in a wonderful park at the sources of the Livenza river. The food is very good and tasty, especially the first courses with tagliatelle and gnocchi, the second courses I tried the sea bass which was off the menu, excellent. The cold cuts platter is made up of very good and abundant raw materials. Attentive and friendly staff. Definitely a restaurant to try and return to.
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in Google
28 Aprile 2024
Beautiful place where I love to return. I hope soon.
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in Google
24 Aprile 2024
Good experience for my family! The food it's fantastic and tipical from this area. The location it's in a natural and suggestion resurgence. Thanks!
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in Google
07 Aprile 2024
Storico locale della pedemontana nei pressi di Polcenigo vicino alle sorgenti del Livenza. Era da tempo che non ci andavo, e ho trovato quasi tutto uguale. Tavoloni pieni con comitive parecchio vocianti, piatti locali , frico, affettati ecc. senza particolari novità. Anche la trota continua ad essere la specialità , mediamente buona ma nulla di più. Servizio che con tanta gente da servire faceva il possibile. Prezzi medi.
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in TripAdvisor
04 Marzo 2024

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22/08/2024: Bella struttura con parco alberato. Abbiamo optato per il pesce. Gli antipasti (misto freddo e cocktail di gamberi) non erano eccezionali. La calamarata era ottima e dignitosa la grigliata. Locale da riprovare per le pizze.
17/04/2024: Terrible grill... raw sausage and more😡

Da Gian

07/08/2024: Oggi ho pranzato in questo locale optando per il menù da 14 euro comprensivo di primo secondo contorno acqua e caffè. Tutto molto buono e casereccio, servizio molto gentile e rapido.
07/08/2024: We stopped in this restaurant on our way home and were very satisfied. For lunch they offer an excellent solution, first course, second course, water and coffee for only €14. We ate very well, right portions, homemade and tasty dishes. Highly recommend.

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