La Spiga D'Oro Di Sperti Alma In Siracusa


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in Siracusa

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I remembered the quality above all of the arancini in this bakery/pizzeria/rotisserie, in the Bosco Minniti district, under the arcades, a little earlier, coming from the South, than the neighborhood church. I rediscovered this place, now run I suppose by the children, with very young and always courteous, really smart staff, and I found great value rotisserie products at an average price. Particularly worth tasting, in my opinion, are the so-called breaded ones, that is, a sort of trousers of various shapes, baked, filled for example, as per Aretusea tradition, with cauliflower and sausage, with potatoes and sausage, and also the traditional, style also ragusano, with parsley (too much) tomato sauce, etc. . The arancini are equally good and well made, the only thing is that there is no longer that seasoning spread throughout the arancina, which should be blended better and distributed more evenly throughout the product: cutting the arancini in half , which is a useful check for every product, both savory and sweet, essentially the filling remains in a sort of internal nucleus when instead the thickness of the rice, cooked perfectly but above, should be less, leaving much more space for the filling (we tried that classic with ragù, peas and stringy cheese). The arancina that I tasted about ten years ago was truly amazing, one of the best I've ever eaten. Apart from this, an excellent place, well kept, large and clean, to be considered a reference point in the area, even if the competition is notable and very strong. We will definitely be back, to try and recommend.
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01 Giugno 2024
Ricordavo la qualità soprattutto delle arancine in questo panificio/pizzeria/rosticceria, nel quartiere Bosco Minniti, sotto i portici, un po' prima, venendo da Sud, rispetto alla chiesa del quartiere. Ho riscoperto questo locale, adesso gestito suppongo dai figli, con Personale molto giovane e sempre cortese, davvero in gamba, e ho trovato prodotti di rosticceria di grande valore ad un prezzo medio. Particolarmente da gustare, a mio avviso, sono le cosiddette impanate, cioè una sorta di calzoni di varia forma, al forno, ripieni per esempio, come da tradizione aretusea, di cavolfiore e salsiccia, di patate e salsiccia, ed anche le tradizionali, stile anche ragusano, con prezzemolo (troppo) salsa di pomodoro, ecc. . Le arancine sono altrettanto buone e ben fatte, l'unica cosa è che non c'è più quel condimento diffuso in tutta l'arancina, che andrebbe amalgamato meglio e distribuito in maniera più uniforme in tutto il prodotto: tagliando a metà l'arancina, il che è verifica utile per ogni prodotto sia salato sia dolce, sostanzialmente il ripieno resta in una sorta di nucleo interno quando invece lo spessore del riso, cotto perfettamente ma qui sovrastante, dovrebbe essere inferiore, lasciando molto più spazio al ripieno (abbiamo provato quello classico con ragù, piselli e formaggio filante). L'arancina che ho assaggiato una decina di anni fa era veramente strepitosa, una delle migliori mai mangiate. A parte questo, ottimo posto, ben tenuto, ampio e pulito, da considerare riferimento della zona, anche se la concorrenza è notevole e fortissima. Sicuramente torneremo, da provare e consigliare .
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01 Giugno 2024
The best squash and arancini ever
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15 Maggio 2024
The pizza is well seasoned and with a perfectly soft dough. Regular waiting times, kindness and courtesy. Maxi pizzas excellent value for money. Also highly recommended for rotisserie. I confirm everything!
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08 Maggio 2024
Compliments to this pizzeria, friendliness, competence and delicacies ensure a great result.
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29 Aprile 2024
Everything was delicious and the staff were great
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20 Marzo 2024
I had already tried the breaded and pizza trays and they were delicious, yesterday I also tried the round pizza and I can say that they are the best! The sauce was delicious, the dough was soft and digestible, the ingredients were of excellent quality. To be honest I was very angry because I waited so long, they were ready three quarters of an hour after booking, but when I ate them my anger passed. Well done, I understand why you have so many reservations. Maybe next time I'll avoid ordering pizzas on Saturdays, the rotisserie is faster. I want to try the arancini which look wonderful and are huge! Anyway, in conclusion, I highly recommend it! Ah, another positive thing is that the place is spacious and even if there are many of us waiting we don't step on each other's toes
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25 Febbraio 2024

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