Lunetta Bistrot In Bologna


Basado en 372 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



Di 2.047
in Bologna
Di 834
di cucina Italiana in Bologna

I clienti commentano i loro piatti di...

pizza pesce fritto dolci risotto carne vongole

Gestione recensioni

Recensioni Nota
Google 294 8.6
Recensioni Nota
TripAdvisor 104 9
Excellent place with quality food and friendly and always available service One of the best pizzas I've ever eaten Compliments
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in Google
08 Agosto 2024
As a good connoisseur, menu based on very fresh fish, exceptional dishes from every point of view, in my opinion true works of art. Experience to be repeated. Also not to be underestimated is the kindness and promptness of the waiters who didn't make us wait a moment. Excellent service, I will definitely return to try other dishes.
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in Google
27 Luglio 2024
Beautiful experience in a very comfortable environment with excellent service and praise for the chef who is friendly and available to share his passion with guests. Excellent dishes, excellent raw materials and excellent presentation. We will definitely be back.
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in Google
12 Maggio 2024
Great food, friendliness and service at the right price! To try
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in Google
05 Maggio 2024
Se del buon pesce vuoi mangiare qui alla Lunetta devi andare. Terza volta che ci andiamo e come per le precedenti nulla da dire se non complimenti al cuoco che sa come trattare gli ingredienti di già ottima qualità. Salmone che si scioglieva in bocca, guazzetto spettacolare, spaghetti con le vongole ottimi, frittura mista divina e dolci divini. Ottimo cannonau rosato e compleanno festeggiato divinamente 😍
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in TripAdvisor
28 Aprile 2024
Not bad pizza, good welcome from the staff, good craft beer. To try...
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in Google
07 Aprile 2024
Suburban restaurant with good care of the dishes. Good quality. Courteous, professional and quite fast staff. Adequate portions.
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in Google
07 Aprile 2024
It is worth it, even if it is not inside the old town. Very delicious food, great pizzas, good selection of wines.
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in Google
29 Marzo 2024
Very respectable service Very good food The environment was calm and relaxing to go eat again.
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in Google
23 Marzo 2024
Questo locale è stata una vera scoperta. Quando si entra si viene avvolti da un clima familiare, il pianoforte e i divanetti riproducono un ambiente accogliente e familiare. Il personale è giovane e garbato, il menù non è composto da troppe pietanze perché la cucina è espressa. Ottimo l'impasto della pizza (grano arso top), molto buona la carne salada ed il risotto gamberetti e lime. Una nota di merito: hanno opzioni senza glutine che non si fermano al....pane. Bravi Se avete un cane siete i benvenuti. Prezzi onesti. Consigliatissimo
Più commenti
in TripAdvisor
16 Marzo 2024

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22/05/2024: Very nice place in the center of San Giovanni. Exquisite food and honest prices. The service is a big, or rather a huge flaw. Annoyed and unfriendly employees, one performed the entire service chewing gum with his mouth open and at a certain point he passed by our table, "knocking" on it for no reason, and then continued with his pilgrimage inside the room. Furthermore, they argued with each other throughout the dinner. The girl is an exception: polite, nice and always with a smile. It's a shame because although it is a nice place, and the food is very good, such a climate and service don't make you fully enjoy the moment.
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Barone Rosso

03/08/2024: Luckily there are them who, with their family management, make you feel at home
27/07/2024: My review refers to when the place was called BARONE with the management of DJ Ivo Morini, and I only used the PIZZERIA and RESTAURANT. It closed around July 2023 (and at this point I imagine reopened under new management, given the different name).

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