We had dinner in this beautiful place, where the atmosphere is characteristic and very pleasant, the service is courteous and the food is excellent.
We opted for the complete menus offered by the restaurant and we were satisfied with the choice. We'll be back!
Very interesting menu proposals, both in the proposed menus and a la carte. The environment is well furnished, with a beautiful atmosphere. The service is impeccable and managed with kindness and hospitality.
Andrew Desmond Hawke
04 Gennaio 2025
I've been frequenting this place for several years now, but unfortunately I haven't noticed much improvement over time. The quality of the dishes is good, reflecting the average of many other Indian restaurants in Turin. We found a small flaw in the service, which was a little too quick, in particular when the waiter took away the accompanying dishes/sauces/bread before we had finished eating. Small improvements could make this place an excellent place to enjoy Indian cuisine.
Mario Pepita
29 Dicembre 2024
“Service a little cold but direct, original and well-kept location, excellent food, consistent bill”.
Fabio Campora
23 Dicembre 2024
When you enter the shop there is a very soothing smell of spices and herbs.
Very relaxing? The decor resembles the atmosphere of a retro Indian palace
The overall decoration style is very exquisite
The sauce for the appetizer before the meal is also appetizing. The grilled prawns and chicken curry are highly recommended. The restaurant is very quiet and the whole atmosphere is very warm.
02 Dicembre 2024
The place is very nice and well-kept, as well as clean. The staff were friendly and helpful. The food deserves a special note among the restaurants
Indians tried so far, it is certainly the best. Whoever is in the kitchen is certainly able to best express this type of cuisine. Very balanced flavors and
excellent preparation.
Nicola Calbi
02 Dicembre 2024
Great food, I highly recommend it.
franco cinquina
30 Novembre 2024
Clean, welcoming. Excellent and fresh food. I highly recommend it.
12 Novembre 2024
Il locale e' piccolino ma curato, il personale molto gentile ed educato. Tempi di attesa minimi. Eravamo in due e abbiamo preferito ordinare alla carta quindi abbiamo condiviso un antipasto misto che era buonissimo così Ome era ottimo il piatto mix di tandoori . Abbiamo poi preso ancora un riso e un curry di lenticchie e fagioli neri eccezional e un gustoso cheese nani! Il dolce non l' abbiamo ordinato solo perché eravamo sazi e soddisfatti. Abbiamo avuto un piccolo problema col vino e sono stati super disponibili nei nostri confronti, davvero gentili! Consigliamo a chiunque ami la cucina indiana o la voglia provare!
26 Ottobre 2024
Era la prima volta,ma dall'esito di codesta serata...non sarà l'ultima! La cucina è arte,l'arte è cuore e quando cucini con cuore si sente. Pietanze veramente gustose, ho avuto l'onore di degustare anche altrui pietanze. Partito con effimere paure figlie di innocua ignoranza, vengono abbandonate dalle squisite forchettate date alle pietanze ordinate. Le danze sono state aperte da semplici ed appetibili antipasti,le spezie hanno fatto da Concierge e le successive sono state degne di nota! Come in un orchestra ho potuto udire una soave melodia, qui le papille gustative hanno potuto percepire ogni singolo sapore fino alla fine!
Degustatore A
23 Ottobre 2024