Through the Smartbox platform we find this restaurant, positive feedback, Vesuvian area. It is located in the old city, narrow streets and local indifference do not allow easy maneuvers to get there, the parking is public for a fee and is located about 200 meters away. Nice place, corner entrance with outdoor tables among the trees, the occupants were mostly locals. The menu is very succinct, reduced to the essentials, some dishes are not well explained, such as the rabbit, which was served in the form of a roulade, the paccheri were not paccheri, but half striped wolf's eyes, as far as we were concerned. The paccheri sauce was too spicy due to the presence of oregano and rosemary, the same preparation for the rabbit sauce. The service was approximate, we were taken to a small room with three tables, almost as if we were second class customers, without taking into account that that Smartbox was worth 120 euros!!! And in total everything didn't cost much, especially a bottle of wine brought to the open table, even if it was from the house. The food was good.
16 Marzo 2025
100 years of history, everything as always, like being at home.
Thank you Sofia, great experience and great pleasure to meet you.
Francesco Esposito
08 Febbraio 2025
Everything absolutely perfect. You can't not go
Rosa Minicucci
04 Febbraio 2025
Clearly superior to expectations... I discovered this tavern through social media, a very nice new location, a beautiful outdoor space, moving on to the kitchen, it promised traditional dishes and the promises were amply kept, sublime ragù, His Majesty the sublime Genoese (the meat was butter both from the Genoese and the ragù) excellent selection of wines, very good value for money but what moved me and made me go back to the good old days were the stentinelli with potatoes cooked by Mrs. Angela (owner and excellent cook) just like my mother did, I will be grateful to her for life for having brought me back to enjoying ancient and genuine flavours.
Competent and helpful dining room staff, the friendliness and friendliness of Enzo (the owner's son) makes the customer feel like a welcome guest, the chocolate they produced as a gift concluded the experience in a worthy way, in short, I highly recommend this experience, I will certainly gladly return .
Ros Soprano
15 Dicembre 2024
Chiudete gli occhi e provate a rivedere le immagini del film ratatuille.
Ecco ecurti fa da portale verso un mondo ormai lontano dal nostro vivere quotidiano dove si rincorre più la forma che la sostanza
Cucina autentica e dal sapore appagante.
In questo ristorante niente iperboli culinarie ma piatti che vanno dritti al punto e che vi lasciano estasiati.
A tutto ciò aggiungete la location molto accogliente e curata e i proprietari che sono tutti da scoprire
05 Dicembre 2024
Typical but refined cuisine, very welcoming environment and truly friendly and helpful owner. ABSOLUTELY acceptable prices. Highly recommended.
Mario Radente
30 Novembre 2024
Lunch with friends, first time for some of us. We found good quality cuisine, where study and experience reign supreme. Excellent service, each dish was explained to us in every detail. Excellent O' Sicchio da Munnezza, I didn't know this dish, really good. The gnocchi with cod are also very good. Average price. I will return as soon as possible
Giovanni Tagliaferri
18 Ottobre 2024
Ottimo ristorante, una garanzia di qualità!
Ormai sono anni che frequento questo ristorante e non ho mai mangiato male,
Sempre top della qualità!
Luigi M
12 Ottobre 2024