Best 100 CHEF 2018 Best 100 CHEF 2017

I migliori ristorantinella città San giovanni teatino della Chieti

62 ristoranti in GastroRanking

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Sciolè Malto & Altro

San giovanni teatino
24/08/2024: I came across this pub by chance, which gave me the idea of ​​being run by true enthusiasts. They have at least 3 types of gluten-free beer. Very attentive to customer needs. Absolutely worth trying if you are near Sambuceto!
14/08/2024: Very tasty sandwiches and other dishes



San giovanni teatino
20/08/2024: The pizza was delicious, as were the kebabs, the pallotte e ove and the chips. There are many varieties of pizzas. I found it very digestible and tasty. I had a Las Vegas, which I really liked, but the steamed pulled pork pizza was also very good. Very fast service. The only flaw if you can find it (but this depends on who is at the other tables) is that the place was noisy and I couldn't hear what my fellow diners on the other side of the table were saying to me. Advised
18/08/2024: Excellent pizza with quality ingredients...


Ristorante marevivo

San giovanni teatino
15/08/2024: Discovered only at the beginning of August, I returned after a week! Everything delicious!
08/08/2024: An interesting place but not within sight. The food is good and the service is excellent. Healthy and well-kept environment . The only thing that is a little disappointing is that the external part cannot be used during daylight hours but it is not up to them. You can eat anything that is r4f


Casa de Campo

San giovanni teatino
10/08/2024: An excellent fish restaurant. I ate the best fried calamari of my entire life. Everything was perfect. The setting, the atmosphere, the staff.
05/07/2024: Kindness, professionalism and love for this profession which is not easy. A choice of raw materials that make the difference Thank you


Dream Cream

San giovanni teatino
13/05/2024: It's the best ice cream shop I've ever tasted, now I can't do without it and the ice cream makers are very kind and
15/04/2024: Slightly expensive but worth it, delicious


Il Delfino

San giovanni teatino
06/06/2024: quiet and clean place. kind and helpful waitress. good first tides. pleasantly presented dish. I'll be back.
29/04/2024: Excellent food and impeccable service super recommended!!!!


Trattoria Del Volante

San giovanni teatino
08/08/2024: The food was very good, but the service was a little long. I had a good time in this restaurant and I recommend you eat here for lunch!!😋😋 Oh and one more thing, the waiter is very nice!!👍✌️
08/08/2024: Very good food, excellent value for money. Spaghetti cooked to perfection and fried dry and tasty. I just recommend paying attention to the rocket (it was limp and old). The rest was excellent and highly recommended. Go there, the staff is friendly and helpful.


Pizzeria Osvaldo

San giovanni teatino
30/08/2024: Vado per una cena con mia figlia e mio marito.una serata come tante di agosto con il solito caldo.enteiamo e ci fanno accomodare in giardino e penso che sia perfetto perché magari anche se siamo all aperto ci sarà un po d aria.niente di più parte esterna del locale é stata coperta con enorme gazebo che di fatto non permette di far passare un filo d aria.non ci sono ventilatori se non uno misero all inizio di questo "giardino".va beh nulla é perfetto..andiamo avanti. Ordiniamo un antipasto della casa,una da dividere in due.quello che arriva é un piattino con 2 fette di prosciutto crudo,una fetta di salame, 1 fetta di lonza,1 fetta di salame piccante e 2 spicchi di formaggio prezzo 8 euro...decisamente troppo il prezzo e decisamente poco quello che c é nel piatto. Ma va beh...andiamo avanti...intanto il caldo é impressionante e sto sudando e vedo gocce di sudare sulla fronte di mio marito e mia figlia si lamenta per il caldo.arrivano le pizze...o quello che dovrebbero essere le grandezza é quelle delle pizzette tonde che prendiamo al mare con l unica differenza che queste sono più alte e gommose.dei veri mattoni.nonostante le dimensioni e la qualità pessima delle pizze il prezzo è come fossero pizze vere e anche qualcosa in piu. Mangiamo quello che si può e scappiamo da questo incubo.pessima cena.fare la pizza é un'arte.togliete la scritta.
30/08/2024: I'm going for dinner with my daughter and my husband. An evening like any other in August with the usual heat. We agree and they make us sit in the garden and I think it's perfect because maybe even if we're outdoors there will be a bit of air. Nothing special. even more wrong... the external part of the place has been covered with a huge gazebo which in fact does not allow a breath of air to pass through. There are no fans other than a paltry one at the beginning of this "garden". well nothing is perfect ..let's move on. We order a house starter, one to split in two. What arrives is a small plate with 2 slices of raw ham, a slice of salami, 1 slice of loin, 1 slice of spicy salami and 2 wedges of cheese, price 8 euros.. The price is definitely too high and what's on the plate is definitely too little. But okay...let's move the meantime the heat is impressive and I'm sweating and I see drops of sweat on my husband's forehead and my daughter is complaining about the heat. The pizzas arrive...or what they should be pizzas...the size is those of the round pizzas we get at the seaside with the only difference that these are taller and chewier than real bricks.despite the size and terrible quality of the pizzas the price is as if they were real pizzas and also something more. Let's eat what we can and escape from this nightmare. Terrible dinner. Making pizza is an art. Remove the writing.


Du' frittur

San giovanni teatino
20/07/2024: excellent welcome with very kind staff and very tasty and well cooked dishes. We were passing through on our way to Puglia and stopped and we don't regret it, an experience worth repeating!!!😍
13/07/2024: Quick break before the airport. Very good fish dishes. Top frying. Delicatessen with some indoor tables... Magnificent


Ristorante IKEA

San giovanni teatino
31/08/2024: The point of sale is supplied in large quantities, there is everything from the construction sector to furniture, passing through to the botanical sector. The food is decent and the prices affordable, an experience to be recommended.
17/08/2024: I ask for a pencil, it no longer exists I ask for a pen, it's not there I ask for a paper son to sketch a kitchen, he is not there I have to design the kitchen with my cell phone, according to the employee Antonino from the Pescara kitchen department. They removed the employees at the checkouts which are now only automatic. A negative transformation that clashes with the IKEA spirit of years ago. A negative transformation.


Il gusto della vita

San giovanni teatino
13/08/2024: It has no equal as a place for breakfast. Congratulations to everyone and all good.
23/04/2024: excellent pizzas, welcoming place 👍


Ristorante Self Service La Palma

San giovanni teatino
24/06/2024: Very good place for a meal break and excellent welcome!
24/01/2024: Unpretentious but with good food


Bar Caffe Valpescara

San giovanni teatino
02/04/2024: Renovated on March 24, welcoming environment, wide choice of products, bar and tobacconist, preparation of sandwiches with fresh products, tables for consumption.
03/02/2024: Kindness, professionalism, quality!!!! What else to add....


Drago d'Asia

San giovanni teatino
23/07/2024: I haven't eaten Asian food this well in years. The service was good and efficient, the only flaw was the lack of air conditioning, otherwise everything was top, the dishes first and foremost. I'll be back.
15/07/2024: It's okay but something more is needed... It seems like they wanted to hurry home, sorry because a person wants to eat calmly



San giovanni teatino
21/08/2024: Very good environment. The guys who serve are very kind. The bruschettas are good. The roasts are excellent. First courses slightly improved in sauces.
20/08/2024: The kebabs are good and the bruschetta is good. The bread is top notch

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