Happened by chance while visiting the village, exquisite dinner and very welcoming host without reservation who kindly let me sit down, we ate platters with truffle products, croutons and a world-class polenta with cheeses. Worth trying
Mirko Pasquali
22 Febbraio 2025
A welcoming and well-kept place with taste, kindness and excellent food all at an affordable price, highly recommended!
Alessandra Grandi
06 Gennaio 2025
Very nice place located in a small street in the historic center of Campiglia Marittima, inside there is a very familiar atmosphere, a small well-furnished internal room while in the alley there are some tables for the summer period. We ate a medium mixed cut of all good quality products, we also continued with black Angus carpaccio seasoned with good extra virgin olive oil accompanied with rocket and Grana, or with black Angus tartare accompanied with Burrata and shaved truffle. All washed down with a bottle of red wine recommended by the excellent and professional manager. To finish, the dessert could not be missing, a delicious ricotta mouse with various berries or with fig compote. In the restaurant, as well as tasting good products, you can feel the passion of the managers.
Luca Bragaglia
05 Gennaio 2025
Poche parole per confermare il giudizio di qualche mese fa. E' un ristorante di altissimo livello per qualità del cibo e dei vini, questi ultimi per la gran parte a chilometro zero. Tra i piatti in menù il brasato con polenta resta al top, questa volta legato a un piacevole Alicante in purezza. Da non perdere la Coppa del buttero per chiudere in bellezza.
Luciano S
04 Gennaio 2025
Take the cutting board with fig compote. Devastating, peposo and French.
PRO level courtesy and hospitality.
How nice to come here: the promise that my partner and I made to each other is to come here every time we come to Tuscany to visit our family.
Elegant, welcoming and simply fabulous food.
Giulia Paulato
28 Dicembre 2024
Very nice welcoming place, super friendly and super approachable owner, we will more than willingly return because we had a good time and ate very well, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Francesca Pernici
21 Dicembre 2024
Cozy place with very friendly staff. A great choice of food cooked to perfection and the wines on offer were all very good. The right price. Experience to be repeated
Italo Taddei
19 Novembre 2024
Lovely place, excellent food, super friendly and helpful staff, typical atmosphere and great attention to detail
Highly recommended
michela faccenda
20 Ottobre 2024
Un locale simpatico, un servizio di sala eccellente, ottimi consigli quando richiesti, altrettanto ottime spiegazioni alle domande e ai picoli dubbi davanti al menu. La fanno da padroni i taglieri tra cui al top spicca il Bosco Selvaggio con splendido lardo Patanegra, gustosissima mortadella di cinghiale, prosciutto di cervo e oca, crostini ai funghi, bocconcini di pecorini.... In serata fuori menu delizioso lo stracotto di chianina, mentre in menu davvero notevole il fegatello con i fagioli zolfini. Da non perdere al dessert la Coppa del buttero! Di qualità la lista dei vini, soprattutto rossi di area, senza dimenticare vini di altre regioni.
Luciano S
06 Ottobre 2024
Nice little place, original decor and food that lived up to expectations.
Quality crostini and platter but the liver beats everything!
Giuseppe Baraldi
12 Settembre 2024