Nice meal in a nice part of town. Great service and view of Roman streets.
Sree Sreenivasan
30 Dicembre 2024
Un'occasione persa. Eravamo stati qui qualche mese fa per un festeggiamento importante, e, memori della bellissima serata trascorsa, ci siamo tornati per un anniversario altrettanto importante. Ma che delusione questa volta! Un servizio approssimativo e sbrigativo, i piatti arrivati prima che finissimo gli aperitivi e serviti insieme alle patatine e olive per l'aperitivo, il vino ordinato e richiesto più volte e arrivato quando avevamo già finito i primi piatti, un coacervo di camerieri sempre diversi che arrivano al tavolo senza coordinarsi fra loro e che non sanno cosa abbiamo ordinato...insomma un pasticcio di cena che ha fatto anche passare in secondo piano la bontà e la qualità delle proposte. Mah, forse siamo capitati in una serata sbagliata, forse perché era sabato e il locale era pieno, o forse perché stavano cambiando turno gli addetti alla sala...non so, e francamente non credo che tutto questo dovrebbe influire sul servizio, in un ristorante così elegante e rinomato e costoso poi! Per finire, avevamo prenotato con The Fork e quindi abbiamo usufruito di uno sconto, ma il conto per un errore ci è arrivato intero, e quindi c'è stata anche la spiacevolezza di farlo notare e farcelo rifare...insomma. Che pasticcio.
28 Dicembre 2024
Good morning,
I would like to share my very positive experience at Doney, very high quality food and breakfasts, an elegant and at the same time friendly environment, thanks to a very attentive and trained staff.
a special thanks to Mrs Giovanna, the room hostess, who always welcomed us with great professionalism, a very bright smile, which in Bergamo, where I live, you don't see on anyone, and excellent preparation in advising us.
A dear greeting to Giovanna and thank you for always making us feel so good!!!!
Noemi Maiolo
17 Dicembre 2024
impeccable service, great coffee, great location!
marco marini
07 Dicembre 2024
Food was delicious!! I went with my mom on a trip to Italy and we were walking around the city and saw this cafe. I ordered the spaghetti and meatballs and I forget what my mom ordered. It was amazing!!!!! 🤩 I can’t even describe the taste it is such an incredible experience. Also the staff was so nice to us. Even though we were American tourists they treated us with such kindness and respect. The cafe has such a nice atmosphere which made us feel very welcomed. Over all 5 star experience I probably think about this restaurant at least twice every day and I miss it so much. I will definitely try to come back soon.
Valentina Lovse
29 Novembre 2024
Open-air lounge on Via Veneto, Doney super elegant, so beautiful that I can't even describe it, quality at the highest possible level, service like a royal palace and...
see if you have class!
Not like those at the bottom, those who say it would take more than D to take VV back to the top... it certainly won't be you to take it!!
She who invites you to go somewhere else, you don't have money to pay for breakfast in D, why are you leaving? You don't go somewhere else!!!
VV is eat always, Federico Fellini Dolce Vita,
Rome eternal city,
and if you don't understand it, there's nothing in your head.
21 Novembre 2024
D is class in its pure state, the maximum, of quality, of elegance, of everything you can ask for in a proper place,
but, the common people, how do you explain it to them?
they give 4/5, 3/5, 2/5 and don't understand that in this way they give the best picture of their own misery.
c.ssa L.Th. von W-G (left).
18 Novembre 2024
Luxury, class and quality pushed to the highest possible level in Via Veneto which is always the same
Rome eternal city, wonderful city like no other pure pure dream like Doney,
and there are those who have the courage to give 4/5, 3/5...
and they also complain about the price why don't you go to the Rolls dealer ehhhh what a scandal how much does it cost, can't you charge it like a juke?
but even those who give 5/5 understand nothing 'very nice' 'very kind instead of the tomato they brought me carrots'
'available' ... but to do whaaaaaaaaaaa???
the tragedy of the democratic world that now the plebeians go to Doney, the common people who want to go there too but since they have absolutely no class, taste or sense of the good and the beautiful, they understand nothing.
Luca Gorgati
10 Novembre 2024
The service is running out a bit... Too bad!
paola de angelis
20 Ottobre 2024
We hebben echt heel lekker gegeten hier. Goede pizza. Paar mooie risotto ballen. Twee lekkere cocktails en een prima biertje. Waarom dan toch maar drie uit vier? De rekening. We waren 100 euro kwijt voor een, in onze ogen, simpele lunch. Wees daar op voorbereid. Dan valt het niet tegen. Het eten gaat sowieso niet tegenvallen. De cocktails trouwens ook niet.
04 Ottobre 2024