Young, welcoming bar. Professional staff. Personally, I will gladly return.
antonio mascioli
09 Febbraio 2025
Breakfast.. Corretto and Coffee… Taaacc… a Smile… by Vincenzo….Aloha….!!!…
Vincenzo Catania
24 Settembre 2024
I was on holiday in Sabaudia for the first time, and, being alone, I had chosen a hotel near a bar. I decided to go in and the staff turned out to be amazing. Every time a person entered or left, they were greeted with a smile: a gesture that, although it may seem obvious, helps to significantly improve the customer's day.
They are all extremely kind and helpful; I had never found a service that impressed me so much.
Since I entered there for the first time, a month has passed, but every day I think about how much they made me feel at home and finding another place with people like that I'm not saying it will be impossible but very very difficult to find, I can't see the It's time to go back
Greetings, Emanuele
Emanuele Marconi
16 Settembre 2024
What a small, quiet, shady oasis a bit far from the hustle and bustle in the center of Sabaudia, but still close. Here you can find space and peace, with a coffee, espresso in the morning, or a drink, beer or aperitif in the early evening. On vacation, after the beach, or simply after work. Here you can meet up with friends or have a business conversation. Plenty of space inside and outside to linger. And there are snacks and 'nashis' too. The boss and the service team? Unobtrusively friendly, yet attentive. You feel comfortable here, typically Italian, and not everything is perfect, but does it have to be? Bar del Corso, not far from the library.
Che piccola, tranquilla, ombreggiata oasi un po' lontana dal trambusto del centro di Sabaudia, ma comunque vicina. You can enjoy peace and pace, enjoy a coffee, an espresso at mattino, enjoy a drink, a birra or an aperitivo in prima serata. When you're away, you can enjoy the beach or the bathroom. I don't agree with my friends or have a conversation. Tanto spazio dentro e fuori per soffermarsi. This also means snack and “nashi”. The captain and the team that serves? Discretamente cordiale, ma attento. Do you feel like you're Italian, but it's not perfect, but you love it? Bar del Corso, not lontano dalla biblioteca.
What a small, quiet, shady oasis a bit far from the hustle and bustle in the center of Sabaudia, but still close. Here you can find space and peace, with a coffee, espresso in the morning, or a drink, beer or aperitif in the early evening. On vacation, after the beach, or simply after work. Here you can meet up with friends or have a business conversation. Plenty of space inside and outside to linger. And there are snacks and 'nashis' too. The boss and the service team? Unobtrusively friendly, yet attentive. You feel comfortable here, typically Italian, and not everything is perfect, but does it have to be? Bar del Corso, not far from the library.
Giovanni Deriu
23 Agosto 2024
Was für eine kleine ruhige, und schattige Oase ein bisschen fern des Trubels im Zentrum von Sabaudia, und dennoch nah. Hier findet man Platz und Ruhe, bei einem Kaffee, Espresso am Morgen, oder auf einen Drink, einem Bier oder Aperitif frühabends. In den Ferien, nach dem Strand, oder einfach after work. Hier kann man sich mit Freunden treffen, oder auch ein Business-Gespräch zwischendurch abhalten. Drin wie draußen genügend Platz, zum Verweilen. Und Snacks und 'Naschis' gibt es auch. Der Chef und das Serviceteam? Unaufdringlich freundlich, dennoch aufmerksam. Hier fühlt man sich wohl, typisch italienisch, und nicht alles perfekt, aber, muss es das etwa sein? Bar del Corso, unweit der Bibliothek.
Che piccola, tranquilla, ombreggiata oasi un po' lontana dal trambusto del centro di Sabaudia, ma comunque vicina. Qui puoi trovare spazio e pace, sorseggiando un caffè, un espresso al mattino, oppure un drink, una birra o un aperitivo in prima serata. In vacanza, dopo la spiaggia o semplicemente dopo il lavoro. Qui puoi incontrare gli amici o avere una conversazione d'affari. Tanto spazio dentro e fuori per soffermarsi. E ci sono anche snack e "nashi". Il capo e il team di servizio? Discretamente cordiale, ma attento. Ti senti a tuo agio qui, tipicamente italiano, e non tutto è perfetto, ma deve esserlo? Bar del Corso, non lontano dalla biblioteca.
What a small, quiet, shady oasis a bit far from the hustle and bustle in the center of Sabaudia, but still close. Here you can find space and peace, with a coffee, espresso in the morning, or a drink, beer or aperitif in the early evening. On vacation, after the beach, or simply after work. Here you can meet up with friends or have a business conversation. Plenty of space inside and outside to linger. And there are snacks and 'nashis' too. The boss and the service team? Unobtrusively friendly, yet attentive. You feel comfortable here, typically Italian, and not everything is perfect, but does it have to be? Bar del Corso, not far from the library.
Giovanni D
23 Agosto 2024