Jezin… place of my heart. I could write you a poem, but I am forced by external influences to present a farewell letter.
I'm not lying, I kind of miss the fresh air, those Tuesday evenings in spring, on Via Amatrice, strident laughter interrupted a dead silence. Faithful, us, hidden among scaffolding that split the sun's rays, just us, there, always... Faithful. We were faithful to an idea, a culture, a way of life. Faithful to the bar, to society, to laughter. Faithful to you Jezin, for us a home, a safe refuge, an oasis from the suffocating gray of the African. But this was taken away from me, unjustly yanked, and a memory of the jezin remains, a glance is enough to throw me into a world of memories, happy, foggy, of printed smiles, nailed to those troubled chairs, those cheap tables so close and true , which make me forget words, confuse my thoughts. You turn and see the jezin, you speed by on your scooter and you think about what it was for you, what it could have been, and you know, reluctantly, that it will never be anything again. Now I erect a monument harder and stronger than bronze that not even the indomitable time or the eternal storms will be able to erase, poetry. I leave 5 stars for what you have been, you deserve 0, my love, home of memories, land of regrets, tears and sweetness. Eternal sweetness!
Matteo A.
29 Novembre 2024
Sono stato invitato a festeggiare il compleanno di un’amica al Gezin Pub, e devo dire che è stata una serata davvero speciale! Lo spazio è curato nei minimi dettagli, con un’atmosfera intima e accogliente che ci ha permesso di goderci la serata senza alcuna distrazione, ballando e cantando a squarciagola per tutto il tempo. I drink erano ottimi e l’intero staff ci hanno fatto sentire a casa, sempre disponibili e attenti alle nostre esigenze, senza mai essere invadenti. Sicuramente uno dei migliori locali della zona per passare del tempo in compagnia, che sia una festa o una serata “normale”.
Antonio E
06 Novembre 2024