Pasticceria Biagio Martinelli In Aversa


Basado en 369 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



Di 330
in Aversa
Di 130
di cucina Italiana in Aversa

I clienti commentano i loro piatti di...

caffe mela dolci torta crema pistacchio

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Google 324 8
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TripAdvisor 28 6
Excellent breakfasts, prices and service. I had read previous reviews complaining about high prices, but in my opinion these are people who have never left their home. I recommend.
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in Google
24 Febbraio 2025
We had breakfast here on December 24th. Beautiful environment and everything super good; note of merit for the waiter who was able to advise us in a very pleasant way Edit: we returned and already at 10 there was nothing left, except two tiny croissants with very little filling
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24 Gennaio 2025
Excellent venue Top quality service and products
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17 Gennaio 2025
Good coffee and excellent annurca apple polona from Caserta
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15 Gennaio 2025
Heartfelt congratulations! My sister-in-law tried to buy a sweet escarole pizza that was different from the common savory one. Recipe used many years ago by our grandmothers. No bakery or pastry shop could understand what he was talking about. When speaking with Biagio, the undersigned found a truly immediate professional feeling. Biagio was able to re-propose this recipe in a masterful and unique way! Heartfelt congratulations and not only for this, but in general for everything he produces, especially for his panettone of these last holidays which are sensational to say the least! A professional who puts love into what he does...
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08 Gennaio 2025
Mia cognata ha cercato di acquistare una pizza con scarole dolce diversa dalla comune salata. Ricetta in uso molti anni fa dalle ns nonne. Nessun panificio o pasticceria è riuscito a comprendere di cosa parlasse. Il sottoscritto parlando con Biagio ha trovato un feeling professionale davvero immediato. Biagio è stato in grado di riproporre questa ricetta in modo magistrale ed unico! Complimenti vivissimi e non solo x ciò, ma in generale x tutto quanto produce soprattutto x i suoi panettoni di queste ultime feste a dir poco sensazionali! Un professionista che mette amore in ciò che fa...
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in TripAdvisor
08 Gennaio 2025
This year for Christmas I received an artisanal panettone from Biagio Martinelli which was sublime to say the least. The only flaw is....if I should buy it I wouldn't know what to do.... the flavor isn't written on the red box.
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05 Gennaio 2025
Ho trascorso un’oretta sorseggiando cioccolata calda e assaggiando vari dolci, tutti deliziosi ben bilanciati, con un preciso percorso sensoriale raffinato e gustosissimo. Davvero complimenti per la ricerca e la passione che traspare già appena si varca la soglia del locale, curato nei minimi dettagli mai eccessivo bensì elegante e con carattere.
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in TripAdvisor
03 Gennaio 2025
I was in this very elegant café-pastry shop on a Sunday afternoon. I took a husband and a rustic Polish girl, the latter was truly sublime. The coffees are also very good. Prices are normal. I will definitely return to try their desserts or a good aperitif.
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07 Ottobre 2024
The guys who deserve it should be mentioned. Young, very good. A very refined and welcoming place (two, I read, but I have only seen one). On a scale of 1 to 10, at least 13 for the pastries and the savory aperitif, stuff that you would be there asking for an encore or even a trio of, and you don't do it just out of modesty. Go there and let me know… I'm counting on it!
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02 Settembre 2024

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